Japanese Made Easy. Tazuko Ajiro Monane

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Название Japanese Made Easy
Автор произведения Tazuko Ajiro Monane
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462901029

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are you going to have?
Kōhii o kudasai.コーヒーをください。Please give me (some) coffee.
Appuru pai o kudasai.アップルパイをください。Please give me (a piece of) apple pie.
Aisukuriimu o kudasai.アイスクリームをください。Please give me (some) ice cream.
Kōra o kudasai.コーラをください。Please give me (a) cola.
Miruku o kudasai.ミルクをください。Please give me (some) milk.
Orenji jūsu o kudasai.オレンジジュースをください。Please give me (some) orange juice.

      2. See if you can order the following items. Turn to page 236 to see the answers.

      a) coffee

      b) sandwich

      c) lemonade

      d) ice cream soda

      e) tea

       Ordering at a Bar

      In this section you will use the sentence pattern from Lesson 1 to order various types of drinks at a bar.


jin fuizuジンフィズgin fizz
Sukotchi uisukiiスコッチウイスキーScotch whiskey
uisukii sōdaウイスキーソーダwhiskey and soda

       Useful Expressions

mizuwari de水割りでwith water and ice
sutorēto deストレートでstraight

       Culture and Vocabulary Notes

      Bars (バー), often called nomiya (飲み屋), are popular places for Japanese people to meet for social gatherings with friends or with fellow employees after work. Izakaya (居酒屋) are a popular type of pub that also serves simple food.

      Mizuwari is a native Japanese word. The de in mizuwari de and sutorēto de is a particle that indicates the style of the drink, or how it is to be made. These phrases can be inserted into Sentence Pattern 1.


Sukotchi uisukii o kudasai.スコッチウイスキーをください。Please give me a Scotch.
Sukotchi uisukii o mizuwari de kudasai.スコッチウイスキーを水割りで ください。Please give me a Scotch with water and ice.

      A sentence like the one immediately above has two particles. One, the particle o, shows what you wish to receive. The other, the particle de, here shows “how” you want to receive it. The particle de has other uses which will be covered later in this book.


      1. Practice using Sentence Pattern 1. Note that the bartender’s question below is the same as the waitress’ on page 20, but the translation is different. What is important to learn is the intention of the speaker, and this is something that is often not clearly shown in a literal translation. Note these differences as you work through this book.

Nani ni shimashō ka?何にしましょうか?What will you have?
Uisukii sōda o kudasai.ウイスキーソーダをください。Please give me a whiskey and soda.
Biiru o kudasai.ビールをください。Please give me a beer.
Sukotchi uisukii o mizuwari de kudasai.スコッチウイスキーを水割りでください。Please give me a Scotch with water and ice.
Uisukii o sutorēto de kudasai.ウイスキーをストレートで ください。Please give me a straight Scotch.

      2. See if you can order the following bar items. Turn to page 236 to see the answers.

      a) beer

      b) Scotch with water and ice

      c) brandy

      d) Scotch straight

       Ordering at a Restaurant

      In this lesson you will learn how to order food at a restaurant. You will also learn how to order two or more items at the same time.


yōshoku洋食Western-style food
Main Dishes
bifuteki (biifusutēki)ビフテキ (ビーフステーキ)beefsteak
biifu karēビーフカレーbeef curry
biifu shichūビーフシチューbeef stew
chikin karēチキンカレーchicken curry
karē raisuカレーライスcurry rice
rōsuto biifuローストビーフroast beef
rōsuto pōkuローストポークroast pork
shiifūdo karēシーフードカレーseafood curry
tonkatsuトンカツpork cutlet
Breakfast Items

       Culture and vocabulary notes

      Notice that all of the dishes listed above are foreign loanwords and are written in katakana. As you’ll discover in the next chapter, there are many Japanese dishes, such as sushi (寿司), teppanyaki (鉄板焼き), and tenpura (天ぷら), that are written in kanji and/or hiragana.

      It is polite to say itadakimasu (頂きます) just before beginning a meal to