A Clockwork Orange / Заводной апельсин. Энтони Бёрджесс

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Название A Clockwork Orange / Заводной апельсин
Автор произведения Энтони Бёрджесс
Серия MovieBook (Анталогия)
Год выпуска 2024
isbn 978-5-6049811-8-4

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van was now nagoy too, and I set the needle to the last movement, which was all bliss. There it was then, the bass strings like govoreeting away from under my bed at the rest of the orchestra, and then the male human goloss coming in and telling them all to be joyful, and then the lovely blissful tune all about Joy being a glorious spark like of heaven, and then I felt the old tigers leap in me and then I leapt on these two young ptitsas. This time they thought nothing fun and had to submit to the strange and weird desires of Alexander the Large which, what with the Ninth, were choodessny[226]and zammechat[227] and very demanding, O my brothers. But they were both very very drunken and could hardly feel very much. When the last movement had gone round for the second time, then these two young ptitsas were not acting the big lady sophisto no more. They were like waking up to what was being done to their malenky persons and saying that they wanted to go home and like I was a wild beast. They looked like they had been in some big bitva[228], as indeed they had. Well, if they would not go to school they must still have their education. And education they had had. They were creeching and going ow ow ow as they put their platties on, and they were like punchipunching[229] me with their small fists as I lay there dirty and nagoy and fair shagged and fagged on the bed. This young Sonietta was creeching: “Beast and hateful animal. Filthy horror.” So I let them get their things together and get out, which they did, talking about how the rozzes should be got on to me and all that cal. Then they were going down the stairs and I dropped off to sleep, still with the old Joy Joy Joy of the last movement sounding in my ear.


      What happened, though, was that I woke up late (near seven-thirty by my watch) and, as it turned out, that was not so clever. You can pony that one thing always leads to another. Right right right. My stereo was no longer on, so some veck had stopped it, and that would be either pee or em, both of them now slooshying in the living-room, at their tired meal after the day's rabbiting. The poor starry. I put on my over-gown and looked out to say:

      “Hihihi, there. A lot better after the day's rest. Ready now for evening work to earn that little bit.” For that's what they believed I did these days. “Yum, yum, mum. Any of that for me?” It was like some frozen pie that she'd unfroze and then warmed up and it looked not so very appetitish[230], but I had to say what I said. Dad looked at me with a suspicious like look but said nothing, knowing he dared not, and mum gave me a tired like little smeck. I danced to the bathroom and had a real skorry cheest all over, then back to my den for the evening's platties. Then, shining, combed, brushed and gorgeous, I sat to my lomtick of pie. Papapa said:

      “Not that I want to pry, son, but where exactly is it you go to work of evenings?”

      “Oh,” I chewed, “it's mostly odd things, helping like[231]. Here and there, as it might be.” I gave him a straight dirty glazzy, as to say to mind his own and I'd mind mine[232]. “I never ask for money, do I? Not money for clothes or for pleasures? All right, then, why ask?”

      My dad was like humble mumble chumble[233]. “Sorry, son,” he said. “But I get worried sometimes. Sometimes I have dreams. You can laugh if you like, but there's a lot in dreams. Last night I had this dream with you in it and I didn't like it one bit.”

      “Oh?” He had gotten me interessovatted[234] now, dreaming of me like that. “Yes?” I said, stopping chewing my pie.

      “I saw you lying on the street and you had been beaten by other boys,” said my dad. “These boys were like the boys you used to go around with before you were sent to that last Corrective School.”

      “Oh?” I had an in-grin at that[235], papapa believing I had really reformed. And then I remembered my own dream, which was a dream of that morning, of Georgie giving his general's orders and old Dim smecking around toothless as he held the whip. “Never worry about your son, O my father,” I said. “Fear not. He can take care of himself, verily.”

      “And,” said my dad, “you were like helpless in your blood and you couldn't fight back.” I had another quiet malenky grin within and then I took all the deng out of my carmans and put it on the table-cloth. I said:

      “Here, dad, it's not much. It's what I earned last night. But perhaps for the odd peet of Scotchman somewhere for you and mum.”

      “Thanks, son,” he said. “But we don't go out much now. We daren't go out much, the streets being what they are. Young hooligans and so on. Still, thanks.” And he put this ill-gotten pretty into his trouser carmans, mum being at the cheesting of the dishes in the kitchen. And I went out with loving smiles.

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      Ну, и что дальше?






      место, заведение


      вещи (зд. алкоголь или наркотики)














      разбойничье нападение, изнасилование




      красть, грабить, воровать














на подхвате / подручный


как бы говоря: не лезь не в своё дело / тебя это не касается (mind your own business)






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