FANTASTICAL ADVENTURES – L. Frank Baum Edition (Childhood Essentials Library). Лаймен Фрэнк Баум

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Название FANTASTICAL ADVENTURES – L. Frank Baum Edition (Childhood Essentials Library)
Автор произведения Лаймен Фрэнк Баум
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788075832269

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have we here?” asked the Queen sharply, as our friends were made to stand before her.

      “Soup!” cried the guard of Scoodlers, speaking together.

      “We’re not!” said Dorothy, indignantly; “we’re nothing of the sort.”

      “Ah, but you will be soon,” retorted the Queen, a grim smile making her look more dreadful than before.

      “Pardon me, most beautiful vision,” said the shaggy man, bowing before the queen politely. “I must request your Serene Highness to let us go our way without being made into soup. For I own the Love Magnet, and whoever meets me must love me and all my friends.”

      “True,” replied the Queen. “We love you very much; so much that we intend to eat your broth with real pleasure. But tell me, do you think I am so beautiful?”

      “You won’t be at all beautiful if you eat me,” he said, shaking his head sadly. “Handsome is as handsome does, you know.”

      The Queen turned to Button-Bright.

      “Do YOU think I’m beautiful?” she asked.

      “No,” said the boy; “you’re ugly.”

      “I think you’re a fright,” said Dorothy.

      “If you could see yourself you’d be terribly scared,” added Polly.

      The Queen scowled at them and flopped from her red side to her yellow side.

      “Take them away,” she commanded the guard, “and at six o’clock run them through the meat chopper and start the soup kettle boiling. And put plenty of salt in the broth this time, or I’ll punish the cooks severely.”

      “Any onions, your Majesty?” asked one of the guard.

      “Plenty of onions and garlic and a dash of red pepper. Now, go!”

      The Scoodlers led the captives away and shut them up in one of the houses, leaving only a single Scoodler to keep guard.

      The place was a sort of storehouse; containing bags of potatoes and baskets of carrots, onions and turnips.

      “These,” said their guard, pointing to the vegetables, “we use to flavor our soups with.”

      The prisoners were rather disheartened by this time, for they saw no way to escape and did not know how soon it would be six o’clock and time for the meatchopper to begin work. But the shaggy man was brave and did not intend to submit to such a horrid fate without a struggle.

      “I’m going to fight for our lives,” he whispered to the children, “for if I fail we will be no worse off than before, and to sit here quietly until we are made into soup would be foolish and cowardly.”

      The Scoodler on guard stood near the doorway, turning first his white side toward them and then his black side, as if he wanted to show to all of his greedy four eyes the sight of so many fat prisoners. The captives sat in a sorrowful group at the other end of the room—except Polychrome, who danced back and forth in the little place to keep herself warm, for she felt the chill of the cave. Whenever she approached the shaggy man he would whisper something in her ear, and Polly would nod her pretty head as if she understood.

      The shaggy man told Dorothy and Button-Bright to stand before him while he emptied the potatoes out of one of the sacks. When this had been secretly done, little Polychrome, dancing near to the guard, suddenly reached out her hand and slapped his face, the next instant whirling away from him quickly to rejoin her friends.

      The angry Scoodler at once picked off his head and hurled it at the Rainbow’s Daughter; but the shaggy man was expecting that, and caught the head very neatly, putting it in the sack, which he tied at the mouth. The body of the guard, not having the eyes of its head to guide it, ran here and there in an aimless manner, and the shaggy man easily dodged it and opened the door. Fortunately, there was no one in the big cave at that moment, so he told Dorothy and Polly to run as fast as they could for the entrance, and out across the narrow bridge.

      “I’ll carry Button-Bright,” he said, for he knew the little boy’s legs were too short to run fast.

      Dorothy picked up Toto and then seized Polly’s hand and ran swiftly toward the entrance to the cave. The shaggy man perched Button-Bright on his shoulders and ran after them. They moved so quickly and their escape was so wholly unexpected that they had almost reached the bridge when one of the Scoodlers looked out of his house and saw them.

      The creature raised a shrill cry that brought all of its fellows bounding out of the numerous doors, and at once they started in chase. Dorothy and Polly had reached the bridge and crossed it when the Scoodlers began throwing their heads. One of the queer missiles struck the shaggy man on his back and nearly knocked him over; but he was at the mouth of the cave now, so he set down Button-Bright and told the boy to run across the bridge to Dorothy.

      Then the shaggy man turned around and faced his enemies, standing just outside the opening, and as fast as they threw their heads at him he caught them and tossed them into the black gulf below. The headless bodies of the foremost Scoodlers kept the others from running close up, but they also threw their heads in an effort to stop the escaping prisoners. The shaggy man caught them all and sent them whirling down into the black gulf. Among them he noticed the crimson and yellow head of the Queen, and this he tossed after the others with right good will.

      Presently every Scoodler of the lot had thrown its head, and every head was down in the deep gulf, and now the helpless bodies of the creatures were mixed together in the cave and wriggling around in a vain attempt to discover what had become of their heads. The shaggy man laughed and walked across the bridge to rejoin his companions.

      “It’s lucky I learned to play baseball when I was young,” he remarked, “for I caught all those heads easily and never missed one. But come along, little ones; the Scoodlers will never bother us or anyone else any more.”

      Button-Bright was still frightened and kept insisting, “I don’t want to be soup!” for the victory had been gained so suddenly that the boy could not realize they were free and safe. But the shaggy man assured him that all danger of their being made into soup was now past, as the Scoodlers would be unable to eat soup for some time to come.

      So now, anxious to get away from the horrid gloomy cave as soon as possible, they hastened up the hillside and regained the road just beyond the place where they had first met the Scoodlers; and you may be sure they were glad to find their feet on the old familiar path again.

      11. Johnny Dooit Does It

       Table of Contents

      “It’s getting awful rough walking,” said Dorothy, as they trudged along. Button-Bright gave a deep sigh and said he was hungry. Indeed, all were hungry, and thirsty, too; for they had eaten nothing but the apples since breakfast; so their steps lagged and they grew silent and weary. At last they slowly passed over the crest of a barren hill and saw before them a line of green trees with a strip of grass at their feet. An agreeable fragrance was wafted toward them.

      Our travelers, hot and tired, ran forward on beholding this refreshing sight and were not long in coming to the trees. Here they found a spring of pure bubbling water, around which the grass was full of wild strawberry plants, their pretty red berries ripe and ready to eat. Some of the trees bore yellow oranges and some russet pears, so the hungry adventurers suddenly found themselves provided with plenty to eat and to drink. They lost no time in picking the biggest strawberries and ripest oranges and soon had feasted to their hearts’ content. Walking beyond the line of trees they saw before them a fearful, dismal desert, everywhere gray sand. At the edge of this awful waste was a large, white sign with black letters neatly painted upon it and the letters made these words:


      For the Deadly Sands will Turn Any Living Flesh
