Marine Mussels. Elizabeth Gosling

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Название Marine Mussels
Автор произведения Elizabeth Gosling
Жанр Техническая литература
Издательство Техническая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119293934

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dynamic energy budget (DEB) models (see Chapter 6) to explore the future growth and distribution of two economically and ecologically important species, the oyster Crassostrea virginica and the mussel M. edulis, along the Atlantic coast of Canada. SST data were extracted from the climate model and used as a forcing variable in the bioenergetic models. This approach was applied across three distinct time periods: the past (1986–1990), the present (2016–2020) and the future (2046–2050), thus permitting a comparison of bivalve performance under different temporal scenarios. Results showed that growth in the future is variable both spatially and interspecifically. Modelling outcomes suggested that warming ocean temperatures will cause an increase in growth rates of both species as a result of their ectothermic nature. Since the thermal tolerance of C. virginica is higher than that of M. edulis, oysters will generally out‐perform mussels (Gosling 2015). The predicted effects of temperature on bivalve physiology also provided insight into vulnerabilities, such as mortality, under future SST scenarios. This information is useful for adapting future management strategies for both farmed and wild shellfish. Although the study focused on a geographically specific area, the approach of coupling bioenergetic and climate models is valid for species and environments across the globe.

      Apart from the impact on mussel biogeographic distribution and physiological traits already discussed, there is evidence that global warming can impact on: interspecific (Petes et al. 2007) and predator–prey (Freitas et al. 2007; Broitman et al. 2009; Menge et al. 2008; Harley 2011; Kordas et al. 2011; Monaco et al. 2016; Torossian et al. 2020) interactions; reproductive timing and larval dispersal (Carson et al. 2010); the immune response (Matozzo & Marin 2011; Beaudry et al. 2016; Hernroth & Baden 2018); byssal thread strength (Newcomb et al. 2019); developmental instability (Nishizaki et al. 2015); species invasion success (US EPA 2008; Occhipinti‐Ambrogi & Galil 2010; Firth et al. 2011; Somero 2010, 2011; Thyrring et al. 2017); mussel culture (Guyondet et al. 2015; Steeves et al. 2018; Silva et al. 2017; Filgueira et al. 2016; Callaway et al. 2012); and radiation‐induced damage (Dallas et al. 2016).

      Ocean Acidification

Schematic illustration of ocean acidification (OA). The reaction between dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) and water results in an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+); additional changes include an increase in bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) and a great decrease in carbonate ions (CO32-).

      Source: From Birchenough et al. (2017). Open Government Licence v3.0.

      Dupont & Pörtner (2013) reviewed a selection of papers covering a range of experimental approaches used to investigate the impact of OA on marine species and ecosystems. They found that while the vast majority of studies (>90%) on the potential effects of OA were laboratory‐based, there were a few field studies using natural gradients or CO2‐rich environments and large‐scale field studies using mesocosms that could provide insights into the short‐ and long‐term responses at the ecosystem level. Since their metastudy, there has been an enormous increase in the number of studies examining the effects of OA on a range of marine species, particularly the calcifying ones. The following paragraphs provide a selection of such studies, with the emphasis on those dealing with marine mussels.