Not Until You. Roni Loren

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Название Not Until You
Автор произведения Roni Loren
Жанр Эротика, Секс
Издательство Эротика, Секс
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007568970

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hand was threading through my hair, his pelvis rocking toward me, but Foster’s words landed heavy on me. I wanted to respond to him, to answer, but I also didn’t want to break the moment. And I wasn’t even sure what I’d say. All I knew was that whatever he wanted to do, I was game for it, especially if he kept touching me like that. I widened my knees, showing Foster in the only way I knew how that I trusted him. I had put himself in their hands and meant it.

      Foster made a sound of approval. His hand tracked over the curve of my backside. “I like to play a little rough, angel. And even though I know you’re not ready for most of that right now, I’m not sure I can resist this pretty ass.”

      My pace stuttered a bit, unsure of what he was suggesting—the possibilities both scaring and exciting me.

      Pike’s fingers went gentle against my scalp, and he eased me upward until I was looking up at him. His hazel eyes had gone black, yearning. “He wants to spank you, baby. If you’re not cool with that, say so.”

      Foster wanted to… oh. Rough. He wanted to hit me.

      I peeked over my shoulder, finding Foster, seeking reassurance. His hand was still against me, but his focus was solely on my eyes. There was power in his gaze, steely control, but underneath there was a vulnerability that reached right into my chest and tugged. Asking for this was costing him something. He hadn’t planned to show me this side of himself.

      “I trust you,” I said, my voice as even as I’d ever heard it. I couldn’t say the same for my heartbeat. I knew there was some line we were about to cross, some highly uncharted territory for me. But I couldn’t find the word no in my vocabulary, not when he was giving me that look. I may have walked across glass in that moment to peek past that door he’d just cracked open.

      At my words, the wrinkle in Foster’s brow softened, his features shifting from concern to resolve. “Finish what you started with Pike. And touch yourself while you do it, angel. It will make this all the better.”

      Touch myself? In front of them? Instinctive shame bubbled up in me again—the damn emotion always running right below the surface ready to burst through. But just as quickly I shoved the thought from my brain. I was naked, ass in the air between two men. I’d already jumped that shark.

      “Yes, sir,” I said then turned back to Pike. He was stroking himself, filling in where I’d left off. For a few seconds, I was held in suspension, fascinated by the slide of that strong male hand, by the total lack of self-consciousness as he took his pleasure.

      But then a sharp smack hit my backside and snapped me out of the spell. I yelped, more from surprise than anything else, and a stinging heat traced over skin. Ow.

      Pike’s mouth hitched up at the corner as he gently guided me downward again. “Close your eyes and give yourself over to it, doc. It’ll be worth it.”

      Despite my burning rear, I listened to Pike and closed my eyes as my mouth enveloped him again. He tasted of salt and man and illicit fantasy—a combination that had my brain teetering on the edge of some place I hadn’t been before. I didn’t know what the spanking was supposed to accomplish, but I wanted to try to do what they asked. To let go and see where they took me. Foster delivered another slap to my opposite cheek, and the stinging burned just as much. I barely bit back the urge to tell him to stop. Then another lighter one came, popping me right along my exposed folds. This time the flash of pain was followed by a hot, rolling warmth that started low and surged all the way out to my fingers and toes. I moaned, pressing my lips harder around Pike’s shaft and earning a shudder from him.

      Holy mother of God. Was that supposed to feel so good?

      My nerve endings tingled as Foster continued with a quick volley of slaps—the backs of my thighs, my ass, my sex again. Smack, smack, smack. The sharp sounds filled my ears, and I started to lose count. Chasing the burning sting was a rush of desperate, clawing need that was emptying my brain. It was as if I hadn’t just orgasmed minutes before. No longer caring how it may look, I braced myself against Pike and reached down with my free hand to relieve some of the pressure building behind my clit.

      Even the slight touch had my body tensing, begging for release. I slid my fingers along the folds as Foster continued to spank me, the sharp bite of the hits only driving my desperation higher. My sex was slick with arousal, swollen with need. I tucked two fingers inside the way I did when alone, and my inner muscles clenched around the invasion. “Ah, God.”

      “You’re not allowed to come,” Foster said, his words like an iron blockade to my climbing need. “Not until I tell you to.”

      The force of his tone sent me reeling. My hand moved back to the bed as if on autopilot, and my mind spun into the yawning abyss of the moment, my whole body riding the edge of release. I couldn’t cling to anything except the sound of Foster’s voice and the feel and touch of the two men. The state was disorienting, like being submerged in dark, ocean water and only holding on to a piece of driftwood. But no fear entered my system. Instead, I worked harder at bringing Pike pleasure, at taking all of him. The desire to please beat through me like a chant.

      “Fucking hell,” Pike groaned. “Yes, like that… so good.”

      Pike’s belly rose and dipped above me, his breath going rapid, his muscles coiling tight. A swell of feminine power went through me. I was doing this to him. Foster’s hands smoothed over my backside, soothing the stinging skin. “Make him come, angel. Let me see you send him over the brink.”

      I swirled my tongue around the tip of Pike’s cock, my confidence building with every stroke, and Pike’s fingers pressed hard against my scalp as his hips lifted off the bed. A strangled moan wretched from him, and at the same moment, Foster slid his fingers along my clit.

      “Go over with him,” Foster commanded, his fingers delivering a quick pinch, a devastating blow.

      I cried out as orgasm, sharp and instant, roped me and dragged me under.

      “Ah, fuck,” Pike groaned. His cock swelled against my tongue, and then he was spilling his pleasure inside my mouth, gripping me like he’d die if I stopped.

      Pleasure rolled through me like sparking electricity, waking up every sensory system, and making me want to writhe. But I worked Pike until I’d swallowed every salty drop of what he had to offer, loving his taste and abandon, loving the wanton feeling of being between him and Foster.

      After both of us drifted down from the high, Pike eased away from me with gentle movements. I lifted my head, feeling drunk on lust—satisfied but not quite sated. My body still ached for one more thing. The thing I’d never had before.

      And I only wanted one man to give it to me.

      Pike helped me off my knees and rolled me onto the pillows next to him. Leaning over me, he gave me a smile that could break every heart in its path. He pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “That was amazing, doc. Thank you.”

      My lips curved, my brain still buzzing, words not forming.

      Pike glanced at Foster, then back to me, brushing my hair off my forehead. “I’m going to give you two some time alone. I don’t think Foster’s quite done with you yet.”

      My gaze slid over to Foster, who had moved to stand at the foot of the bed. The quirk of his lips was wry, but the hot blue of his eyes was pure animal—like a wolf quietly sizing up its dinner. “You ready for me, angel?”

      My tongue darted out, wetting my lips. Ready? God, I’d never felt more ready for anything in my life than this man and this moment. Even seeing him standing there, all hard muscle and proud arousal, had my skin tingling anew. “Yes, sir.”

      Pike gave me one more quick kiss on the forehead then climbed off the bed. As Pike passed by Foster, Foster put a hand on his shoulder, halting him. He whispered something, and Pike nodded with a brief, knowing smile.

      I couldn’t hear the exchange, but my thoughts were too languid to even care. All I knew was that whatever came