Endometriosis: A Key to Healing Through Nutrition. Michael Vernon

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Название Endometriosis: A Key to Healing Through Nutrition
Автор произведения Michael Vernon
Жанр Здоровье
Издательство Здоровье
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007386420

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       Before starting the nutritional programme I suffered with excruciating painful periods, back pain, heavy bleeding, bloating, extreme fatigue and mood swings. The pain could be described as worse than being in labour. Conventional drugs were unsuccessful. I have now been on the diet for three months. Almost immediately I felt an improvement in my health. As well as following a healthy diet I try to avoid wheat and dairy foods which I have discovered result in bloating and cause more pain. My last period was lighter and almost pain-free. I no longer suffer with bloating caused by allergies and intolerances. I have an increased level of energy and a feeling of well-being, and I now have a ‘zest’ for life and it feels great. My health is of paramount importance and I know I shall always have to take care. Nutritional support and advice has been invaluable.



      Magnesium is known to be necessary to the relaxation of muscles. It works to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which produces energy in each cell. Without magnesium we would be plagued with cramps, spasms and convulsions. An adult needs 450–600mg of magnesium per day to maintain health. Magnesium plays a vital role in synthesizing myelin around the nerves, without which they become sensitive to pain. (Myelin is the protective fatty deposit which coats and protects nerves.) Magnesium also has an anaesthetizing effect on the central nervous system; therefore adequate magnesium ‘is an important preventative against miscarriage and painful contractions of the uterus muscle’.19 Magnesium malate is the best form to help with muscle relaxation and chronic fatigue; magnesium taurate is good for mental exhaustion and control of oestradiol; and magnesium EAP2 is beneficial for the heart. Different forms of magnesium are available in healthfood shops and by mail order.

      Endometriotic implants, by their very nature, attach themselves to cell membranes on smooth muscle, thus affecting the way muscles relax and contract – endometriosis is a disease that has an effect on smooth muscle function. Little research has been done into this penetration into muscle fibres. However, research teams in Denmark and the Netherlands are preparing to look into this area. Muscle cramps cause some of the extreme pain of endometriosis.


      Zinc sulphate was given to 24 patients with rheumatoid arthritis in one trial in Washington University, USA. It is known from research that zinc has anti-inflammatory effects in the knee joint. An article reports: ‘In a 12-week double blind trial using a placebo, patients taking zinc sulphate showed significant improvement for joint swelling and morning stiffness, and their personal impressions of their overall condition was high. Zinc is known to inhibit the immunologically induced histamine and leukotriene release from mast cells. Thus it can dampen down inflammation.’20 The good cis oils require zinc for the body to metabolize them to form anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.


       D,L-Phenylalanine (DLPA)

      D,L-Phenylalanine (DLPA) has been well researched and its potential to reduce chronic pain is well documented. Its effects can last for months, even after treatment ceases. Some people experience a marked relief from pain in the first few days of taking it, but others find that it can take up to three weeks before chronic pain dies down. Phenylalanine is a naturally occurring amino acid. In nature this amino acid is found as the ‘L’ form, and the mirror-image ‘D’ form is man-made, and when both the natural and man-made forms are combined they can relieve pain. DLPA also acts as an anti-depressant and an appetite suppressant. It should not be taken as a occasional painkiller; it must be taken consistently over a period of time. DLPA works in 60 per cent of people. If it has had no effect after taking it for three weeks, then it is probably not going to work for you. But when it does work, the results can be excellent.

      How does DLPA work? When we are injured, our brain begins to produce endorphins, hormones with properties that mimic those of the most powerful analgesic drugs. They are the body’s own pain control system. For example, in people injured in road accidents, endorphins can prevent serious pain for several hours after the accident. DLPA works by reducing the levels of enzymes which normally break down endorphins, thus prolonging their effects in the body. The enzymes can also block the inflammatory effects of the proinflammatory prostaglandins.

      Two DLPA tablets should be taken three times a day until the pain is reduced. The tablets can then gradually be reduced to a maintenance dose of one to two per day. The tablets should be taken 15 minutes before each meal if your blood pressure is normal (120/80mmHg or below), or 15 minutes after each meal if your blood pressure is high (140/90mmHg or above). Tablets are usually 375mg in strength combined with vitamins C and B6 to act in synergy. They are available on prescription from the NHS. Contraindications are pregnancy, breastfeeding, phenylketonuria, if you are taking monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors as anti-depressants or if you suffer extreme hypertension (high blood pressure).


      It is probable that nutrients activate certain enzymes and neurotransmitters involved with the perception of pain. Trying to achieve enzyme saturation point in all cells may be of benefit in promoting this anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. (Saturation point occurs when the cells have the exact levels of vitamins, minerals and essential oils they need to work efficiently.) All enzymes use nutrients as co-factors in order to work effectively, so if the nutrient is in short supply, the pain control mechanism will not be able to work effectively.21

      Vitamins can be seen as keys to metabolic pathways. The gate to each pathway within the body is shut unless that specific vitamin comes along with its key. All the enzyme and hormone reactions on the other side of the gate cannot take place unless that vitamin is present. If you eat well and your digestive system is able to absorb properly, you remain healthy. But if you ‘snatch and grab’ meals of dubious quality foodstuffs or you have a poor digestive system, then you may require supplementary nutrients to help you in the short term while your diet, digestion and absorption are improved.


      • CASE STUDY •

       Helena G of London

       I would like to thank you for all your help. I have been keeping to my diet and taking the vitamins and minerals you prescribed for me. I must admit that I was sceptical at first about this kind of treatment, although I felt that it was worth a try since the treatment at hospital had not helped me at all. The diet did, however. It made me feel more positive as I felt that I had some kind of control over my health. Then, following the treatment for just over a month, I began to see a vast improvement. I felt more energetic and suffered less pain. Gradually over the second month I felt better than I had in years. Not only had the pain decreased greatly and the stomach upsets ceased, but I had greater concentration and did not feel as weak. My relationship with my family and friends, and especially my husband, has improved as I am no longer as quick-tempered, irritable and depressed as I had been. Also since following your treatment, I have not had to take any time off work, and have found it easier to deal with the stress of my job. I was sure that I would lose my job. Thank you.

      Research into other conditions shows poor nutrition plays an important role in the development of other diseases and the sensible choice of good quality food could pay you dividends.22 We are all biochemically unique, therefore it is important for the individual to understand that what helps one person may not work in the same way for another. It has to be a trial and error approach. There are many treatments, orthodox and complementary, which others have found helpful. In chapter 11 (p), we will look at which supplements can be taken safely and why they may be required. In chapters 11, 12 and 14, we will discuss the type of healthy eating programme you could follow and which foodstuffs you should eat regularly.


      We have seen how important individual nutrients are in controlling degrees of pain within the body; how essential fatty acids can reduce inflammation