Conversational Japanese. Anne Kaneko

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Название Conversational Japanese
Автор произведения Anne Kaneko
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462910038

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      By the way, the other day I went to the yakitori restaurant across the way but it wasn’t good: the food wasn’t good and it had no atmosphere. Do you know somewhere more typically Japanese?


      Nihon-rashii tokoro nē. Eki no higashi-guchi atari ni mukashi kara no izakaya ga nangen arimasu kedo ne.

      日本らしいどころねえ。駅の東口辺りに昔からの居酒屋が 何軒ありますけどね。

      Typically Japanese, eh? On the east side of the station there are several bars that have been there for a long time.


      Sō desu ka. Eki no higashi-guchi. Sono uchi, itte mimasu yo. Arigatō gozaimasu.

      そうですか。I尺の東口。その内、行ってみますよ。ありがどう ございます。

      I see. The east exit of the station. I’ll go and check them out some time. Thank you very much.

      2.04 Ordering a Restaurant Delivery

      You can order pizzas for home delivery and if you’re lucky your local noodle shop may still deliver. Rinse any empty dishes and leave them outside your door. They will be picked up later.


      Demae, o-negai dekimasu ka?


      Do you deliver?


      Hai dōzo.


      Yes, go ahead.


      Shōyu rāmen, mittsu o-negai ne.


      Three bowls of soy sauce noodles, please.


      Hai, dochira-sama deshō ka?


      OK. Who’s speaking, please?


      Pāku Manshon sanbyaku ni gōshitsu no Buraun desu. Narubeku hayaku o-negai shimasu.

      パークマンションの三百二号室のブラウンです。なるべく早 くお願いします。

      Brown. Apartment 302, Park Mansion. As quick as you can please.


      Hai, tadaima.


      Fine. We’ll be right over.

      2.05 Admiring a Neighbor’s Garden

      Small, potted azaleas are a mass of flowers in May and June, and most enthusiasts will be delighted to show you their collection. (Note: the ending ka shira is only used by women.)


      li tenki desu ne. Niwa-shigoto desu ka?


      Beautiful day, isn’t it? I see you’re doing some gardening.


      Ē, chotto.


      Yes, a few odd jobs.


      Mā, migoto na tsutsuji desu ne! Chotto mite ii ka shira?


      Those really are splendid azaleas! May I take a look?


      Dōzo, dōzo. Naka ni haitte mite kudasai.


      Please do. Come inside and have a look.


      Kore wa nensū ga tatte iru deshō ne.


      This one must be very old.


      Hyaku-nijū-nen mae no mono desu yo.


      It’s 120 years old.


      Kanroku ga arimasu ne. Tenji-kai ni dasun’ desu ka?


      It’s very impressive. Will you enter them in an exhibition?


      Ē. Ima sono junbi ni kakatte irun’ desu yo.


      Yes. I’m getting them ready for one right now.


      Subarashii desu. Arigatō gozaimashita.


      Wonderful. Thank you very much.


      lie. Mata dōzo.


      Not at all. Come again.

      2.06 Warning Neighbors About a Party

      Your neighbors will appreciate being warned that you plan to have a party and that it may be noisy.


      Konban wa.


      Good evening.


      Dōzo, dōzo.


      Do come in. (lit. Please, please.)


      Iya, genkan-saki de shitsurei shimasu. Anō, ashita no ban, tomodachi no sayōnara pātei o uchi de suru koto ni natchaimashite, sukoshi urusai ka mo shiremasen ga yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

      いや、玄関先で失礼します。あのう、明日の晩、友連のさよ うならパーテイを家でするこどになっちゃいまして、少しう るさいかも知れませんが、よろしくお願い します。

      No, I’m fine here at the door. I’ve just come to tell you that I’ll be giving a farewell party for a friend tomorrow evening. It may turn out to be rather noisy but I hope we don’t disturb you.


      lie. O-tagai-sama desu