Название | Smart City Infrastructure |
Автор произведения | Группа авторов |
Жанр | Программы |
Серия | |
Издательство | Программы |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781119785545 |
In selfish mining, some nasty or wicked miners or clients store the mined blocks in their database and tries to create a confidential branch that transmits only after reaching specific requirements. In such scenarios, truthful or sincere miners waste lots of time and resources since selfish miners or clients organize private chains.
1.9.4 Security
Security describes confidentiality, truthfulness, and availability, which are challenging tasks in public blockchains where keys are visible to all nodes. Confidentiality level is low in scattered systems, and truthfulness is the profession of blockchains; even though it faces different issues, accessibility in blockchains is high in terms of legibility compared to writing accessibility.
1.10 Conclusion
Blockchain is a broadly renowned technology, which got massive interest from various research communities around the world. It consists of different key techniques that support various requirements in different human life areas like healthcare, financial transactions, elections, and markets. However, it faces many challenges associated with security and privacy. So, in this chapter, we made a systematic study on blockchain safety measurements in recent years. We made an explicit discussion on blockchain development, working procedure, structure and key technologies, and IoT inclusion with blockchain. Moreover, we described various security and privacy properties and respective practices; finally, we discussed challenges in the blockchain.
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