Self Esteem Bible: Build Your Confidence Day by Day. Gael Lindenfield

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Название Self Esteem Bible: Build Your Confidence Day by Day
Автор произведения Gael Lindenfield
Жанр Общая психология
Издательство Общая психология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007383610

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tion id="u502c82dc-8cac-562a-b851-86141beb2b62">

       gael lindenfield

      self esteem bible build your confidence day by day

      365 tips from the UK’s no. 1 confidence expert


       Dedicated in love and admiration to Mari Macauley

       Who has triumphed over innumerable internal and external challenges to her self-esteem and is now dedicated to helping others do the same



       Title Page
