A History of North American Birds, Land Birds. Volume 3. Robert Ridgway

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Название A History of North American Birds, Land Birds. Volume 3
Автор произведения Robert Ridgway
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0

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var. passerinum. Strix passerina, Linn. I, 133, 1766. Glaucidium passerinum, Boie, Isis, 1826, 976.—Sharpe & Dresser, Birds Europe, II, April, 1871. Surnia passerina, Keys. & Blas. Wirb. Europ. 32, 1840. Microptynx passerina, Kaup, Contr. Orn. 1852, 107. Noctua passerina, Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas. Striges, p. 41, 1862. Strix pusilla, Daud. Tr. Orn. II, 205, 1800. Strix pygmæa, Bechst. Nat. Deutschl. IV, 978, t. xxiv, 1805. Strix acadica, Temm. Man. d’Orn. I, p. 96, 1820 (nec Gmel.).


Glaucidium infuscatum, var. infuscatum. Strix infuscata, Temm. Ind. Général, 1821. Athene i., Bonap. Consp. 37, 1850 (excl. syn.). Glaucidium i., Kaup, Cont. Orn. 1852, 103. ? Strix eluta, Illig. in Mus. Berl. Cab. Azar. No. 49. Strix passerinoides, Temm. Pl. Col. 344. Surnia p., Bonap. Os. Cuv. Règ. An. I, 57. Noctua p., Less. Man. & Tr. Orn.


Glaucidium infuscatum, var. gnoma. Glaucidium gnoma, Wagl. Isis, 1832, 275.—Kaup, Monog. Strigidæ, in Contr. to Orn. 1852, 103 (under G. infuscatum).—Strickl. Orn. Syn. I, 163, 1855 (under G. infuscatum). Athene gnoma, Gray, Gen. Birds, fol. sp. 35, 1844. Hab. Whole of Middle America, from Panama northward to the Rio Grande and Mazatlan. Probably yet to be found in Texas or New Mexico.


Gray, in his “Hand List,” gives in addition S. fusca, Vieill., a West Indian (“Antilles”) species, which proves to be not congeneric with S. cunicularia, and also S. domingensis (Gm.) Müll., which I cannot identify as one of the races of S. cunicularia.


Speotyto cunicularia, var. grallaria? ? Strix grallaria, Spix, Av. Braz. I, 21, 1824.—? Tem. Pl. Col. 146. I am by no means satisfied that this form is the true grallaria, but it seems to come nearer to it than any other described. Three specimens (two from Peru, in the National Museum, and one, without label, in the Museum of the Boston Society of Natural History) have been examined, and agree in the characters diagnosed above.


Speotyto cunicularia, var. cunicularia. Strix cunicularia, Molina, St. Chil. 1782, 343. Gmel. S. N. 292, sp. 28,—and of other authors referring to the South American bird.


Speotyto cunicularia, var. guadeloupensis, Ridgway. This bird is merely a very dark local form of the common species, though it differs very appreciably in the sharper definition, greater extent, and more intense tint of the brown markings of its plumage.


We give, above, three well-marked illustrations of asymmetry: two relating to the auditory apparatus of the two sides of the head, and one of opposite sides of the skull.


As in the case of the Strigidæ, my determinations of the North American species of Falconidæ were furnished, according to request, to Dr. Coues, for use in his “Key to North American Birds.” (R. R.)


By this is meant that they are all of equal length and thickness, and not progressively smaller from the posterior one to the outer, as in all Falconidæ with the sole exception of Pandion, though there is a very near approach to this feature in one or two of the species of Haliætus.


As in all the Strigidæ.


Embracing besides the Falcones all the Polyborine genera, besides Herpetotheres and Micrastur.


As in the Polyborine forms of the Falconinæ.


Extremes of sixty specimens.


Sometimes there are more or less distinct linear streaks on the head and neck, or on the pectoral region.


Sometimes the irregular markings above have a transverse tendency.


Falco gyrfalco, var. gyrfalco (Linn.). Falco gyrfalco, Linn. S. N. 1766, p. 130.—Gmel. S. N. 275.—Schleg. Rev. Crit. II, Tr. de Fauc. pl. iii; F. van Nederl. Vog. pls. iii and iv.—Naum. Vog. pl. cccxci. Hierofalco gyrfalco, Schleg. Bonap. Rev. Zool. 1854, 535.—Newton, Oötheca Wolleyana, I, 87, pl. c. F. gyrfalco norvegicus, Wolley. Falco gyrfalco norwegicus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas, 1862, 12. Falco candicans, var. γ, Blas.

