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Автор произведения Alexandre Dumas
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788027236657

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master — but if you take my advice you’ll hold your tongue.”

      “Well, wife,” replied Caderousse, “I don’t know but what you’re right!”

      “So you will say nothing?” asked the abbe.

      “Why, what good would it do?” asked Caderousse. “If the poor lad were living, and came to me and begged that I would candidly tell which were his true and which his false friends, why, perhaps, I should not hesitate. But you tell me he is no more, and therefore can have nothing to do with hatred or revenge, so let all such feeling be buried with him.”

      “You prefer, then,” said the abbe, “that I should bestow on men you say are false and treacherous, the reward intended for faithful friendship?”

      “That is true enough,” returned Caderousse. “You say truly, the gift of poor Edmond was not meant for such traitors as Fernand and Danglars; besides, what would it be to them? no more than a drop of water in the ocean.”

      “Remember,” chimed in La Carconte, “those two could crush you at a single blow!”

      “How so?” inquired the abbe. “Are these persons, then, so rich and powerful?”

      “Do you not know their history?”

      “I do not. Pray relate it to me!” Caderousse seemed to reflect for a few moments, then said, “No, truly, it would take up too much time.”

      “Well, my good friend,” returned the abbe, in a tone that indicated utter indifference on his part, “you are at liberty, either to speak or be silent, just as you please; for my own part, I respect your scruples and admire your sentiments; so let the matter end. I shall do my duty as conscientiously as I can, and fulfil my promise to the dying man. My first business will be to dispose of this diamond.” So saying, the abbe again draw the small box from his pocket, opened it, and contrived to hold it in such a light, that a bright flash of brilliant hues passed before the dazzled gaze of Caderousse.

      “Wife, wife!” cried he in a hoarse voice, “come here!”

      “Diamond!” exclaimed La Carconte, rising and descending to the chamber with a tolerably firm step; “what diamond are you talking about?”

      “Why, did you not hear all we said?” inquired Caderousse. “It is a beautiful diamond left by poor Edmond Dantes, to be sold, and the money divided between his father, Mercedes, his betrothed bride, Fernand, Danglars, and myself. The jewel is worth at least fifty thousand francs.”

      “Oh, what a magnificent jewel!” cried the astonished woman.

      “The fifth part of the profits from this stone belongs to us then, does it not?” asked Caderousse.

      “It does,” replied the abbe; “with the addition of an equal division of that part intended for the elder Dantes, which I believe myself at liberty to divide equally with the four survivors.”

      “And why among us four?” inquired Caderousse.

      “As being the friends Edmond esteemed most faithful and devoted to him.”

      “I don’t call those friends who betray and ruin you,” murmured the wife in her turn, in a low, muttering voice.

      “Of course not!” rejoined Caderousse quickly; “no more do I, and that was what I was observing to this gentleman just now. I said I looked upon it as a sacrilegious profanation to reward treachery, perhaps crime.”

      “Remember,” answered the abbe calmly, as he replaced the jewel and its case in the pocket of his cassock, “it is your fault, not mine, that I do so. You will have the goodness to furnish me with the address of both Fernand and Danglars, in order that I may execute Edmond’s last wishes.” The agitation of Caderousse became extreme, and large drops of perspiration rolled from his heated brow. As he saw the abbe rise from his seat and go towards the door, as though to ascertain if his horse were sufficiently refreshed to continue his journey, Caderousse and his wife exchanged looks of deep meaning.

      “There, you see, wife,” said the former, “this splendid diamond might all be ours, if we chose!”

      “Do you believe it?”

      “Why, surely a man of his holy profession would not deceive us!”

      “Well,” replied La Carconte, “do as you like. For my part, I wash my hands of the affair.” So saying, she once more climbed the staircase leading to her chamber, her body convulsed with chills, and her teeth rattling in her head, in spite of the intense heat of the weather. Arrived at the top stair, she turned round, and called out, in a warning tone, to her husband, “Gaspard, consider well what you are about to do!”

      “I have both reflected and decided,” answered he. La Carconte then entered her chamber, the flooring of which creaked beneath her heavy, uncertain tread, as she proceeded towards her armchair, into which she fell as though exhausted.

      “Well,” asked the abbe, as he returned to the apartment below, “what have you made up your mind to do?”

      “To tell you all I know,” was the reply.

      “I certainly think you act wisely in so doing,” said the priest. “Not because I have the least desire to learn anything you may please to conceal from me, but simply that if, through your assistance, I could distribute the legacy according to the wishes of the testator, why, so much the better, that is all.”

      “I hope it may be so,” replied Caderousse, his face flushed with cupidity.

      “I am all attention,” said the abbe.

      “Stop a minute,” answered Caderousse; “we might be interrupted in the most interesting part of my story, which would be a pity; and it is as well that your visit hither should be made known only to ourselves.” With these words he went stealthily to the door, which he closed, and, by way of still greater precaution, bolted and barred it, as he was accustomed to do at night. During this time the abbe had chosen his place for listening at his ease. He removed his seat into a corner of the room, where he himself would be in deep shadow, while the light would be fully thrown on the narrator; then, with head bent down and hands clasped, or rather clinched together, he prepared to give his whole attention to Caderousse, who seated himself on the little stool, exactly opposite to him.

      “Remember, this is no affair of mine,” said the trembling voice of La Carconte, as though through the flooring of her chamber she viewed the scene that was enacting below.

      “Enough, enough!” replied Caderousse; “say no more about it; I will take all the consequences upon myself.” And he began his story.

      Chapter 27 The Story.

      “First, sir,” said Caderousse, “you must make me a promise.”

      “What is that?” inquired the abbe.

      “Why, if you ever make use of the details I am about to give you, that you will never let any one know that it was I who supplied them; for the persons of whom I am about to talk are rich and powerful, and if they only laid the tips of their fingers on me, I should break to pieces like glass.”

      “Make yourself easy, my friend,” replied the abbe. “I am a priest, and confessions die in my breast. Recollect, our only desire is to carry out, in a fitting manner, the last wishes of our friend. Speak, then, without reserve, as without hatred; tell the truth, the whole truth; I do not know, never may know, the persons of whom you are about to speak; besides, I am an Italian, and not a Frenchman, and belong to God, and not to man, and I shall shortly retire to my convent, which I have only quitted to fulfil the last wishes of a dying man.” This positive assurance seemed to give Caderousse a little courage.

      “Well, then, under these circumstances,” said Caderousse, “I will, I even believe I ought to undeceive you as to the friendship which poor Edmond thought so sincere and unquestionable.”

      “Begin with his father,