How to Stand Out. Yeung Rob

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Название How to Stand Out
Автор произведения Yeung Rob
Жанр Зарубежная образовательная литература
Издательство Зарубежная образовательная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780857084231

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      How to Stand Out

      “We all need to sell ourselves and this book is a great, very readable guide on how to do that. This book is full of useful career advice – and brought to life by fascinating examples and often surprising insights.”

      Rhymer Rigby, writer for The Telegraph and Financial Times and author of 28 Business Thinkers Who Changed the World

      “How to Stand Out covers the latest evidence on body language, communication and persuasion. It's a rigorously researched, compelling and sometimes surprising read no matter what your goals in life. You will undoubtedly learn something new.”

      Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, CEO of Hogan Assessments, and Professor of Business Psychology at University College London and Columbia University

      “Engaging, no-nonsense and full of scientifically proven advice – an essential book for anyone wanting to outshine the crowd and get ahead in business and life.”

      Dr. Michael Sinclair, co-author of Mindfulness for Busy People, Founder & Clinical Director, City Psychology Group

      “An easy read with some well researched, practical and evidence-backed advice. Definitely stands out from the crowd and can easily be applied straight away.”

      Paul Hughes, Executive Development Director at Cranfield School of Management

      “An extraordinary book for everybody: Dr Yeung's book presents a wealth of useful tips on how to build your confidence and stand out from the crowd. This book is a treasure trove of useful tips on how to outperform in a job interview, get promoted, win more customers, get your business funded or simply become more successful in life.”

      Professor Khalid Hafeez, Dean of The Claude Littner Business School at the University of West London

      “Practical, accessible tips and techniques for making yourself more interesting to clients, customers, and friends!”

      Tamara Box, Partner and Global Chair of the Financial Industry Group at international law firm Reed Smith LLP

      “Once again, Rob Yeung demonstrates how challenge can quickly become opportunity. He has the uncanny knack of identifying our insecurities, helping us view them from a different angle and transforming them into foundation stones for building new confidence. Whether you want to learn to ‘talk like TED', present your best side at a job interview, or simply want to stand out from the crowd – this new book offers simple, clear and practical guidance. Like his previous books, this is another example of why Dr Rob Yeung stands out from other psychologists and coaches.”

      Malcolm Green, Creative Chairman at advertising agency Green Cave People

      How to Stand Out

      Proven Tactics for Getting Noticed

      Dr Rob Yeung

      This edition first published 2015

      © 2015 Dr Rob Yeung

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      John Wiley and Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, United Kingdom

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      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Yeung, Rob, 1971–

      How to stand out: proven tactics for getting noticed / Dr. Rob Yeung.

      pages cm

      Includes index.

      ISBN 978-0-85708-425-5 (paperback)

      1. Success in business. 2. Self-confidence. I. Title.

      HF5386.Y4798 2015

      650.1 – dc23


      A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

      ISBN 978-0-857-08425-5 (pbk)

      ISBN 978-0-857-08423-1 (ebk) ISBN 978-0-857-08422-4 (ebk)

      Cover design: Wiley

      About the Author

      Dr Rob Yeung is an organizational psychologist at consultancy Talentspace, where he runs leadership development programmes for executives as well as training workshops on topics such as presentation skills, confidence, teamwork and personal productivity. He also coaches individuals and lectures to university and business school students.

      In addition, he is an in-demand keynote speaker at conferences worldwide. He is frequently asked to speak on topics such as the psychology of leadership, sales success, change and high achievement. In both his consulting work and keynote speeches, he distinguishes himself by basing his recommendations on scientific research.

      He is the author of over 20 books, including the bestsellers How To Win: The Argument, the Pitch, the Job, the Race (Capstone) and E is for Exceptional: The New Science of Success (Pan Books).


      Thanks must go first and foremost to the scores of clients, entrepreneurs, leaders and other standout individuals who took the time out of their busy lives to talk to me. I'm sorry that not all of your stories made it into the book but my editors were brutal about the page count! You have my undying gratitude and I know that readers will grasp and enjoy the principles within this book so much more by hearing your stories,