Wing, 13.00–14.50; tail, 9.30; culmen, .98; tarsus, 2.50; middle toe, 1.92.


Falco lanarius, var. lanarius (Schlegel). Falco lanarius, Schleg. Krit. Ueb. II, et 11.—Ib. Tr. Fauc. 6; Mus. Pays-Bas, Falcones 14; Abh. Zool. 16; Rev. 1844, 2; Naum. 1855, 252; Ibis, 1859, 86.—Bree, B. Eur. I, 1859, 37 (plate of adult!).—Tristram, Ibis, 284.—Gray, Hand List, I, 1869, 19, No. 171. Pelz. Ueb. der Geier und Falk. II, 1863, 20. Falco lanarius α, Schleg. Tr. Fauc. 23. Gennaia lanarius, Schleg.—Bonap. Rev. 1854, 535. Falco feldeggii, Schleg. Abh. Zool. 3–6.


Falco lanarius, var. mexicanus (Licht.). Falco mexicanus, “Licht. Mus. Berol.”—Schleg. Abh. Zool. 1841, 15.—Schleg. Falcones, Mus. Pays-Bas, 1862, 18.—Pelz. Neb. der Geier und Falk. II, 1863, 19. “Falco sublanarius, Natterer.”—Pelz. Ueb. der Geier und Falk. II, 1863, 19.


Falco lanarius, var. jugger (Gray). Falco jugger, Gray, Hardw. Ill. Ind. Zool. II, pl. xxvi, 1832.—Bonap. Consp. 24.—Gould, B. Asia, pl. i.—Jerdon, B. India, 30.—Strickl. Orn. Syn. 1855, 79, No. 129.—Schleg. Abh. pl. xv; Mus. Pays-Bas. I, 17. Falco lugger, Jerd. Aladr. Journ. X, p. 80; Ill. Ind. Orn. pl. xliv.—Blyth, Journ. Ass. Soc. Bengal, XI, 104. Falco thermophilus, Hodgs. Zool. Misc. 1844, 81. Falco lanarius? Blyth, J. As. Soc. Beng. XIX, 318.


Extremes of more than one hundred specimens measured!


Falco communis, var. orientalis (Gmelin). Falco orientalis, Gmel. S. N. 1789, 264.—Lath. Ind. Orn. 22.—Ib. Gen. Hist. I, 162.—Daud. Tr. Orn. II, 76.—Strickl. Orn. Syn. I, 1855, 83. Two specimens examined, from Japan (Nat. Mus., 1; Philad. Acad., 1).


Falco communis, var. communis (Gmelin). Falco communis, Gmel. S. N. 1789, 270.—Schleg. Krit. übers, p. 14.—Ib. Mus. Pays-Bas, 1862, Falcones, 1.—Pelz. Ueb. der Geier und Falk. 1863, 23. Falco peregrinus, Gmel. S. N. 1789, 272.—Strickl. Orn. Syn. I, 81, et Auct. Seventeen specimens of this race have been examined. They are distributed as follows: Nat. Mus., 5; Bost. Soc., 6; Philad. Acad., 4; Cambridge Mus., 2. Total, 17.


Falco communis, var. melanogenys (Gould). Falco communis, Lath. New S. Wales Dr. II, No. 4. Falco peregrinus, Vig. Linn. Trans. XV, p. 183.—Ib. Isis, 1830, 260.—Bonap. Consp. 23, No. 2. Falco melanogenys, Gould, P. Z. S. pt. 5, 1837, 139.—Ib. Synop. B. Austr. pt. 3, pl. xl, fig. 2; Birds of Austr. I, pl. 8; Intr. B. Austr. 19.—Gray, Gen. B. fol. sp. 6.—Ib. List. B. Brit. Mus. 51.—Bonap. Rev. Zoöl. 1850, 484.—Kaup, Monog. Falc. in Jardine’s Contr. Orn. 1850, 56.—Sturt, Exp. Austr. App. 14.—Strickl. Orn. Syn.