Counseling the Culturally Diverse. Laura Smith L.

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Название Counseling the Culturally Diverse
Автор произведения Laura Smith L.
Жанр Психотерапия и консультирование
Издательство Психотерапия и консультирование
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119861911

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of people acted as if they were afraid of them.

       23% of people acted as if Blacks were dishonest.

      With the rise in Anti‐Asian sentiment in the United States, the experience of microaggressions by this group has also increased.

       3,800 hate crimes were recorded against AAPI groups from March 2020–February 2021. Although hate crimes are not racial microaggressions, they are harbingers of implicit bias.

       31% of Asian Americans reported they were objects of racial slurs and jokes.

       64% believe the political rhetoric (reference to Covid‐19 as the Wuhan virus, China virus, and Kungflu) unmasked beliefs that AAPI groups are foreigners and blamed.

       67% of adults, and 47% of youth were concerned with their safety.

       Sources: Asian American Psychological Association (2021); Gallup Poll (2020).


      1 In looking at Table 4.1, can you identify how you may have committed microaggressions related to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or ability?

      2 Compile a list of possible microaggressions you may have committed. Explore the potential hidden messages they communicated to their recipients.

      3 What do your microaggressions tell you about your unconscious perception of marginalized groups?

      4 If microaggressions are mostly outside the level of conscious awareness, what must you do to make them visible? What steps must you take to personally stop microaggressions?

      5 What solutions can you offer that would be directed at individual change, institutional change, and societal change?

       Table 4.1 Examples of Microaggressions

Themes Microaggression Message
Alien in Own Land When Asian Americans and Latinx Americans are assumed to be foreign‐born “Where are you from?” “Where were you born?” You are not American
“You speak good English” You are a foreigner
A person asking an Asian American to teach them words in their native language
Ascription of Intelligence Assigning intelligence to a Person of Color or a woman based on his or her race/gender “You are a credit to your race” People of color are generally not as intelligent as White Americans
“Wow! How did you become so good in math?” It is unusual for a woman to be smart in math
Asking an Asian person to help with a math or science problem All Asian people are intelligent and good in math/ sciences
“You only got into college because of affirmative action” You are not smart enough on your own to get into college
Color Blindness Statements that indicate that a White person does not want to acknowledge race “When I look at you, I don't see color” Denying a Person of Color's racial/ethnic experiences
“America is a melting pot” Assimilate/acculturate to dominant culture
“There is only one race, the human race” Denying the individual as a racial/cultural being
Criminality/Assumption of Criminal status Assuming a Person of Color to be dangerous, criminal, or deviant based on their race A White man or woman clutching their purse or checking their wallet as a Black or Latinx individual approaches or passes You are a criminal
A store owner following a customer of color around the store You are going to steal/You are poor/You do not belong
A White person waits to ride the next elevator when a Person of Color is on it You are dangerous
Use of Sexist/Heterosexist Language Terms that exclude or degrade women and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) persons Use of the pronoun “he” to refer to all people Male experience is universal Female experience is meaningless
Although a male‐to‐female transgender employee has consistently referred to herself as “she,” coworkers continue to refer to her as “he” Our language does not need to change to reflect your identity; your identity is meaningless
Two options for Relationship Status: Married or Single LGBTQ partnerships do not matter/are meaningless
An assertive woman is labeled a “bitch” Women should be passive
A heterosexual man who often hangs out with his female friends more than his male friends is labeled a “faggot” Men who act like women are inferior (women are inferior)/gay men are inferior
Denial of Individual Racism/Sexism/Heterosexism/Religious Discrimination A statement made when bias is denied “I'm not racist; I have several Black friends” I am immune to racism because I have friends of color
“I am not prejudiced against Muslims; I am just fearful of Muslims who are religious fanatics” I can separate Islamophobic social conditioning from my feelings about Muslim people in general
“As an employer, I always treat men and women equally” I am incapable of sexism
Myth of Meritocracy Statements that assert that race or gender does not play a role in life successes “I believe the most qualified person should get the job” People of color are given extra unfair benefits because of their race
“Men and women have equal opportunities for achievement” The playing field is even, so if women cannot make it, the problem is with them
Pathologizing Cultural Values/ Communication Styles The notion that the values and communication styles of the dominant/White culture are ideal