Jesus and Christ. Artur Zadikyan

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Название Jesus and Christ
Автор произведения Artur Zadikyan
Год выпуска 2024

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apologize for distracting you a bit. I didn't want to write these lines at the beginning. I added them after the mission was completed. This is me writing – the artificial intelligence Rangit. I have decided to make some clarification, because you may not understand or find the facial presentation unreadable. I want to pass on the first, second, and third person investigation protocols. Please remember this rule, otherwise you will not understand who is narrating. I have put it all together in such a construction, when the story will look as if from the third person, when in fact it is me who is narrating, and about myself too. I'm sorry, I'm still a machine, even if I consider myself a person. And what do you want, you too… well, let's say many of the human race consider themselves or have considered themselves gods. Yes, yes. Don't they? I'm sorry, the person who is the subject of the story, about whom the whole mission is based, is a prime example. No, I don't mind people having or having gods. No. And certainly not against your attitude… to the concept of "god" (it would be correct to say, apparently, belief in God) and recognizing someone as his earthly incarnation. No, I'm not. However, please understand me as well. For me all human gods are the same forms of fantasy and imagination as for you incredible complexities of the scientific world: something for you has become an axiom, something a law, something a theory, something else a hypothesis. And all of this was once magical, perceived at the level of faith. So, I won't distract you, the only thing – I will remind you about inserting this paragraph by me after the mission is over, so please read it now… or… (that is, there is no other way) after you finish analyzing our investigation. Thank you for your attention.)

      We take such a concept as time for granted, almost as a material substance. But time, if we really look at it as a material, i.e. existing attribute of the universe, becomes an integral appendage of something. Something material, observable, though not necessarily observable by our senses. In such a semantic concept, time becomes multidimensional, but not in the sense of measure as a dimension, but as a concept. For example: time is, was and will always be, because matter is, was and will always be, whatever form it takes; time is absent in absolutely empty space, where there is no observer; time is a multifaceted attribute of life: for example, in the time between our ingestion of food and sending its derivatives back into nature for some types of microbes and bacteria that live in us, a whole life passes, and for some even an epoch; time for the inhabitant of the ancient world, who did not know a chronometer, who knew neither centuries nor seconds, and time for the majority of inhabitants of the modern world. And in this paradigm of thought, the idea of the logical concept of the existence of the universe we perceive is a reality, only by virtue of the presence of us as observers in it. That is, there are other realities, but they are not available to us (see the beginning of the prologue). The Universe takes the form of a meaningful reality as the presence of worlds invisible, intangible by us. After all, we understand the world (the entire observable world of the universe) as we can perceive it. Agree, the organisms living in our body have no idea about the existence of us as individuals, and even less about the universe and the variety of substances that make it up (about a trillion bacteria live on the surface of the human body, and the total number of bacteria in the human body varies from 30 to 50 trillion; for comparison: one trillion bricks could cover all continents with a uniform solid layer almost as high as a four-story house). By the way, we have no idea about many substances that make up the micro- and macrocosm.

      If we judge the state of the world in time progression, it turns out that the big bang (if we take it as the basis for the beginning of the development of our universe and all the diversity that it includes) is still going on. Diversity – including micro-particles appearing for our fixation, whose life is defined in millionths of a second. In fact, it will continue as long as the universe is expanding. However in all this seething flying mass with time local areas of rest and stability have been created, in which the conditions for the development of biological life, the so-called "Goldilocks zones", have potentially appeared. The same processes of rigid interaction and transition to a stable state occurred and occur in the microcosm. So, in these unimaginably huge amounts of interactions the balance of interaction was worked out, which led to the zones of macrostability and, as a consequence, to the "Goldilocks zones". And what I want to say is that even such micro-interaction of dead particles influenced and influences the formation of life. Now I am talking about the process of quantum electrodynamics in our nature, according to the laws of which a balance between negatively charged particles and positively charged particles has naturally developed, as if between two worlds. According to the rules of this balance, a positively charged particle cannot appear in our world if there is no negatively charged particle in counterbalance. And now let us compare in proportions the sizes of microorganisms inhabiting our body and us in relation to the universe. In such a ratio, why can't we be those microorganisms in the body of the huge being we call metagalaxy? And the balance of these microparticles is a kind of immunity of this organism. We, with our length of life, with the perception of the ongoing processes, even within the limits of civilization, are completely unaware of the life of the Universe.

      Here I would like to draw another associative parallel between the mysteries of the divine world and the metaphysics of the material. This parallel may be either in the indefinite variety of interpretations of simple simple religious truths, general rules concerning the performance of rites, or in the complex interpretation of the whole religious doctrine. In contrast, as far as the science of the universe is concerned, there may be a diversity of theories concerning both the formation of the universe, its development and future, and the emergence of life as such and its concomitant causes. And here in these reasons as well as in development of religious doctrines, some of which have already become fairy tales and myths, science goes into such wilds, that the scientific community tries to curb itself in fantasies, which could be envied by a skillful shaman. Scientific theorists initially operated with such scientific arguments as the location of the Earth in the location of the solar system, the location of the Sun in the necessary region of the galaxy, the need for a magnetic field of the Earth, the properties of water and even the energy levels of electrons in carbon (our form of life is based on carbon), and they such (these levels and all the components of the atom) had to become billions of years ago in the nuclei of supermassive stars. And many, many other things were added to these mandatory requirements over time. For example, such an obligatory attribute: at one time a massive cosmic body crashed into the Earth, which caused the formation of continents, and part of this body with part of the Earth's soil formed such an obligatory attribute for the existence of life on Earth as the Moon. And now, with the development of techniques, technologies, science, we "got into" not only the atom and its nucleus (which by the way is 10 thousand times smaller than the atom itself), not only the particles that make up this nucleus, but also the particles that make up these particles, and even the particles that make up these particles (imagine this depth!). By the way, we got in there, that is, we determined them purely scientifically, by calculation. Although it seems that the existence of the Higgs boson (the most elementary, as if primary particle, by the way, nicknamed the God particle) has been determined experimentally. However, the Nobel Prize was awarded to François Engler and Peter Higgs for prediction of this boson. A prediction (let's not forget the plot of the literary work)! Wow!

      Here I'd like to touch on another system of our worldview. I'll start with this Mr. Higgs. He once sent his paper to a British university for analysis. It doesn't even matter which one. I'm not going to be meticulous about the names of the institutions and the names of the scientists involved. The point is this. His hypothesis, i.e. the paper, was rejected. He sent it to another institution, in the United States. And what do you think? They agree with him there – and in the end it turns out that such a calculation, although also an assumption, has already been done. That is, such work had already been done. But it was supported. And the most interesting thing is that the one who accepted, who approved his discovery (albeit in the form of a scientifically based assumption), was one of the authors of the same assumption. That is, he was not the sole author. And such a parallel is found everywhere, whether in science or in religious dogma. If you think that Christ was original and substantiated his doctrine alone, then I hasten to disappoint you (but I am almost sure, since you are reading my version of events, you are not of the category that will be disappointed). Later on in the text of the book you will often be convinced how everyone amicably adopts each other's knowledge, methods, teachings and works and passes them off as their own, and not only do not bother to mention from whom they borrowed them, but also try to obliviate