Marine Mussels. Elizabeth Gosling

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Название Marine Mussels
Автор произведения Elizabeth Gosling
Жанр Техническая литература
Издательство Техническая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119293934

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winter. Although it lacks ice‐nucleating proteins, it utilises at least one strain of ice‐nucleating bacteria, Pseudomonas fulva, from seawater. These bacteria, which are found in the gills of G. demissa, could perform the same function as hemolymph ice‐nucleating proteins by limiting ice formation to extracellular compartments (Loomis & Zinser 2001).


      On fully marine shores, mussels experience a salinity of about 35 psu most of the time. M. edulis is likely to encounter hyper‐saline conditions in tide pools, crevices and sediments exposed on hot, breezy days, where evaporation can increase salinity to values as high as 42 psu (Tyler‐Walters 2008). In contrast, large amounts of rainfall dilute standing water on the shore, decreasing its salinity. But since many mussels, in particular Mytilus spp., are euryhaline, they can tolerate an extremely wide range of salinity (4–40 psu) in their natural environment (see Chapter 7 for details on salinity tolerances in marine mussels). Mussels in subarctic Norway commonly occur in shallow intertidal pools. By living in pools, they are insulated against low air temperatures but exposed to high salinities beneath overlying ice. They avoid exposing their tissues to salinities as high as 65 psu because a shell valve closure response to low temperature operates at about −1.5 °C, before ice sheets form and bottom water salinities rise (Davenport & Carrion‐Cotrina 1981). The increase in salinity appears to take several hours, but the return to normal seawater salinities occurs in just a few minutes when the ice is melted and the pools are flushed out by the relatively warm (3–5 °C) water of the incoming tide. In estuarine waters, mean salinity decreases and salinity variation increases with distance upstream, and both these factors have deleterious effects on bivalve distribution, with the result that species diversity is significantly less in estuaries than on fully marine shores.

      Habitat salinity may also determine the outcome of competition between native and invasive mussel species (see Tomanek et al. 2012 and Lockwood & Somero 2011b, described earlier, and Sarà & de Pirro 2011, described in Chapter 7).

      Wave Exposure

      Wave exposure, through both wave force and changes in immersion patterns, has a powerful influence on patterns of zonation and abundance on rocky shores. Lack of tolerance to high wave forces may limit species composition in this habitat, but because intertidal zonation patterns are driven by emersion time, wave action tends to extend biological zones vertically (upshore) by effectively decreasing the frequency and duration of emersion. High wave action will therefore cause a point on the shore to behave as if it is effectively lower than its still water tidal height. Harley & Helmuth (2003) described a method for measuring effective shore level (ESL), a metric that combines the influence of wave splash and tidal regime on patterns of emersion and immersion. They identified immersion events as sharp drops in temperature recorded by submersible dataloggers and compared the tide height at the time of the temperature drop to the wave height recorded by an offshore buoy. Using this method, Gilman et al. (2006) compared the effects of wave action on immersion patterns within multiple sites on the Pacific coast of North America. They deployed miniature temperature loggers at fixed intertidal heights at each site and recorded temperatures at intervals of 5–15 min for periods of up to five years, and developed a programme that can be used to identify temperature drops in a datalogger time series and calculate daily and monthly summary statistics of temperature. They concluded that ESL parameters provide a useful metric for comparing the effects of wave action on immersion patterns within sites. A sensor has now been designed to measure wave forces and wave heights on a time and size scale appropriate for organisms inhabiting the surf zone of rocky intertidal shores. The instrument is capable of continuous deployments for a duration of several months. The sensor/logger package consists of a three‐axis force transducer connected to a resin model of a mussel (M. edulis), a custom‐made datalogger in a waterproof housing and their respective communication cables (details in Lima et al. 2011).