Emotion-Image Therapy. Analysis and Implementation. Nikolay Linde

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Название Emotion-Image Therapy. Analysis and Implementation
Автор произведения Nikolay Linde
Жанр Здоровье
Издательство Здоровье
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785449698827

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to make one whole of it from the point of view if cause and effect. If the picture he created lack some parts, he asks additional questions to fill these gaps. All methods like those of free associations of creating images are just ways to ask the right question. The task is to get answers to key points of the hypothesis, enumerated above, which must be revealed.

      Let me give an example that will show clearly the stages of creating a hypothesis and its verification, besides it illustrates our principles of working with the problems of “the Inner Child” [see below].

      Fig. 4. Creating a hypothesis with the help of theoretical structures unites in one system: symptoms – emotions – images – inner conflict – past events – chronic negative state.

      Example 9. “A nasty rat”

      At a seminar a student asked me to help her solve her problem. She dealt with gestalt therapy, asked the gestalt therapist to help her, but he failed and she was disappointed. She agreed to solve her problem in the presence of all her student groupmates. She complained about feeling inner weakness, apathy, but her main symptom as she thought was “the fear of her stomach”. In other words, there were some unpleasant feelings hidden in her stomach, like some tension, some fear and these feelings became stronger when somebody touched her stomach, even if tis somebody was a friend. She struggled with this feeling she even made a hole in the area of her navel for a ring, but nothing helped. She was also tortured by the thoughts whether or not she would be able to have children in future [she was 20 years old and not married yet]. Let’s call her Kate.

      I asked her to create the image of this “fear of the stomach” on the chair in front of her. She said at once that it was a nasty dirty rat with a long tail. The rat wanted to eat something in her stomach, some black spot. It was this spot that was afraid! So the symptom [it was fear] turned into an image.

      – Ask her why she is doing it?

      – For me not to exist…

      – Why is it necessary that you not exit?

      – It simply wants me not to exist…

      – Why?

      – Because I am unnecessary, not wanted…

      Commentary. Evidently, “the rat” expressed the hidden desire of the girl to die [the hidden suicide]. Most often it appears under the influence of something the parents say or do, which have the meaning “don’t live”. The feeling that that you are not wanted is the result of those words or actions. What was left was to learn how it happened…

      – Tell me since what time and why you feel not wanted?

      – Always. Because my parents didn’t want to have me, I was not planned, my mother wanted to make an abortion. I was the last born, extra, they had had children already, they didn’t want any more children. The more so because when I was born they had a very hard time, they had very little money. Later, though, they all loved me and they love me now, love me very much both father and mother. Nevertheless, I am always trying to oblige them, to make them like me, to justify, somehow, my existence. [The hypothesis is confirmed].

      – [Addressing the students] In theory we call it “the myth of birth”, I told you about it in my lectures. The child takes on himself the guilt for his being born “at the wrong time” or for “the wrong birth”. As a result, depression and hidden desire of suicide emerges. In fact, you have already said about your desire not to exist…

      – I am ashamed to admit that it is true. At the same time I understand that it is not right. [The hypothesis is confirmed]

      – Do you understand that the rat is doing in your stomach exactly what your mother didn’t do? I mean the abortion – the rat is biting out the ovule that is frightened?

      – Yes, I understand… [The hypothesis is confirmed]

      – Do you want to get rid of autoaggression, embodied in the image of a rat?

      – Yes, certainly! But I don’t know how…

      – In this case I recommend you to tell this rat, that you will not destroy it or send it away or reject it. Tell it that it is good, and you accept it as it is, that you need it. Tell: “You are a very necessary for me rat”.

      Commentary. By that time everything had become clear and the hypothesis became certainty. The symptom turned into the image of a black spot and a rat showed the conflict, the reason of the conflict was confirmed by memories about the corresponding events in the client’s childhood, which generated the chronic feeling of being not wanted. This feeling pushed the client to the hidden desire of the suicide and “the fear of the stomach”. The recommended impact must remove the chronic feeling of being not wanted and then all other consequences. The rat is the image of a rejected child who makes a symbolic abortion for the beloved parents. The whole of this scheme corresponds to the theory of Mary and Robert Goulding [34], students of Eric Berne, about the emergence of depression and a hidden suicidal desire.

      – Shall I tell it aloud or to myself?

      – Better to yourself… But tell me what is happening to the rat while you are telling it this.

      – [She is working for some time in a concentrated way.] The rat is getting smaller.

      – And are you feeling better or worse? In the stomach?

      – Better…

      – Then keep on telling it the same words…

      – [She is working for some time.] Now there is a puppet instead of the rat.

      – Do you like it?

      – It is very nice.

      – Oh! Your eyes started shining! How are you feeling?

      – [Confused, but smiling happily.] Very well. I don’t know why, but I feel hot, as if something warm entered me.

      Commentary. A warm attitude to yourself which tells even on the physiological level returns.

      – Do you like this puppet? Do you agree to accept him for good, as a part of your personality?

      – Yes, of course!

      – What are you feeling in the stomach area?

      – Excellent! No tension. The feelings are fine.

      – Imagine that somebody touches your stomach, young man, for instance…

      Commentary. This is the verification of how actual the changes are with the help of an imagined situation. The hypothesis was confirmed once and for all.

      – [Looking confused.] Everything is fine. No bad feelings.

      – Do you want these changes to remain with you forever?

      – Certainly, I want it very much.

      Commentary. The sincere consent of the client is sufficient for a final fixing of the results. Now explanations may be given, they will not cause resistance.

      – Now I’ll explain to you what happened, if you don’t mind… There happened the rejection of the Inner Child as the result of your feeling yourself not wanted and not needed. The Inner Child began realizing the subconscious desire of self-destruction, that is abortion. So the Inner Child turned into a repulsive aggressive rat, attacking your stomach, and the stomach instinctively became tense. That is why you started to doubt if you will be able to have children. Now that you accepted your Inner Child it became your friend, autoaggression stopped, the tension disappeared. This is actually all…

      If you have questions or doubts about the results, we can continue…

      – No, everything is clear. I feel fine and I know that I will like that in future… I turned to another doctor and was very disappointed.