Alphabet of the Human Mind. Psychology flagship. Nikita Danilov

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Название Alphabet of the Human Mind. Psychology flagship
Автор произведения Nikita Danilov
Жанр Иностранные языки
Издательство Иностранные языки
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785448511264

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Material Contact Type of PPM.

      PCT – Psychic Contact Type of PPM.

      MNT – Material Noncontact Type of PPM.

      PNT – Psychic Noncontact Type of PPM.

      AHM recommends replacing the word «soul» to the word «psyche» in communion with the disposition to PPM. One of the tasks AHM – talk fluent about the human psyche. Therefore, these revolutions as «sold the soul» or «stole the soul,» can lead to OF PPM and require special therapy, and turns like «sold sick psyche» sounds more objectively, accurately, and do not provoke OF PPM. What is sold sick psyche means? Been cured?) Another example. The phrase: «They have stolen My soul!» Sounds pretty scary and understand more do not want to, and the phrase: «They have stolen my healthy psyche!» Is already very clear to many. AHM explains it from a scientific point of view. For example, they are – it is grandparents who provoked PPM for granddaughter from childhood and other symptoms such as unreasonable anxiety and other. Frequent symptoms of PPM provoking for the child’s mind is very dangerous and easily cripple it, restore the psyche then is very difficult and only by AHM possible if the step is not hard (in this case, the success rate decreases). The current legislation is difficult to prove, but provable criminal offense. You can also send by the law grandmother and grandfather for treatment for the protection of the child’s psyche. This issue is discussed in one of the chapters in more detail.

      AHM also recommends writing pronouns, when it comes about Mentally Health Persons, even Children with a capital letter. It is AHM TCPO.

      TNM —Treatment by Non-violent Methods. The main methods of non-violent are treatment non-violent AHM psychotherapy.

      SNM – Submission by Non-violent Methods. The main methods of non-violent are submissive non-violent AHM psychotherapy. Either complete the TNM or PPM is not on a voluntary contact, or there is no time or place in non-violent chambers.

      TNB or VNB – Treatment Nonviolent Branch or the Voluntary Nonviolent Branch. It is almost MHPs.

      TSNB – Treatment-Submissive Nonviolent Branch.

      SNB – Submissive Nonviolent Branch.

      NP AHM – Nonviolent AHM Psychotherapy.

      ENP AHM – Experimental Nonviolent AHM Psychotherapy.

      SNP AHM – Submissive Nonviolent AHM Psychotherapy.

      TSNP AHM – Treatment-Submissive Nonviolent AHM Psychotherapy.

      TNP AHM – Treatment Nonviolent AHM Psychotherapy.

      RNP AHM – Regenerative Nonviolent AHM Psychotherapy.

      FNP AHM – Firming Nonviolent AHM Psychotherapy.

      PPE – Psychic Persons Energy.

      Basic types of humans with ppm

      Mentally ill people or PPMs have all symptoms: Unreasonable and Thoughtless Majesty (UM or MDS), Unreasonable and Thoughtless Kindness (UK), Unreasonable and Thoughtless Aggression (UA). All these symptoms are because of Particularly-Primitive type of Mind. For GCM true – that He or She has natural manifestations of kindness, greatness and aggression. For example, a lion in the wild with a healthy psyche begins to growl at a jackal that comes to its territory and wants to steal the lion kids. This display-based aggression, which is typical for a healthy psyche. Mother lion brings kids food. This is a manifestation of Reasonable and Deliberate Kindness, which are characteristic of a healthy psyche. Adult man with PPM can envy of the child, who eat ice cream and can offending child or spoil Him/Her mood, or even push away. If to think about – the adult PPM had money to buy 100 such ice creams or more! MHP is difficult to understand how it is, in general, can irritate this PPM. Well, there is a child eating ice cream and so what, well, there is an adult eating ice cream, and so what?? It will become clear in the following chapters of the Crutches of Public Opinion (CPO) and Superiority Complex (SC). Now will accept this as a fact!

      All manifestations of the PPM – Unreasonable and Thoughtless displays of Kindness, of Aggression, of Greatness or Majesty are the mentally ill symptoms of PPM. In example, with the lion and lion kids and the difference are clearly visible. In the first case of its Deliberate and Limited Aggression (the lion had not rushed for jackal and killed him, realizing that there are a lot of jackals, and only did not let jackal get lion kids) lion scared jackals and save lives and health of his kids, and the old-PPM pushed into a puddle innocent Child who ate ice cream and didn’t anything bad for that PPM did not even noticed. In both situations, it is aggression, but in the first case, it is Deliberate and Reasonable, and is a sign of mental health, and in the second case is Unreasonable and Thoughtless – UA and is a symptom of mental illness or PPM.

      The same thing with manifestations of kindness and greatness. In some situations, this is a sign of mental health, if it is thought out and reasonable and in the other way – a symptom of the PPM. This shows that the root of the MDS (UM), UA and KF (UK) is a PPM or Particularly-Primitive type of Mind, which can operate only PPJs, and not capable of perceiving GCJ, even in a limited form. This is the «absence of mind» or «madness» or scientifically – PPM. By eliminating the PPM, which is not so difficult and making the transition to the GCM, the person becomes mentally healthy. The most difficult thing in psychotherapy – is the recognition of PPM, its symptoms, and work on them, as well as public opposition, when someone work on GCM. In the eyes of the people with the PPM, GCM very smart and they had to envy and try to destroy the GCM. In reality, GCM – a person who has the ordinary mind and the problem is that the PPM did not have a mind at all, so any sensible children thought may cause long-term war with this Child for example. PPMs dangerous, especially for the innocent Children who have not yet lost their GCM that has not yet had time to develop and get stronger.

      Basic classification of ppms: kf, df, af

      Kind Form or KF. Here prevails Unreasonable Kindness (UK). KF can manifest all the symptoms: UK, UA, UM or MDS, but the first reaction of all – is UK. The same situation is with other forms of primary or basic classification of PPMs. The question is: «What’s wrong with Unreasonable Kindness (UK)?» This «kindness» can easily be an objective evil, if, for example, KF helps AF. This «kindness» may be such an example: «When the royal children by Nicholas 2nd were shot and other Kids, not only royal, just talented, fed AF bullets to shot all the Children hoping bright and rich future in Russia will come.» Unfortunately,