SIR EDWARD LEITHEN'S MYSTERIES - Complete Series. Buchan John

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Автор произведения Buchan John
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788075833495

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crest of the knoll, where they halted to admire the view. Janet named the different summits, which looked ominously near, and then turned to gaze on the demesne of Haripol lying green and secure in its cincture of wood and water. “I think you have the most beautiful place in the Highlands,” she told her hostess. “It beats Glenraden, for you have the sea.”

      “It is very lovely,” was the answer. “I always think of it as a fortress, where we are defended against the troubles of the world. At Ronham one might as well be living in London, but here there are miles of battlements between us and dull everyday things…Listen to Roguie! How happy he is!”

      Roguie’s yelps sounded now close at hand, and now far off, as the scent led him. Presently, as the ladies moved back to the house, the sound grew fainter. “He will probably come out on the main avenue,” his mistress said. “I like him to feel really free, but he always returns in good time for his little supper.”

      They had tea in the tapestried hall, and then Janet took her leave. “I want to escape the storm,” she explained, “for it is certain to rain hard again before night.” As it chanced she did not escape it, but after a wayside colloquy with a small boy, arrived at Glenraden as wet as if she had swum the Larrig. She had sent by Benjie a message to Crask, concerning her share in the plans of the morrow.

      That night after dinner, while the rain beat on the windows, John Macnab was hard at work. The map was spread out on the table, and Lamancha prepared the orders for the coming action. If we would understand his plan, it is necessary to consider the nature of the terrain. The hill behind Crask rises to a line of small cliffs not unlike a South African Kranz, and through a gap in the line runs a moorland track which descends by the valley of the Doran till it joins the main road from Inverlarrig almost at Haripol gates. The Doran glen—the Crask march is the stream—is a wide hollow of which the north side is the glacis of the great Haripol peaks. These are, in order from west to east, Stob Ban, Stob Coire Easain, Sgurr Mor, and the superb tower of Sgurr Dearg. Seen from the Crask ridge the summits rise in cones of rock from a glacis which at the foot is heather and scrub and farther up steeps of scree and boulders. Between each peak there is a pass leading over to the deep-cut glen of the Reascuill, which glen is contained on the north by the hills of Machray forest.

      It was certain that the navvy cordon would be an outer line of defence, outside the wilder ground of the forest. Wattie expounded it with an insight which the facts were to justify. “The men will be posted along the north side o’ the Doran, maybe halfway up the hill—syne round the west side o’ Stob Ban and across the Reascuill at the new fir plantin’—syne up the Machray march along the taps o’ Clonlet and Bheinn Fhada. They can leave out Sgurr Dearg, for ye’d hae to be a craw to get ower that side o’t. By my way o’ thinkin’, they’ll want maybe three hundred to mak a proper ring, and they’ll want them thickest on the Machray side where the ground is roughest. North o’ the Doran it’s that bare that twa-three men could see the whole hill-side, and Macnicol’s no the ane to waste his folk. The easy road intil the Sanctuary is frae Machray up the Reascuill, and the easy way to get a beast out wad be by the way o’ the Red Burn. But the navvies will be as thick as starlin’s there, so it’s no place for you and me, my lord.”

      The Haripol Sanctuary lay at the headwater of the Reascuill, between what was called the Pinnacle Ridge of Sgurr Dearg and the cliff of Sgurr Mor. As luck would have it, a fairly easy path, known generally as the Beallach, led from it to the glen of the Doran. It was clear that Lamancha must enter from the south, and, if he got a stag, remove it by the same road.

      “I’ll get ye into the Sanctuary, never fear,” said Wattie grimly, “There’s no a navvy ever whelpit wad keep you and me out. But when we’re there, God help us, for we’ll hae Macnicol to face. And if Providence is mercifu’ and we get a beast, we’ve the navvies to get it through, and that’s about the end o’t. Ye canna mak yoursel’ inconspicuous when ye’re pu’in at a muckle stag.”

