CompTIA Project+ Study Guide. Heldman Kim

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Название CompTIA Project+ Study Guide
Автор произведения Heldman Kim
Жанр Зарубежная образовательная литература
Издательство Зарубежная образовательная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119280538

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p>Kim Heldman

      CompTIA® Project+® Study Guide Exam PK0-004

Project+®Study GuideExam PK0-004Second Edition
Kim Heldman

      Senior Acquisitions Editor: Kenyon Brown

      Development Editor: James A. Compton

      Technical Editor: Vanina Mangano

      Production Editor: Dassi Zeidel

      Copy Editor: Kim Wimpsett

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      Indexer: Ted Laux

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      Cover Designer: Wiley

      Cover Image: ©Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images, Inc.

      Copyright © 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

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      ISBN: 978-1-119-28052-1

      ISBN: 978-1-119-28054-5 (ebk.)

      ISBN: 978-1-119-28053-8 (ebk.)

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To Kate and Juliette, project managers in the making


      Thank you for buying the second edition of CompTIA Project+ Study Guide Exam PK0-004 to help you study and prepare for the CompTIA Project+ exam. I believe this book is a good introduction to the in-depth world of project management and certification and will open up many opportunities for you.

      I would like to thank all the great team members at Wiley who were part of this project: Kenyon Brown, senior acquisitions editor; Jim Compton, development editor; Dassi Zeidel, production editor; and all those behind the scenes who helped make this book a success. They are terrific to work with, as always, and I appreciate their keen eyes and insightful ideas and suggestions.

      Special thanks go to Vanina Mangano for her work as technical editor. I appreciate her diligence and great suggestions that helped make the content stronger.

      And a thank-you, as always, goes to my family for their understanding of my crazy schedule. Kate and Juliette, you’re the best!

      About the Author

      Kim Heldman, MBA, PMP ® is the CIO for the Regional Transportation District in Denver, Colorado. Kim directs IT resource planning, budgeting, project prioritization, and strategic and tactical planning. She directs and oversees IT design and development, enterprise resource planning systems, IT infrastructure, application development, cybersecurity, IT program management office, intelligent transportation systems, and data center operations.

      Kim oversees the IT portfolio of projects ranging from small in scope and budget to multimillion-dollar, multiyear projects. She has more than 25 years of experience in information technology project management. Kim has served in a senior leadership role for more than 18 years and is regarded as a strategic visionary with an innate ability to collaborate with diverse groups and organizations, instill hope, improve morale, and lead her teams in achieving goals they never thought possible.

      Kim is also the author of PMP® Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide, 8th Edition; Project Management JumpStart 3rd Edition; and Project Manager’s Spotlight on Risk Management. She is the coauthor of PMP® Project Management Professional Exam Deluxe Study Guide, 2nd Edition, and the PMP® Project Management Professional Exam Review Guide, 3rd Edition. Kim has also published several articles and is currently working on a leadership book.

      Kim continues to write on project management best practices and leadership topics, and she speaks frequently at conferences and events. You can contact Kim at [email protected]. She personally answers all her email.


      Have you ever wondered how the pyramids were built? Or the Eiffel Tower? How did someone have the organizational skills to put all those people together and create such magnificent structures? Coming forward to recent times – how is Microsoft capable of putting together literally millions of lines of code for its latest operating system? The answer to all of these is project management.

      The CompTIA Project+ exam will test your knowledge of the concepts and processes involved in project management. There are several project management methodologies you can follow, each with their own processes and procedures,