Many people have night dreams. But some of them are even able to feel in a dream the refined aromas of a blooming night garden filled with fabulous creatures. It is about one such wonderful dream that I want to tell you in this book, the colorful illustrations for which were prepared by me with the help of artificial intelligence.
Dieses Buch ist dem hervorragenden Wissenschaftler Michail Wassiljewitsch Lomonossow gewidmet. Er war unter seinen Zeitgenossen der einzige russische Akademiker in Russland. Es gibt Legenden über die Verfolgung von ihm. Aber nur wenige wissen, dass die Heilige Synode verlangt hat, dass er zum Tode verurteilt wird. Lass uns unsere Vergangenheit nicht vergessen. Wie die Leute sagen, wer seine Vergangenheit vergisst, verliert er seine Zukunft.
Games become more popular than cinema, it is a worldwide trend. The annual turnover in gaming industry already exceeded 15 billion dollars, and it still grows every year. The author proposed several types of logical gaming devices, including the type combinable with a ball-pen. As preliminarily estimated, such gaming devices might be used with 10—25% of ball-pens produced worldwide, and they might be demanded for both on national and international markets. (Chinese).
In this book, using telepathy as an example, we consider the practical use of some esoteric techniques that open up access to our subconscious. The attached photo album contains numerous images of a mystical character, and if you look closely at them, you can feel the mystical spiritual principle inherent in nature itself.
The book comprises novels: “Kremlin Bride”, “White Sun of the Desert”, “Three Vertebrae of Fish”, “My Caucasus Holidays”, “A Crocodile with Swan Wings”, and other funny and sorrowful life stories, which happened with the author and other people he knew. The book also discloses details about Lazar Kaganovich’s sister, a participant of Joseph Stalin poisoning.
Presented for your attention is the new universal Tarot card deck, which is developed by V.I. Zhiglov, the sheets of which, in addition to classic information on taromancy, comprise the information about Scandinavian and Aryan Runes, and corresponding plants and stones, as well as brief information on astrology. Bringing all ancient esoteric knowledge in one deck improves its informative content, allowing users to analyze multiple aspects of every phenomenon in consideration.
This book shall become a funny and interesting present for your child. It tells how amazing our mother nature is, and it also tells about its multiple creatures possessing unique abilities. Reading it, one would inevitably wonder how little our knowledge is about the world of animals.
The new universal extended Astrological Tarot Card Deck, the sheets of which, in addition to classical information about taromancy, include the information on astrology and the development dynamics of Zodiac signs, as well as hexagrams from the ancient Chinese Book of Changes and the color symbolism of FengShui. Putting the ancient esoteric knowledge into a single deck improves the information content and allows analyzing each phenomenon by users in many aspects.
The book discloses a new universal extended Yi Ching Tarot card deck, which, in addition to the classical information on taromancy, also includes the information on astrology and the development of zodiac signs, as well as hexagrams from the ancient Chinese Book of Changes, with the color symbolism of Feng Shui teaching. Collecting ancient esoteric knowledge in one card deck expands the information content and allows users to analyze multiple aspects of every phenomenon that they consider.
The book tells about the Buddhist Tarot universal card deck, the sheets of which, in combination with classical data on taromancy and astrology, comprise the information about the Buddhist gods’ pantheon, which corresponds to them. Collecting ancient esoteric knowledge in one card deck expands the information content and allows users to analyze multiple aspects of every phenomenon that they consider.