Название | Conversational Japanese |
Автор произведения | Anne Kaneko |
Жанр | Книги о Путешествиях |
Серия | |
Издательство | Книги о Путешествиях |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781462910038 |
Not at all.
Jitsu wa hijō ni ii-nikui no desu ga, otaku no kansōki no oto ga gata-gata to uchi ni hibikimashite, yoku nerarenain’ desu.
実は、非常に言いにくいのですが、お宅の乾燥機の音がガ 夕ガ夕ど家に響きまして、よく寝られないんです。
I don’t know how to say this, but even from my apartment, I can hear your dryer clattering so much that I haven’t been able to sleep.
A, sō desu ka?
Oh, I didn’t realize.
Osoku made kakimono o suru toki mo arimasu shi, yabun wa narubeku oto ga morenai yō ni o-negai dekinai deshō ka?
遲くまで書き物をする時もありますし、夜分はなるべく音が 漏れないようにお願いできないでしょうか。
Sometimes I stay up late writing so I really would appreciate it if you would try not to make so much noise at night.
Hai, wakarimashita. Mōshi-wake arimasen deshita.
I see. I’m very sorry.
Yoroshiku o-negai itashimasu.
Thank you very much.
2.08 Asking Someone to Move a Car
If you need to have a neighbor move a car, a quick conversation through the interphone should suffice.
Sumimasen. Tonari no Tērā desu ga, kuruma o ugokashite kudasaimasen ka?
すみません。隣のテーラーです力\車を勳かしてくださいま せんか。
Excuse me. This is Taylor from next door. Would you mind moving your car?
Sumimasen. Sugu ikimasu.
I’m sorry. I’ll be right there.
2.09 Apologizing to a Neighbor
Apologies should be spoken in a quiet voice and accompanied with bows. In this dialogue, Kate apologizes for a broken window.
Dōmo mōshiwake arimasen. Kodomo ga mado-garasu o watte shimatte, taihen go-meiwaku o kakemashita. O-kega wa arimasen deshita ka?
どうも、申し訳ありません。子供が窓ガラスを割ってしまっ て、たいへんご迷惑を掛けました。お怪我はありませんで したか。
We’re terribly sorry for all the trouble our child caused when he broke your window. Was anyone hurt?
Kega wa arimasen deshita yo.
No, no one was hurt.
Aa, sore wa yokatta. Harawasete itadakimasu no de, seikyūsho o o-mawashi kudasai. Hontō ni mōshiwake arimasen deshita.
あ々、それはよかった。払わせていただきますので、請求書 をお回しください。本当に申し訳ありませんでした。
Oh, I’m so glad to hear that. We’ll pay (lit. We will let you make us pay) so please send the bill to us. I really do apologize.
2.10 Reporting a Robbery
A house break-in is reported to the policeman on duty at the neighborhood police box.
Sumimasen. Yūbe dorobō ni hairarete, genkin o nusu mare-mashita. Dō sureba ii desu ka?
すみません。夕べどろぼうに入られて、現金を盗まれまし た。どうすればいいですか。
Excuse me. Last night our house was broken into and some money was stolen. What should we do?
O-namae to jūsho o oshiete kudasai.
Tell me your name and address.
Namae wa Tērā. Jūsho wa Nakano san-chōme jū-roku-banchi no yon-gō desu.
My name is Taylor. My address is Nakano 3-16-4.
Dewa, chotto matte kudasai. Issho ni ikimasu kara.
Well, just a moment. I’ll go with you (to the house).
2.11 Going on Vacation
If you go on vacation, you might want to ask one of your neighbors to keep an eye on the house. Emily begins by explaining why she has come to see her neighbor.
Jitsu wa, o-negai ga atte mairimashita. Ashita kara Amerika e kaeru no de, ikkagetsu rusu ni suru koto ni narimashita. Shujin no kaisha no denwa bangō ga koko ni kaite okimashita no de, nanika arimashitara, go-renraku itadakemasen ka?
実は、お願いがあってまいりました。明日からアメリカへ帰 るので、一ヶ月留守にすることになりました。主人の会社の 電話番号がここに書いておきましたので、何かありました ら、ご連絡いただけませんか。
Actually, I want to ask you a favor. We’re leaving for the United States tomorrow and the house will be vacant for a month. I’ve written down the telephone number of my husband’s office. Would you get in touch (with the office) if anything happens?
Hai, wakarimashita. li desu ne. Yukkuri tanoshinde kite kudasai.
はい、分かりました。いいですね。ゆっくり楽しんできてくだ さい。
Yes, I certainly will. And I hope you have a nice, relaxing time.
Arigatō gozaimasu. Yoroshiku o-negai shimasu.
Thank you. And thanks for keeping an eye on