Название | THE YELLOW CLAW |
Автор произведения | Sax Rohmer |
Жанр | Языкознание |
Серия | |
Издательство | Языкознание |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9783753192093 |
up his hand. “One witness at a time, if you please.”
Exel shrugged his shoulders and turned slightly, leaning his elbow upon
the mantelpiece and flicking off the ash from his cigar.
“I take it you were in bed?” questioned Dunbar, turning again to the
“I had been in bed about a quarter of an hour when I was aroused by the
ringing of the door-bell. This ringing struck me as so urgent that I
ran out in my pajamas, and found there Mr. Leroux, in a very disturbed
“What did he say? Give his own words as nearly as you remember them.”
Leroux, who had been standing, sank slowly back into the armchair, with
his eyes upon Dr. Cumberly as the latter replied:--
“He said 'Cumberly! Cumberly! For God's sake, come down at once; there
is a strange woman in my flat, apparently in a dying condition!'”
“What did you do?”
“I ran into my bedroom and slipped on my dressing-gown, leaving Mr.
Leroux in the entrance-hall. Then, with the clock chiming the last
stroke of midnight, we came out together and I closed my door behind me.
There was no light on the stair; but our conversation--Mr. Leroux was
speaking in a very high-pitched voice”...
“What was he saying?”
“He was explaining to me how some woman, unknown to him, had interrupted
his work a few minutes before by ringing his door-bell.”...
Inspector Dunbar held up his hand.
“I won't ask you to repeat what he said, doctor; Mr. Leroux, presently,
can give me his own words.”
“We had descended to this floor, then,” resumed Cumberly, “when Mr.
Exel, entering below, called up to us, asking if anything was the
matter. Leroux replied, 'Matter, Exel! There's a devil of a business!
For mercy's sake, come up!'”
“Mr. Exel thereupon joined us at the door of this flat.”
“Was it open?”
“Yes. Mr. Leroux had rushed up to me, leaving the door open behind him.
The light was out, both in the lobby and in the study, a fact upon which
I commented at the time. It was all the more curious as Mr. Leroux had
left both lights on!”...
“Did he say so?”
“He did. The circumstances surprised him to a marked degree. We came in
and I turned up the light in the lobby. Then Leroux, entering the
study, turned up the light there, too. I entered next, followed by Mr.
Exel--and we saw the body lying where you see it now.”
“Who saw it first?”
“Mr. Leroux; he drew my attention to it, saying that he had left her
lying on the chesterfield and NOT upon the floor.”
“You examined her?”
“I did. She was dead, but still warm. She exhibited signs of recent
illness, and of being addicted to some drug habit; probably morphine.
This, beyond doubt, contributed to her death, but the direct cause was
asphyxiation. She had been strangled!”
“My God!” groaned Leroux, dropping his face into his hands.
“You found marks on her throat?”
“The marks were very slight. No great pressure was required in her weak
“You did not move the body?”
“Certainly not; a more complete examination must be made, of course. But
I extracted a piece of torn paper from her clenched right hand.”
Inspector Dunbar lowered his tufted brows.
“I'm not glad to know you did that,” he said. “It should have been
“It was done on the spur of the moment, but without altering the
position of the hand or arm. The paper lies upon the table, yonder.”
Inspector Dunbar took a long drink. Thus far he had made no attempt
to examine the victim. Pulling out a bulging note-case from the inside
pocket of his blue serge coat, he unscrewed a fountain-pen, carefully
tested the nib upon his thumb nail, and made three or four brief
entries. Then, stretching out one long arm, he laid the wallet and
the pen beside his glass upon the top of a bookcase, without otherwise
changing his position, and glancing aside at Exel, said:--
“Now, Mr. Exel, what help can you give us?”
“I have little to add to Dr. Cumberly's account,” answered Exel,
offhandedly. “The whole thing seemed to me”...
“What it seemed,” interrupted Dunbar, “does not interest Scotland Yard,
Mr. Exel, and won't interest the jury.”
Leroux glanced up for a moment, then set his teeth hard, so that his jaw
muscles stood out prominently under the pallid skin.
“What do you want to know, then?” asked Exel.
“I will be wanting to know,” said Dunbar, “where you were coming from,
“From the House of Commons.”
“You came direct?”
“I left Sir Brian Malpas at the corner of Victoria Street at four
minutes to twelve by Big Ben, and walked straight home, actually
entering here, from the street, as the clock was chiming the last stroke
of midnight.”
“Then you would have walked up the street from an easterly direction?”
“Did you meet any one or anything?”
“A taxi-cab, empty--for the hood was lowered--passed me as I turned the
corner. There was no other vehicle in the street, and no person.”
“You don't know from which door the cab came?”
“As I turned the corner,” replied Exel, “I heard the man starting his
engine, although when I actually saw the cab,