      “True,” said Lamancha, “and that’s just where Mr Palliser-Yeates comes in…John, my lad, your job is to be waiting on the Doran side of the Beallach, and if you see Wattie and me with a beast, to draw off the navvies in that quarter. You had better move west towards Haripol, for there’s better cover on that side. D’you think you can do it? You used to have a pretty gift of speed, and you’ve always had an uncommon eye for ground.”

      Palliser-Yeates said modestly that he thought he was up to the job, provided Lamancha did not attract the prior notice of the watchers. Once the pack got on his trail, he fancied he could occupy their attention for an hour or two. The difficulty lay in keeping Lamancha in view, and for that purpose it would be necessary to ensconce himself at the very top of the Beallach, where he could have sight of the upper Sanctuary.

      To Leithen fell the onerous task of creating a diversion on the other side of the forest. He must start in the small hours and be somewhere on the Machray boundary when Lamancha was beginning operations. There lay the most obvious danger-point, and there the navvies would probably be thickest on the ground. At all costs their attention—and that of any Haripol gillies in the same quarter—must be diverted from what might be happening in the Sanctuary. This was admittedly a hard duty, but Leithen was willing to undertake it. He was not greatly afraid of the navvies, who are a stiff-jointed race, but the Haripol gillies were another matter. “You simply must not get caught,” Lamancha told him. “If you’re hunted, make a bee-line north to Machray and Glenaicill—the gillies won’t be keen to be drawn too far away from Haripol. You won the school mile in your youth, and you’re always in training. Hang it all, you ought to be able to keep Claybody’s fellows on the run. I never yet knew a gillie quick on his feet.”

      “That’s a pre-war notion,” said Palliser-Yeates. “Some of the young fellows are uncommon spry. Ned may win all right, but it won’t be by much of a margin.”

      The last point for decision was the transport of the stag. The moor-road from Crask was possible for a light car with a high clearance, and it was arranged that Archie should take the Ford by that route and wait in cover on the Crask side of the Doran. It was a long pull from the Beallach to the stream, but there were tributary ravines where the cover was good— always presuming that Palliser-Yeates had decoyed away the navvy guard.

      “Here’s the lay-out, then,” said Lamancha at last. “Wattie and I get into the Sanctuary as best we can and try for a stag. If we get him, we bring him through the Beallach; John views us and shows himself, and draws off the navvies, whom we assume to be few at that point. Then we drag the beast down to the Doran and sling it into Archie’s car. Meanwhile Ned is on the other side of the forest, doing his damnedest to keep Macnicol busy…That’s about the best we can do, but I needn’t point out to you that every minute we’re taking the most almighty chances. We may never get a shot. Macnicol may be in full cry after us long before we reach the Beallach. The navvies may refuse to be diverted by John, or may come back before we get near Archie’s car…Ned may pipe to heedless ears, or, worse still, he may be nobbled and lugged off to the Haripol dungeons…It’s no good looking for trouble before it comes, but I can see that there’s a big bank of it waiting for us. What really frightens me is Macnicol and the gillies at the Sanctuary itself. This weather is in our favour, but even then I don’t see how they can miss hearing our shot, and that of course puts the lid on it.”

      A time-table was drawn up after much discussion. Leithen was to start for Machray at 3 a.m., and be in position about 8. Lamancha and Wattie, about the latter hour, would be attempting to enter the Sanctuary by the Beallach. Palliser-Yeates must be at his post not later than 9, and Archie with the car should reach the Doran by 10. The hour of subsequent happenings depended upon fate; the thing might be over for good or ill by noon, or it might drag on till midnight.

      When the last arrangements had been settled Lamancha squared his back against the mantelpiece and looked round on the company.

      “Of course we’re all blazing idiots—the whole thing is insanity—but we’ve done the best we can in the way of preparation. The great thing is for each of us to keep his wits about him and use them, for everything may go the opposite way to what we think. There’s no ‘according to Cocker’ in this game.”
