Keeping Guard. Christy Barritt

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Название Keeping Guard
Автор произведения Christy Barritt
Жанр Современная зарубежная литература
Издательство Современная зарубежная литература
Год выпуска 0

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her approving gaze away from her temporary boss. She always found something very attractive about a man in the kitchen. Instead of dwelling on the image, she leaned against the counter and crossed her arms. “Smells good.”

      Using tongs, he picked up a piece of bacon from the griddle and placed it on a plate with an omelet. He handed the dish to her. “I thought you might be hungry and I realized I didn’t leave you any food.”

      “This more than makes up for it.” She placed the food on the counter while going to grab two ceramic mugs. “Want me to grab you a cup of coffee? You will be joining me for breakfast, won’t you?”

      “I usually just share the breakfast nook with a newspaper. I suppose a change in company could be good.” A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

      She poured the hot liquid into the cups and carried them to a table at the front. As she waited for Nate, she took the opportunity to soak in the dining area. Nate had created a nice atmosphere—one that fit in with his Revolutionary theme by keeping a post-and-beam design, low ceilings, chandeliers with electric candles and simple, mission-style tables and chairs. The floors were wooden and rustic-looking, and a few antiques were scattered along the walls. Now all he needed were waitresses dressed in period attire.

      A moment later, Nate joined her with two steaming plates of food. A moment of awkward silence followed as they both began eating. What exactly did they have to talk about? It seemed all they had in common were her brother and cooking, the latter of which Nate apparently couldn’t stand.

      “Good omelet,” she finally said. She told the truth. The eggs were delicious and cooked perfectly.

      “Thanks. Breakfast is my meal of choice any day of the week.” He took another bite and eyed her a moment. After swallowing he said, “So tell me more about your show and your catering business. You seem to enjoy cooking.”

      She wiped her mouth and nodded. “I do enjoy cooking. Always have. I like taking everyday, ordinary foods and making them…extraordinary. All it usually takes is some fresh herbs or an unexpected ingredient and—voilà!—the whole dish can come alive.”

      “Maybe you’ll show me one of those dishes sometime.”

      She nodded again, contemplating whether or not she should offer her ideas about his restaurant. No, she decided, she wouldn’t overstep her boundaries. “I’ve always loved food, ever since I was little. I always wanted to help my mom in the kitchen or make meals for my friends. I did go to culinary school, but only for a year. At that point, my friend and I began getting offered catering jobs—first for our friends’ weddings or church functions. But business really began picking up, and we started doing a lot for some high-end clients and companies.”

      “How did you get your own cooking show?”

      “One of my clients opened a kitchen shop—you know, one of those stores that sell every imaginable tool for the kitchen? She started asking me to come in and do demonstrations. I did, and I discovered I loved it. While I was doing a demonstration, a producer from a local network saw me. He asked me to come in and do a screen test. I really fumbled the first few times in front of the camera, but for some reason, the producer saw potential in me.”

      Kylie paused to take a sip of coffee.

      “I tried to do both the catering business and the show for a while, but it finally got to be too much. I’m still a partner in the catering business, but I ended up going full-time with the show, which is now syndicated on a few different stations in Kentucky. I’m by no means famous, but it does feel good to have your hard work recognized.” She put down her coffee, relishing the feeling of accomplishment, followed by the disappointment caused by this derailment in her plans. “And now, here I am. What more is there to say?”

      Nate nodded and wiped his mouth. “I’m sure this guy will be caught soon and you’ll be able to resume your life.”

      If only Kylie could be that certain. She licked her lips and leaned back in her chair. “So, you’ve heard all about me. Tell me about this place. Your father opened it, correct?”

      “Twenty years ago. This was his big dream that he saved his entire life for. Finally, he quit his job at the motor plant where he worked on the assembly line and opened this place. Spent every cent of his savings and retirement here.”

      “Wow. That’s a great story. I always like hearing about people pursuing their dreams. Was the restaurant everything he’d hoped it would be?”

      “My dad loved it. It was more than a restaurant for him. This place was like a big old kitchen table where people would come and gather around. It didn’t matter if he knew you or not. As soon as you walked through the doors, you were his guest.”

      “That sounds wonderful.” She shifted in her seat. “Do you mind if I ask what happened to your father?”

      The smile disappeared from Nate’s face, a grim expression replacing it. “Three years ago, he had a heart attack. The doctor diagnosed him with coronary heart disease. In five months, he deteriorated quickly. Then the second heart attack hit a year after the first one. That one killed him on the spot.”

      “That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.”

      “At least I still have this place. It makes me feel close to Dad, like his spirit is still here overseeing everything.”

      “Where’s your mom?”

      “She died when I was a kid. Cancer.”

      Cancer. Every time Kylie heard the word, she felt a pang of sadness and grief and understanding. “You must have been an only child.”

      “The doctors told my parents they’d never have kids. But to their surprise, when my mom turned thirty-nine, she found out she was pregnant.”

      Kylie took the last bite of her omelet. “I’m sure it was the best surprise she could have ever gotten.”

      Nate smiled. “That’s what she always said.”

      Silence fell again and Kylie wiped her mouth. She stood, her chair shrieking against the floor. “That was delicious, but I guess I should get busy in the kitchen.”

      Nate grabbed her hand. “Wait.”

      Kylie ignored the jolt of electricity that rushed through her and paused, her heart racing for no good reason. “Yes?”

      “Could you sit back down for a minute?

      Kylie nodded and obeyed, a sick feeling forming in her gut. Conversations like this always put her on edge, and Nate’s eyes look far too worried for her comfort. “Yes?”

      “I’ve been thinking about you…about your situation, I mean.” His fingers locked together on the table, like a father’s might before a stern talk. “I really think it’s best that, while you’re here, you don’t go anywhere alone. This man who’s been after you is obviously unstable. I want you to feel safe here, but the reality is that until this man is behind bars, you’re better to be cautious.”

      Indignation rushed through her. She’d fought for her entire life to get to the place she was today. She’d overcome the stereotypes that came with being petite, soft-spoken and kind. She’d risen up from the hardships she’d endured and shown she was capable and confident and savvy. The last thing she needed was someone trying to take that from her.

      Kylie swallowed, choosing her words carefully. “Thank you for your concern. I realize that I need to take every precaution possible. I do. But the last thing I need is someone dictating where I go and when and with whom.”

      Nate’s eyes flickered, though Kylie wasn’t sure what the emotion was behind them. Anger? Curiosity? Admiration? “Kylie, I really think it would be in your best interest to listen to me on this one.”

      She bristled. She was wise enough to know she didn’t need to wear a bull’s-eye on her back or act like a sitting duck, so to speak. “I’ve been living on my own for seven years now. I think I can trust