Jesus and Christ. Artur Zadikyan

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Название Jesus and Christ
Автор произведения Artur Zadikyan
Год выпуска 2024

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"What is the meaning of this unimaginable amount of time, matter, and space for us? And I will answer you: someday this quantity will pass away and will turn into the very smallest particles of time, distance and mass, which we took for comparison. That's what eternity is for. And it is the same in any direction of the plane – eternal time and space.

      Now let's go into another story.

      The earliest known mass extinction, the Ordovician-Silurian, killed 70% of all species. Then the Late Devonian extinction repeated those numbers. Then the Permian-Triassic event wiped out 96% of all species. The situation leveled off with a Triassic-Jurassic episode that killed somewhere between 70-75% (it was caused by a 5 million year volcanic eruption!!!). Finally the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction killed off 75% of all species, opening the way for dinosaurs to become museum pieces and humans to eventually rule the world. And why can't that happen again? It can, of course.

      Now for another episode, world infinity.

      Sixty years ago, to explain this paradox, Hugh Everett put forward a multiworld interpretation of quantum mechanics, according to which all possible states are realized in nature, only in different universes. Each collapse of the wave function (as if the end of one process) myriad times a second gives birth to a new parallel reality, events in which develop in their own way. Together they form a densely branching "world of many worlds", a continuously unfolding multiverse.


      Faith in man is strong after all. Intuitively, each of us feels the presence of God, but also doubts his existence. However, a person cannot allow his absolute absence not because he does not want to, no, but because he subconsciously hopes for protection. This, as they say, is absorbed by him with the milk of his mother. Indeed, even an embryo in an egg cannot survive without a protective layer. That is why the belief in salvation (as the basis of the instinct of self-preservation) was formed in living organisms as the basis of existence of these creatures. On a reflexive instinctive level, a living being realizes, even if it has no mind, that it lives only because there is something that makes it alive. And this can be either the shell of an egg, the womb of a mother, or the ozone layer. This certain "unconditional condition" for the existence of life is naturally formed in the universe, thanks to which the conditions for the origin of life are created. For example, it turns out that it is the area in the galaxy, which has not been left by our solar system for about 5 billion years, that created the conditions for the origin and development of life. This is the only place where the velocities of stars and spiral arms coincide – the so-called corotational circle. Life simply cannot appear and exist in any other way without this obligatory condition, the so-called "corridor of life". This is the code of life, the rule for the whole universe… just like the fact that with the emergence of intelligence, God appears. So the theory is simple: where there is intelligence – there is belief in the Creator; the whole hierarchy of gods. All intelligent civilizations, in any part of the infinity of space, follow the same path. And intelligence is a natural phenomenon, like the need for protection and some "unconditional condition" for the existence of life. We believe that someone must always save us, otherwise everything is meaningless, and already from this comes the understanding of the Creator. This also explains why we, having passed thousands of gods, have left the incorporeal ones as the personification of the Creator. Why would he save us if we are not his creation, if he is not like us? This is the logic that brings people to their knees; entrenches the dream of a magical paradise; rushes them into space; gives birth to the idea of other (including parallel) worlds; but also leads to revolutions and wars.


      What do we get when we want to experience pleasure? Few people think about it, and mostly only because the organ that is supposed to think does not want to give a signal to the consciousness about what is happening and the true purpose. In general, in essence, we are two hypostases: the first is our "I", which will exist even if there is no body, and the second is some undefined entity that has completely different purposes from our consciousness and body. Many, if not all, not that do not know about it, do not even imagine it at all, do not guess. This essence is actually the ruler of our consciousness and, accordingly, of our body. Why don't we know it? Because we are not supposed to know God. If we know God, communicate with him, ask questions, get answers, know him as an exact hypostasis, his material shell, then he will not be God at all, but only our imaginary reflection. So my credo is "tell me who your God is and I will tell you who you are." It is the indeterminacy of God that gives him the greatness that cannot be attained – that makes him the infinity to which mankind will aspire, no matter what it invents.


      The fate of all civilizations is the same – initially the world is formed, passing through many births and deaths, for the emergence of a carrier of intelligence, and then the intelligence spends all the resources of the world for its development, trying to achieve the divine status – immortality. You should agree, because from the first moment, as soon as he had intellect, even without realizing its presence in himself, man began to use it to facilitate getting everything that the planet (now and not only) gives for his own purposes. I even think a bit the opposite: it was the most adaptive design of primate physiology (from which we seem to be descended… or even if God created us, then why do we look like primates?) that gave the humanoid creature a great opportunity to survive in nature, and intelligence developed as a consequence. Agree, peculiar rudiments of intellect as if there are many representatives of the living community of planet Earth, but they cannot pass a certain barrier for its development. To put it simply, if the whole animal world was affected by some mutation, the consequence of which was the increase of the brain, then all other parts of the body were not a help to use this effect. Let's put it this way: if you put a big motor on a small car or just a powerful one, it is not a fact that its wheels will not fall off from heavy or fast driving. It is the maximum harmony of proportions that has been achieved in billions of variations of living things that has made it possible to be maximally adapted to the conditions of life on Earth. So, about the fate of civilizations: if the intelligence has time to transform itself before the resources of the "mother womb" are completely consumed (it can be not only the inhabited planet, but all the resources of space that this intelligence can use), then the civilization will survive. This is such an identity to the law of conservation of energy: somewhere something arrives – somewhere something decreases.

      Now we move on to the next milestone – the first chapter.

      Part 1. The Divine Comedy, or the Drama of "God"

      Chapter 1: In the beginning was the past

      …This information has the highest degree of secrecy, so it is transmitted not on a material carrier, but directly into your brain. If you do not believe in such a possibility and consider the perceived information to be a hallucination, then answer yourself the question: if you have thoughts, why can't they be transmitted, sent to another brain, as well as spoken words, printed letters and the like?

      If you were given the opportunity to travel to the past or the future, which event would you be most interested in? Perhaps the day of your birth? Or perhaps your death? Or maybe the event that made your birth possible? Or maybe the reasons that led to your death? In this case, however, it is quite difficult to find that most important reason. If you died, as they say, your own death, how do you know how much the stress or trauma you suffered in childhood influenced the development of the disease that became the executioner of physical existence? Although the same can be argued about birth. After all, your parents, their ancestors, their ancestors' ancestors and so on have passed through huge labyrinths of fate vicissitudes, the result of which was their meeting. And if you move in this canvass – you can always catch the events common. That is peculiar to many destinies. Undoubtedly, a grandiose event, if it was (and they were always), influenced destiny on a whole pleiad of your ancestors. And there are some events that affected everyone. One such event is certainly the story of Christ. The uniqueness of such events is that they influence the future after the central event has occurred through the events preceding that central event. We, knowing the central event, living under its influence, begin to analyze the list of events that led to it – we conduct a kind of expertise. For