From Castle to Teahouse. John B. Kirby, Jr

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Название From Castle to Teahouse
Автор произведения John B. Kirby, Jr
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462913350

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From Castle to Teahouse




       MOMOYAMA PERIOD John B. Kirby, Jr.

      RUTLAND, VERMONT: Charles E. Tuttle Company, TOKYO, JAPAN

      European Representatives

       For the Continent:

       BOXERBOOKS, INC., Zurich

       For the British Isles:


      Published by the Charles E. Tuttle Company,

       of Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan

       with editorial offices at

       Osaki Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032

      Copyright in Japan, 1962

       by Charles E. Tuttle Company

      All rights reserved

      Library of Congress Catalog

       Card No. 62-9361

       ISBN: 978-1-4629-1335-0 (ebook)

      First edition, 1962

      Layout of illustrations by M. Kuwata

       Book design and typography by Kaoru Ogimi


      To Jan


       List of Illustrations


      PART ONE

       The Forms

       1. The Castle

       2. The Shoin Mansion

       3. The Sukiya Teahouse

       4. Paintings, Gardens, and Gates

      PART TWO

       Representative Examples

       5. Azuchi Castle

       6. Osaka Castle

       7. Fushimi Castle

       The Gate of the Sambo-in at Daigo

       The Gate at Nijo Castle

       The Gate at Toyotomi Jinja

       The Gate at Nishi Hongan-ji

       The Gate at Goko no Miya

       The Gate at Kodai-ji

       The Shoin Buildings at Nishi Hongan-ji

       The Tozamurai, Shikidai, and Ohiroma at Nijo Castle

       The Kyaku-den of the Konchi-in at Nanzen-ji

       The Karakasa-tei and Shigure-tei at Kodai-ji

       The Shunso-ro at Sankei-en

       8. Nijo Castle

       9. Nagoya Castle

       10. Imperial Palaces

       The Gate at Daitoku-ji

       The Hojo at Nanzen-ji

       11. Jurakudai

       The Gate at Daitoku-ji

       The Hiun-kaku, Okujaku-tei, and Kokakudai of the Nishi Hongan-ji

       The Chinryu-tei at the Sambo-in

       The Fushin-an at Omote-Senke

       12. Independent Structures

       The Omote-shoin at the Sambo-in

       The Toyobo at Kennin-ji

       The Tai-an at the Myoki-an

       The Ryoko-in at Daitoku-ji

       13. Other Forms

       The Hoko-ji


       Temples and Shrines

       Sanjo Bridge

       The O-doi

       Appendix: List of Other Noteworthy Examples

       Short Bibliography


      List of Illustrations

PART ONE: The Forms
1. Main and subsidiary towers—Himeji Castle 5
2. Moat-Osaka Castle 6
3. Rampart across the moat—Nijo Castle 7
4. Corner tower—Osaka Castle 8
5. Wall building—Himeji Castle 8
6. Wall openings for weapons—Himeji Castle 9
7. Tower gate—Himeji Castle 9
8. Gables—Wakayama Castle 10
9. Dolphin roof ornaments—Osaka Castle 10
10. Trap doors for dropping stones—Wakayama Castle 11
11. Windows—Himeji Castle 11
12. Measuring gate 15