Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle. Leah Fleming

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Название Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle
Автор произведения Leah Fleming
Жанр Современная зарубежная литература
Издательство Современная зарубежная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007532445

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then he came into the shop.

      ‘Is that painting of the market one of yours, Pearl?’

      ‘Yes, but it isn’t one of my best.’

      ‘I can see my old stall, and I’d like to buy it.’

      ‘You don’t have to do that. You can have it for nothing.’

      ‘Thanks, but I’d rather pay.’ His eyes flicked around the shop. ‘Where’s Bessie?’

      ‘She’s upstairs. Nora’s staying with us for a while and they’re sorting her room out.’

      ‘What, nutty Nora? Oh, sorry, I know you don’t like to hear her called that, but why is she staying here?’

      Pearl briefly explained and Derek said, ‘I don’t think she’s got any other relatives.’

      ‘Not even distant ones?’

      ‘Not as far as I know.’

      Johnny jiggled in his pram, arms waving as he gurgled happily. Derek smiled. ‘Bit of a bruiser you’ve got there, Pearl.’

      ‘Yes, that’s what everyone says.’

      ‘How are you coping?’

      ‘I’m fine. What about you? Are you enjoying your job at the gym?’

      ‘Yes, but I still miss the market at times.’ He paused, licked his lips and then said, ‘Like me, Gran thinks there’s more to your story than meets the eye. Are you still sticking to it, Pearl?’

      ‘Well, it wasn’t quite like Dolly presented it, but it doesn’t matter. It’s all water under the bridge now.’

      ‘It wasn’t just Dolly, there was Kevin too. He told me that he wasn’t the first to … well, sleep with you.’


      ‘It’s all right, Pearl. I know now that he was lying.’

      ‘Oh, Derek … how could he?’

      ‘Self-preservation, love, and, knowing what I’d do to him, I ain’t surprised. I’m just annoyed that I believed him. Despite your denial, I still reckon that like that other girl, he raped you.’

      Pearl shook her head. There had been enough lies and Derek deserved the truth. ‘No, as I told you before, he didn’t rape me. Like a fool, I was flattered by Kevin’s attention and couldn’t believe he was interested in someone like me. I should have stopped him, I know that, but I didn’t. I’ll never forgive myself for hurting you, and hope one day you’ll find happiness with someone else.’

      He was quite for a moment, but then said, ‘All right, Pearl, and thanks for being honest. As for finding someone else, well, I’ve got a date tonight.’

      ‘Have you? Oh, that’s wonderful.’ Pearl kicked herself. She sounded over-enthusiastic, but finding that Derek had moved on lifted her spirits. ‘Do I know her?’

      ‘I don’t think so. Her name’s Jessica Bailey and she brought her son to the gym to ask about boxing lessons.’

      ‘Her son?’

      He smiled faintly. ‘She’s a widow. But enough about me. How much is the painting?’

      ‘Please, Derek, let me give it to you as a gift.’

      For a moment she thought he was going to refuse, but then he said quietly, ‘All right, and thanks.’

      She lifted it down. Derek took it from her hands and held it up. ‘Yes, look, that’s my stall, and I can even see china on display.’

      Pearl looked at it too, but critically, once again thinking that she hadn’t got the proportions right. Oh, she missed art classes, missed sketching. Bessie had insisted that she keep any money from the sale of her pictures, and she was so grateful, saving hard for a few materials.

      ‘I hear on the grapevine that Bernie and Dolly are moving tomorrow,’ Derek said as he lowered the painting to his side.

      ‘Yes, they’re going to Dorset.’

      ‘So much is changing around here, but I never thought I’d see the day when Dolly didn’t run the café. Still, there’s quite a few that won’t be sad to see the back of her – you included, I should think.’

      Pearl offered no comment, and then Derek spoke again.

      ‘Do you visit Kevin?’

      ‘No, and anyway, he doesn’t want to see me. As soon as I can afford it I’m getting a divorce.’

      ‘Can’t say I blame you, and are you going to stay here permanently?’

      ‘I’d like to move away before Johnny’s old enough to hear his father talked about, but it won’t be easy. For the time being I’ll have to stay – well, that’s if Bessie’s prepared to put up with me.’

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