Learning telepathy in 10 minutes. Valeriy Zhiglov

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Название Learning telepathy in 10 minutes
Автор произведения Valeriy Zhiglov
Жанр Современная русская литература
Издательство Современная русская литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785447491239

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mice, which were on the lower floors, were fed normally, while those mice on the higher floors were split again in two subgroups, and one subgroup of mice on the upper floors was fed normally, too, while another subgroup was starving.

      The result was that, as their close relatives from the upper floors were starving, the mice on the lower floors, which earlier shared the cage with them, and which had unlimited access to food, began eating much more, gaining their weight statistically significantly.

      There were reference experiments, too, wherein the upper floor mice were fed normally, and the lower floor mice with unlimited access to food ate as normal, having their weight statistically unchanged.

      Mice eating food

      According to statistic data processing methodologies, the probability of obtaining such a result randomly equals 10—5, i.e. the theoretical error may be 1/100000.

      Other scientific research instituted made the same experiments and obtained similar results.

      How did the mice from the lower floors ever know their counterparts from the upper floors were starving the same time? Four floors of the building with massive reinforced concrete ceilings, making any visual, acoustic or scent communication absolutely impossible, separated them.

      Apparently, transmitting the information about starvation in the experiments was beyond any know forms of interaction between animals, and it witnessed in favor of demonstrating some new extrasensory abilities reminding telepathic information exchange between close human relatives.

      There also were experiments with sea turtles, the eggs of which from the same laying were separated from each other with a large distance. It was discovered, though, that such little turtles from the same egg laying were leaving their shells simultaneously, even being separated by thousands of miles, as if there had been the Supreme Intelligence ruling them all at once.

      Little sea turtles running for water after leaving their shells simultaneously

      Interestingly, a hen, too, does not lay all eggs at once, but one after one for some weeks. Yet the chicken leave their shells all at the same time. It was noticed, that they are exchanging sounds as they are breaking their shells, thus, too, leaving their shells all at once.

      Because little turtles leaving their shells cannot communicate via sound signals to synchronize their actions, they, apparently, communicate telepathically.

      Therefore, the entire our material world is pierced with invisible Spiritual links. There is some Spiritual Energy, which unites all us, and the same Supreme Force acts within each of us.

      Any Creature originates from the Pure Energy possessing the Mind of the Universe. The matter itself is nothing else but energy trapped, and this statement results from multiple proofs.

      A single photon of light is a kind of light energy. It moves through the space at the speed of light somewhere below 300 thousand kilometers per second and it cannot exist in the state of rest. The mass of photon is very small, approximating zero.

      Have a closer look on an electron with the energy within, which also moves at the speed of light, but the path is not direct but follows a closed 8-like curve. The rest mass of an electron is 9.109x10—31 kg. An electron is a stable material particle with negative charge.

      A positron is an antiparticle of an electron, and they both have the same math. The energy within a positron also moves at the speed of light, via the same 8-like curve, just the direction is different from the same in electron. A positron is an elementary material particle with positive charge.

      When an electron and a positron collide, they annihilate, i.e. destroy each other, and the masses of both disappear, and two photons appear where those two collided, and the photons leave the collision point in opposite directions.

      As it was already mentioned, photons of light have mass approaching zero value. Therefore, the energy, which was previously entrapped in material particles, again leaves the closed space to start again its motion, directly and at the speed of light.

      This example clearly demonstrates that matter is just the entrapped energy!

      According to the modern scientific data, all visible matter, which stars, planets, asteroids and interstellar gas all consist from, is just 4% of the Universe, with additional 25% for the hidden mass, and the remaining 71% represent the energy.

      The Universe and a human

      Ways of comprehending the Spiritual World

      I am not bound upon trusting that God,

      Who gave us feelings and mind

      to analyze the world,

      would not allow us to use it.

Galileo Galilei

      Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642)

      Many people argue on whether or not anyone who wants may be given knowledge to develop their direct connection with the Spiritual World? Would not it be better to ban giving such knowledge to prevent anything wrong that might result from such knowledge?

      Extending the logic of such kind any further would persuade us to ban the alphabet to prevent one from learning reading, or else something wrong might be read; using the Internet must be banned even earlier to prevent one from seeing something wrong; esoteric knowledge must be banned, too, for it might teach an individual do wrong things.

      The world, however, possesses more Love than Hate, despite such concern; otherwise our world would have been ruined even faster, than one would have read this, making development any further impossible.

      As we know, there are two ways to comprehend the Spiritual World, designated as Exoteric and Esoteric.

      The exoteric is the religious doctrine, which is available for everyone, i.e. it is for general public. It comprises neither mystery, nor deep meaning, and generally it targets ordinary people. By means of short edifying stories and parables, it tells about the Spiritual World with the language of a schoolteacher. The parables comprise moralistic edification they call sapience. As for the content, parables remind fables. Exoteric is for the material world surrounding us, and it does not even suggest any direct contact with the Spiritual World.

      Esoteric brings one to the area of specific views on deep mystical essence of human life. It is esoteric that offers a number of methodological approaches for comprehending the Spiritual Worlds and possibilities of their interactions with the material world. Esoteric aims to intentionally and sustainably modify human personalities, unlike so-called “modified state of mind”, which is achievable by adherents of many religions. Such modifications reside on the intentional control over our subconscious, or parasympathetic nervous system. Esoteric are Reiki therapy, bioenergetics, Qigong, cosmoenergetics, telepathy, lucid dreaming practices, subtle plane projection etc. An individual possesses incredible hidden abilities, which may be developed and, therefore, feel confidence in any situation.

      It is clear, that such definitions are somewhat provisional, and in many ways they are depending on specific religious directions. As an example, we may have a closer look on the religion of Christianity.

      So, inside the Exoteric Christian teaching for general public, there are also the Esoteric ones, which are for a much narrower set of those initiated. Gnosticism is one such teaching. The dawn of the Christian Gnosticism was in II century, although its origins might be traced back to pre-Christian ages. It is Gnosticism that many scientists reasonably consider the conflux of the innermost secrets and knowledge of the Christian world.

      At the very beginning, Christianity was friendly towards Gnosticism, and even presented it in Christian works. For