Christmas at Rachel’s Pudding Pantry. Caroline Roberts

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Название Christmas at Rachel’s Pudding Pantry
Автор произведения Caroline Roberts
Жанр Современная зарубежная литература
Издательство Современная зарубежная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780008327682

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electric whisk. Beat until everything combined.

      Whisk the milk, egg and vanilla extract together in a jug, then slowly pour about half into the flour mixture. Beat to combine, then turn mixer to high speed and pour in the remaining liquid and beat until smooth.

      Spoon into paper cases to 2/3rds full. Bake 20-25 mins.

      Leave to cool before decorating with chocolate buttercream, half a large milk chocolate button for each of the ears, a white chocolate button with a Smartie stuck on for the nose, and the sugar paste eyes (or choc chips).

       Extremely cute and very tasty!


      There was a promising flurry of customers at the Pantry the next morning. By ten thirty, Anne and Irene, two senior citizens from the village, were chatting away, enjoying coffee and shortbread.

      ‘Oh, by the way, Jill,’ Irene called across from their table, ‘that apple and blackberry crumble I took home last week went down a real treat. I passed it off as my own,’ she confessed. ‘Well, I didn’t exactly lie; I just didn’t tell my Ronald that I hadn’t made it myself. Anyway, he liked it that much he said I’d have to make it again soon, so I’d better take another one home today.’ She grinned mischievously.

      ‘Of course, but this week’s crumble is an apple and pear.’

      ‘Ah, not to worry, that’ll do nicely. I’ll just make out I’ve been experimenting. He’ll be impressed and I’m sure it’ll go down as well.’ Irene started chuckling.

      ‘Well, that’s the way to do your home baking,’ added Anne, ‘sitting here having coffee and biscuits with a friend, and getting a takeaway bake as you leave.’

      ‘Hah, absolutely, that’s what the Pudding Pantry’s all about my lovelies.’ Jill smiled.

      ‘Oh yes, that’s the way to do it, ladies,’ Rachel joined in, enjoying the camaraderie.

      Two more regulars, Denise and Christine, who Jill knew from the local Women’s Institute, called in soon afterwards for tea and cake. Trevor, the postman, stopped by for a takeaway coffee and a flapjack, and then gorgeous Tom for his elevenses. Just picturing last night’s fireside activities made Rachel blush bright pink at the counter – she hoped her mum hadn’t spotted that and busied herself with the coffee machine.

      Tom was in a bit of a dash to get back as he needed to catch up with his farmhand, Jack. ‘I’ll maybe catch you later, Rach. It was a great evening last night, by the way.’ His eyes held hers with a sexy intensity.

      ‘Yes,’ was all she could answer, in a pitch higher than normal, remembering all too well.

      After a promising morning, the Pantry was disappointingly bare by the time lunchtime swung around.

      The slowing of trade nagged at Rachel. ‘It’s gone so quiet here these past few weeks, Mum, hasn’t it?’ She stifled a sigh. It had cost so much in money, time and energy to get the Pudding Pantry up and running; they really couldn’t afford for it to belly-flop so soon. There was no magic pot of savings to bail them out, no stash of money in the bank. This was it – every last penny was invested in this project. Their livelihoods and future, in fact the whole farm, depended on it.

      ‘I know, love. It is a concern. I don’t suppose the takings have been much to speak of, either.’

      ‘No, I doubt we’ve even covered our costs these past few weeks, to be honest.’

      ‘Now then …’ Jill placed a reassuring hand on Rachel’s shoulder, ‘let’s not get too despondent, love. Like I said the other day, it’s a quiet time of the year for most businesses around here. The tourists are fewer just now. We’ll just have to be patient. I’m sure things will pick up again before Christmas.’

      Mother and daughter looked about them; there wasn’t a soul in the tearooms. It was hard not to feel downcast about it.

      ‘But yes,’ Jill continued pragmatically, ‘maybe, we do need to get our thinking caps on just now and drum up a bit of interest.’

      ‘No time like the present, then,’ Rachel rallied, determined to lift their mood and take some action. ‘I’ll make us a pot of tea and grab a pad and a pen. Let’s smash out some ideas, Mum.’

      Sitting down at one of the white wooden tables just a few minutes later, Jill kick-started the brainstorm, ‘Well, the Kirkton Country Show, where we had the stall back in the summer, that went off really well … so what about finding out about any other shows, or local Christmas Fayres and such like, that might be coming up soon?’

      ‘Good thinking. I’ll do some research. Eve might know of any craft events coming up in the area. And, of course, we absolutely need to make the most of the build-up to Christmas here at the Pantry.’ Rachel doodled a holly leaf, and a Christmas tree on her pad as she wrote ‘Christmas Fayres’ down. ‘Yes, we can feature a feast of festive flavours, Christmas puddings, mince pies …’

      ‘That Gingerbread Pudding went down well with Frank the other day, and oh, what did I used to make for you when you were small? Yes, those little meringue snowmen. They might go down well with the children.’

      ‘They sound good. You used to make reindeer cupcakes too. I remember the noses were chocolate buttons,’ said Rachel.

      ‘Hah, yes so I did. Chocolate sponge ones.’

      ‘I used to love those.’ Mum’s Christmas bakes were legendary. They were a tradition that came out annually along with the decorations. ‘Oh, and we can have a festive facelift with our displays on the dressers, with Eve’s Christmas decorations and toys for sale. She’s already mentioned that she’s busy making lots of new things.’

      ‘Great. And I agree, we can really up the ante with our Christmas goodies too; I can make Christmas cakes and puddings for people to take away. I’m sure Brenda at the deli would take some to sell too. I could make up packs of shortbread and those reindeer cupcakes – in fact, there could be all sorts of festive foodie gifts and treats to take away. Folk are busy enough as it is over Christmas, without having all that extra baking to do.’

      ‘Yes, that’d be brilliant. Some great ideas there, Mum. But … hmm … it’s still not much good if we can’t get the people here to start with.’ Rachel was looking around the empty barn once more. ‘We need to step up our promotion and advertising, remind people that we’re here. It’s like the initial buzz has gone. Though that’ll cost, of course.’ Rachel took a sip of tea. ‘I could design some new flyers. And, maybe we could get a bit of free editorial in the Gazette, if I make it newsworthy enough and ask Amanda there nicely.’

      ‘Perhaps we could drop by the newspaper office with a sticky toffee pudding or two, or even better a Christmas Pudding to try?’ Jill suggested.

      ‘Hah, that sounds like bribery to me, but it’s definitely worth a try.’ Rachel smiled at her mother’s wily ways.

      ‘Well, at least we have a few ideas to be going on with,’ added Jill.

      ‘It’s all good, but I just feel like we need something else, something a little different, to make us stand out from the crowd … something unique that only we can do.’

      ‘But what, love?’

      ‘Hah, I wish I knew! I’ll have a think on it whilst I’m sorting out the cattle shed this afternoon. Can you handle the rush in here?’ Rachel added ironically, the reality of the pretty but empty space bringing it all gloomily home once more. Empty chairs and empty tables …

      ‘I’m sure I’ll manage,’ Jill answered drily.

      ‘Right, well, I’ll be back in time to collect Maisy from the school bus.’

      ‘Okay, pet.’
