Being a Priest Today. Rosalind Brown

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Название Being a Priest Today
Автор произведения Rosalind Brown
Жанр Журналы
Издательство Журналы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781848253445

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the previous chapter we said that the presbyter is called to be an example to the people of God and to preside over its priestly life. This is an extraordinarily high calling. The people we serve, as the Anglican Ordinal impresses upon us, are ‘a great treasure’, they are Christ’s spouse and body, a ‘royal priesthood’ appointed and anointed ‘to proclaim the might acts of God’ (1 Peter 2:9) before the world. We saw that the calling to be an example to Christ’s priestly people is intricately entwined in scripture and the tradition of the Church. Timothy is told to ‘set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity’ (1 Timothy 4:13). The ancient Armenian liturgy of the Eastern Church prays that the presbyter will live ‘in righteousness and by . . . example, teaching those who believe . . . [and so] may truly shepherd the people’.20 In the ordination prayer in the new Roman Catholic Ordinal the bishop prays, in words that are among the few lines singled out as the central and necessary validating element in the rite: ‘may they be examples of right conduct’. The same emphasis is repeated in the Church of England at almost every available point. The Canons and the Ordinal require priests to be ‘wholesome examples and patterns to the flock of Christ’ and the ‘capacity to offer an example of faith and discipleship’ is one of the stated criteria for selection of those offering for the ordained ministry.

      All of this, of course, can sound very insular and moralistic, as if the ordained are just to be rather rarefied objects of virtuous living that the small Christian minority in our culture would do well to imitate. Have we been called simply to be good for the good of the Church? Well, in one sense, yes we have – and being good is no easy thing, for ‘only God is good’ (Luke 18:19), and the Church is no small thing in the purposes of God. But the calling to be good has a particular quality (an indicative and active quality, as we shall see later) about it, and is a far more dynamic business than the immediate images conjured up by exhortations to exemplary behaviour. Being examples to Christ’s people involves being an example of Christ’s people. It is a calling to indicate the identity of the Church by embodying the characteristics of the Church. It is a calling to live out the way of being to which the Church is called. The Church is called to be a holy priesthood. The presbyter is called to signify this priestly calling. In more sacramental language, the presbyter is a sign of the priestly life of the Church.

      There was a fascinating and very important debate in the late nineteenth century about priesthood between J. B. Lightfoot, the Cambridge New Testament scholar and R. C. Moberly the Oxford professor of Pastoral Theology. It was a quintessentially Anglican exchange. They were passionate but polite, committed both to reformation principles and to the catholic inheritance, showing a detailed attention to scripture and to the application of scripture in the tradition of the Church. Although they differed about quite a lot, including the origin and role of bishops in the Church, they found themselves agreeing – in Lightfoot’s words, quoted approvingly by Moberly – that:

      While very content with the representative calling of the presbyter, Lightfoot and Moberly were quite clear that this was not a vicarial ministry in the sense of doing something in place of the people of God. There was no question in their minds that we are to be holy to exempt the Church from being holy. Our priestly calling does not erase the priestly calling of the people of God. It exemplifies it and, as we shall see, empowers the people of God to realize their true identity as the priestly people of God. ‘For-other-ness’ cannot do otherwise. Its inspiration is caught in Irenaeus’ catchphrase – ‘ the glory of God is a human person fully alive and the life of humanity is to see God’. Priestly ministry longs for human beings to live with the vibrancy and joy, trustfulness and confidence, individuality and sociality for which God destined us and which glorifies God because it demonstrates that God is the creator whose purposes are for the good of the other.