The PH Diet: The pHenomenal Dietary System. Bharti Vyas

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Название The PH Diet: The pHenomenal Dietary System
Автор произведения Bharti Vyas
Жанр Спорт, фитнес
Издательство Спорт, фитнес
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007352760

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of the artichoke, being formulated into a drug for lowering blood cholesterol. Russian scientists reported in 1970 that the edible parts of the artichoke had anti-inflammatory properties. Highly alkalizing, the artichoke makes an excellent starter to any meal.


      There are many different varieties of asparagus, of which the green asparagus is the most common. Only the green tips are alkaline forming – the white stalk ends are acid forming so cut them off and discard them. Asparagus is not only much more freely available now but also more affordable. It is packed with nutrients, providing an excellent source of vitamin C and folic acid. Asparagus has been shown to protect against cataracts, macular degeneration (physical disturbance of the centre of the retina), atherosclerosis (hardened arteries), bruising and cancer, all due to its high content of antioxidants and alkalizing properties. Lightly cooked or raw in salads, asparagus adds variety and balance to any meal.

       Aubergine (Eggplant)

      With its satiny, purple skin, the aubergine is highly regarded in Nigeria, where it is used as a contraceptive, an anti-rheumatic agent and an anti-convulsant. In traditional Korean medicine, the dried plant, including the fruit, is consumed to treat lumbago, general pain, measles, stomach cancer and alcoholism, and is applied externally to cure rheumatism, gastritis and burns. Studies have shown that aubergines may also counteract artery damage.

      Aubergines are an excellent source of betacarotene, which converts to vitamin A in the body when needed. The dish usually associated with aubergines is Greek moussaka, but they can be used in many ways to add colour and vibrancy to a meal, notwithstanding their alkaline effect on the body. Try the Vegetarian Moussaka in the recipe section (page 126) for a really substantial, but alkaline-forming, meal.


      Avocados are a wonderful health food, containing all the essential amino acids and the health-promoting essential fatty acids. They have excellent levels of magnesium, calcium and B-vitamins, and being alkaline forming too, what more could you want! Many people tend to avoid avocados because of their high calorie and fat content, but this is more than compensated for by the health-promoting properties of this versatile fruit. Fats are vital in the diet. An average avocado contains 30mg of total fats, but 23 per cent come from the health-promoting essential fatty acids of the omega-3 and omega-6 group. Avocados are classed as a protein food – so are excellent for vegetarians – and as one of the alkaline super foods in the pH Diet.


      Bananas have the most healing properties when allowed to ripen on the stem. Always choose the ‘speckled’ ones. Never choose green bananas as although they are alkaline forming they are difficult to digest and distinctly less healthy. Nutritionists and naturopaths use bananas to treat various conditions including hangovers, digestive disorders, heartburn, gas and painful menstruation. They can heal the stomach lining by triggering the release of a protective layer of mucus that rapidly seals off the surface, preventing stomach acids from causing damage. As such, bananas are excellent for preventing stomach ulcers. In cooking, they are a useful addition to warm savoury dishes. Although a good alkaline-forming food, bananas should be used sparingly as they are also a very ‘heavy’ food and can increase blood sugar levels quickly – eat no more than four a week.

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