Plastics and the Ocean. Группа авторов

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Название Plastics and the Ocean
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Химия
Издательство Химия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119768418

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      Linda A. Amaral‐Zettler NIOZ – Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Den Burg, The Netherlands and Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics University of Amsterdam Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      Anthony L. Andrady Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering North Carolina State University Raleigh, USA

      Nathaniel J. Clark International Marine Litter Research Unit, School of Biological and Marine Sciences University of Plymouth Plymouth, United Kingdom

      Garth A. Covernton Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Toronto Ontario, Canada

      Lia N. Corbett NIOZ – Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Den Burg, The Netherlands and Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics University of Amsterdam Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      Winnie Courtene‐Jones International Marine Litter Research Unit School of Biological and Marine Sciences University of Plymouth Plymouth, United Kingdom

      D. Cracknell University of Plymouth Plymouth, UK

      Astrid C. Fischer International Marine Litter Research Unit, School of Biological and Marine Sciences University of Plymouth Plymouth, United Kingdom

      Jennifer M. Lynch Chemical Sciences Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, USA and Center for Marine Debris Research, Hawaii Pacific University Honolulu, USA

      Amy L. Lusher Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) Oslo, Norway and Department of Biological Science University of Bergen Bergen, Norway

      Aoife A. Gowen School of Biosystems and Food Engineering University College Dublin Dublin, Ireland

      Xuan Guo Laboratory of Environmental Technology INET, Tsinghua University Beijing, China

      Peter T. Harris Grid Arendal Arendal, Norway

      M. Kooi Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group Wageningen University The Netherlands

      Bimali Koongolla Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Applied Marine Biology South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Institution of South China and Sea Ecology and Environmental Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Guangzhou, China

      Katrina Knauer Novoloop, Inc. Menlo Park, USA

      L. Lebreton The Ocean Cleanup Rotterdam, The Netherlands and The Modelling House Raglan, New Zealand

      Daoji Li State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research East China Normal University Shanghai, China

      Kai Liu State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research East China Normal University Shanghai, China

      Angiolillo Michela Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) Roma, Italy and Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (SZN) Napoli, Italy

      Thomas Maes Grid Arendal Arendal, Norway

      T. Mani The Ocean Cleanup Rotterdam, The Netherlands

      S. M. Mintenig Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group Wageningen University The Netherlands

      M. B. Tekman Deep‐Sea Ecology and Technology, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar Research Germany

      Tim van Emmerik Hydrology and Quantitative Water Management Group Wageningen University The Netherlands

      S. Nuojua University of Plymouth Plymouth, UK

      S. Pahl University of Plymouth Plymouth, UK and University of Vienna Vienna, Austria

      Karen Raubenheimer Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS) University of Wollongong Wollongong, Australia

      Katherine R. Shaw Chemical Sciences Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology and Center for Marine Debris Research Hawaii Pacific University

      Anna Schwarz Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) Utrecht, The Netherlands

      Natalie S. Smith International Marine Litter Research Unit, School of Biological and Marine Sciences University of Plymouth Plymouth, United Kingdom

      Eric Tambutté Centre Scientifique de Monaco Monaco, Principality of Monaco

      Brijesh Kumar Tiwari Department of Food Chemistry and Technology Teagasc Food Research Centre Dublin, Ireland
