Alphabet of the Human Mind. Psychology flagship. Nikita Danilov

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Название Alphabet of the Human Mind. Psychology flagship
Автор произведения Nikita Danilov
Жанр Иностранные языки
Издательство Иностранные языки
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785448511264

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no one to make a rich future in Russia. Any MHP clear that talented People and Children are almost the most important asset of Russia! About Russian idiotism in this period in the last chapters. It has long been in Russia and still shooting children changed to the destruction of a healthy kids psyche and, therefore, the talent, destiny and life. The author believes that it is a criminal and political crime against Russia, a crime against humanity and Children, which has no statute of limitations. Difficult to prove, but demonstrable, like all crimes.

      Of course, these methods are not just born of nothing! Soviet «non-violent idiots hospital» was organized by enemies of Russia: Europe, America, England… At the beginning of the 20th century non-violent methods have been tested on Russia. Methods were not perfect. However, it proved to be very effective in provoking the destruction of Russia from the inside, which takes place to this day. The institutions of developed countries, these methods continue to evolve, and non-violent revolutions are arranged, for example, in Ukraine.

      Why AHM is cool? AHM against these methods as weapons of the Roman legionaries against crowds with clubs and cones! AHM should teach everyone who values his psyche, who loves his psyche, and who wants to be called a Man with a capital letter! Become an AHM PRO not very difficult! Jung classification KF – is «Good Extrovert.» Emotions are constantly outside, trying to do something good for others, but do not want to think about what he or she doing and it become UK, which may be worse than the evil. Universal response – is to think. In one of the following chapters will be shown a pattern by which person can make from PPJ, GCJ in medical sense.

      Depressive Form or DF. The same mechanism, but the prevalent symptom – Manic-Depressive Syndrome (MDS) or Unreasonable and Unwise Majesty (UM). If you act with respect to DF or simply as a human, it is possible to find a common language and make friendship in some sense. True friendship – the concept of higher levels of Human Psyche and possible only between GCMs, this will be discussed further. Link to the world NLP, the film «Big Fish», an episode of the giant, when the main character found a common language and made friends. The protagonist – KF, Giant – DF. Remember that «Big Fish» was created by guys who likes KF and don’t understand deep DF, so Giant is DF in KF point of view. DF in DF point of view – other movie. Victor, «Underworld».

      This type is more harmless and humbled himself, he does not attack all the time, and first looks for his greatness, and only if the other is trying to touch greatness, then it may appear UA. First, some inner greatness, then possible Unreasonable Aggression (UA). DF need to constantly «recharged» – getting a CPOs. With DF psychotherapy can be much more effective than with AF and, even, with KF because DF is prone to reflections. Usually, many of DFs make their DF defending themselves against the AF from school. This form can be respected for what they are trying to save at least something human, their greatness, KF can be respected for what they are trying to keep the «kindness», as the human manifestation. In psychotherapy, you can send these forms, showing what is currently true kindness and true greatness of MHPs and it can be very effective! Now we are start talking about most unpleasant form – AF, which has in AHM nickname – bacillus of idiocy. AF should be constantly humble, and then it will be possible to «communicate», otherwise, say idiotism and leave. For the child’s mind, this stuff can be very dangerous for an adult formed psyche – only unpleasant.

      Aggressive Form or AF. The main symptom – Unreasonable Aggression (UA). This symptom appears as Crutch of Sick Mentality (CSM). It should cause others, often Children emotional, psychological or physical harm. Only after the successful manifestation of UA the PPM may consider himself mentally healthy for short time, though, it’s certainly not real. The basic mechanism: PPM AF sees that another person has something, it immediately splits PPM in his insane world, because any mentally ill – it is deeply unfortunate and absolutely poor person who does not have anything in this world, but his analysis of invisible mental illness. And any PPM glimpse into the world of their own is absolutely impossible – immediately Superiority Complex (SC) says: «Let’s fight, you prove that you have something worse than the others!» And then appears UA – a symptom of mental disorders. PPM invents an imaginary battle, limited mental illness and trying to win. Winning this fight a non-existent, says the disease – you are normal (healthy) and then at some time received PPM Crutches of Sick Mentality (CSM) or CPOs. Then again, it is necessary to invent an imaginary battle, the cruelty and the legitimacy humble only CPOs from insight. AF is certainly dangerous, but for AHM PRO they are like kids in the kid-arena: they cannot go beyond their mentally ill world and it gives the power of psychotherapy.

      Additional or secondary classification of ppms: contacts, contactless, (material/psychic)

      That classification becomes clear in the articles, which are devoted to an analysis of the world NLP in movies and computer games. This book will include only some of the most interesting and useful for understanding movies with the world NLP sense. In reality, the world NLP is in almost every picture, especially popular. AHM does, even this assumption – that the more interesting and original NLP incorporated in the film – so it captures the imagination more and film more popular. Statistics data confirm this assumption. All films include in this book is not possible and makes no sense. Many AHM Skilled and PRO leave their reviews online and other sources. The higher the AHM skills, the more accurate will be all painted up to 100 percent hit. So, back to the scientific classification of PPMs that called «Additional Classification of PPMs». Let the readers are not afraid of the word «scientific». AHM created precisely in order that anyone could make sense of what is the Human Psyche without additional knowledge, which, of course, will only strengthen AHM and once again confirm for each person that AHM – it The Flagship of World Psychology.

      The Additional Classification of PPMs will help to understand the example. AF does not want to give a child a possibility to ride on a bicycle. There was envy of the child and as a consequence – UA. PPM wants to express his UA on an innocent Child. What would the PPMs of AF but different types do?

      PPM AF Material Contact Type (MCT) – Would have to wait until the child sit on the bicycle and would have kicked him to broke the bicycle. Those. Wait for physical contact.

      PPM AF Psychic Contact Type (PCT) – Would have to wait for a chat and would tell a story that would be planted in the child’s unreasonable anxiety (these conditions injure the psyche of Children, sometimes forever) at the memory of the bicycle and Kid will fall down when try to drive bicycle.

      PPM AF Material Noncontact Type (MNT) – Would cut bicycles brakes and he went on a fishing trip. The child would have sat on the bicycle and fall down.

      PPM AF Psychic Noncontact Type (PNT) – Planted to child video tape as a monster eats all children who want to ride their bicycles to create unreasonable anxiety dangerous for the psyche of the Child, and would go fishing at this time.
