From Castle to Teahouse. John B. Kirby, Jr

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Название From Castle to Teahouse
Автор произведения John B. Kirby, Jr
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462913350

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Roof types 20 14. Entrance porch—Kangaku-in 21 15. Tokonoma—Konchi-in 22 16. Arrangement of shelves—Emman-in 22 17. Window-and-shelf alcove—Emman-in 23 18. Decorative doors—Emman-in 23 19. Sliding doors—Hojo of Nanzen-ji 24 20. Two types of shoji—Hojo of Nanzen-ji 24 21. Nail or bolt cover—Kangaku-in 25 22. Finger grip for sliding door—Emman-in 25 23. Carved wooden transom—Nijo Castle 25 24. Cedar doors—Emman-in 26 25. Door between porch sections—Emman-in 26 26. Sliding shutter doors—Nijo Castle 27 27. Shutters—Hojo of Nanzen-ji 28 28. Railings—Sambo-in 29 29. Upper and lower porches—Hojo of Nanzen-ji 29 30. Covered outside waiting bench—Zangetsu-tei 35 31. Stone lantern and cleansing basin—Shoko-ken 35 32. Path with steppingstones—Shoko-ken 36 33. Sword rack—Shoko-ken 37 34. Low entrance—Shoko-ken 37 35. Entrance to large teahouse—Zangetsu-tei 38 36. Teahouse window—Shoko-ken 39 37. Unframed latticework window—Fushin-an 39 38. Pillar and wall with open lower section—Shoko-ken 40 39. Shelves—Shoko-ken 40 40. Room for preparing tea—Shoko-ken 41 41. Sunken brazier for heating teakettle—Shoko-ken 41 42. Detail of painting by Kano Motonobu—Hojo of Nanzen-ji 46 43. Painting on sliding doors—Nijo Castle 46 44. Paintings by Kano Tanyu—Hojo of Nanzen-ji 47 45. Detail of metalwork and paintings—Nijo Castle 47 PART TWO: Representative Examples 46. Azuchi Castle 55 47-54. Osaka Castle 59-62 55-166. Fushimi Castle 67-138 57-59. The Gate of the Sambo-in at Daigo 72-73 60-63. The Gate at Nijo Castle 74-75 64-67. The Gate at Toyotomi Jinja 76-77 68-75. The Gate at Nishi Hongan-ji 78-81 76-79. The Gate at Goko no Miya 82-83 80-83. The Gate at Kodai-ji 84-85 84-112. The Shoin Buildings at Nishi Hongan-ji 86-107 113-35. The Tozamurai, Shikidai, and Ohiroma at Nijo Castle 108-21 136-47. The Kyakuden of the Konchi-in at Nanzen-ji 124-28 148-57. The Karakasa-tei and Shigure-tei at Kodai-ji 129-33 158-66. The Shunso-ro at Sankei-en 135-38 167-76. Nijo Castle 140-44 177-79. Nagoya Castle 146-47 180-96. Imperial Palaces 150-57 180-82. The Gate at Daitoku-ji 150-51 183-96. The Hojo at Nanzen-ji 152-57 197-233. Jurakudai 159-85 198-201. The Gate at Daitoku-ji 162-63 202-19. The Hiun-kaku, Okujaku-tei, and Kokakudai of the Nishi Hongan-ji 164-74 220-25. The Chinryu-tei at the Sambo-in 177-79 226-33. The Fushin-an at Omote-Senke 180-85 234-63. Independent Structures 187-203 234-43. The Omote-shoin at the Sambo-in 187-91 244-52. The Toyobo at Kennin-ji 193-96 253-58. The Tai-an at the Myoki-an 197-200 259-63. The Ryoko-in at Daitoku-ji 201-3 264-68. Other Forms 209-11 264-67. Temples and Shrines 209-10 268. Sanjo Bridge 211



THE MOMOYAMA period of Japanese