Hydrogeology. Kevin M. Hiscock

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Название Hydrogeology
Автор произведения Kevin M. Hiscock
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119569510

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Comparison of log drawdown, s, versus log time, t, for (a) ideal (...Fig. 7.21 Application of image well theory in the case of pumping wells affe...Fig. 7.22 Five topological types of conduit network in karst groundwater sys...Fig. 7.23 (a) Location map of the Chepstow Block and Great Spring, (b) recov...Fig. 7.24 Results of a single borehole dilution tracer test in an open Chalk...Fig. 7.25 Recovery of fluorescein dye‐tracer at Quay Lane well, Southwold, S...Fig. 7.26 Fluorescein concentration data from the radial flow test at Quay L...Fig. 7.27 (a) Groundwater abstractions as a percentage of recharge based on ...Fig. 7.28 (a) Model domain and boundary conditions for the groundwater flow ...

      8 Chapter 8Fig. 8.1 Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals for death from acute...Fig. 8.2 Histogram of total hardness values recorded for groundwaters sample...Fig. 8.3 Diagram for classifying irrigation water based on percentage sodium...Fig. 8.4 Diagrammatic representation of (a) molecular diffusion and (b) mech...Fig. 8.5 Dispersion within an isotropic porous material of (a) a continuous ...Fig. 8.6 Positions of a contaminant front transported by one‐dimensional mol...Fig. 8.7 Results of a tracer experiment in the Cape Cod sand and gravel aqui...Fig. 8.8 Results of a controlled laboratory column experiment showing the ef...Fig. 8.9 Set‐up of the layered aquifer system and transport parameters used ...Fig. 8.10 Concentration breakthrough curve demonstrating macrodispersion cau...Fig. 8.11 Column breakthrough curves for 2‐nitroaniline (Co = 6 μg L−1Fig. 8.12 Configuration of the injected pulse and the time‐series sampling p...Fig. 8.13 Movement and dispersive spreading of the carbon tetrachloride (CTE...Fig. 8.14 Comparison of retardation factors estimated from synoptic sampling...Fig. 8.15 Plan view of the conservative sulphate and organic solute plumes o...Fig. 8.16 Examples of Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms. S is the mass of ch...Fig. 8.17 Groundwater contamination by metal plating wastes, Long Island, Ne...Fig. 8.18 Comparison of fluid wetting states for a porous sand containing wa...Fig. 8.19 Relative permeability curves for a two‐phase system of wetting, w,...Fig. 8.20 Behaviour of organic contaminants in groundwater. The chlorinated ...Fig. 8.21 Zones of DNAPL and water, and the relationship of mobile DNAPL and...Fig. 8.22 Diagram of (a) DNAPL and (b) LNAPL spills and their transport in f...Fig. 8.23 Effect of density on the transport of dissolved contaminants in a ...Fig. 8.24 The effect of aquifer heterogeneity on contaminant zones influence...Fig. 8.25 Contaminant transport within porous fractured material. In (a) the...Fig. 8.26 Ranges of major ion concentrations for pumped samples from abstrac...Fig. 8.27 Schematic diagram of contaminant sources, transport pathways and p...Fig. 8.28 Graphs showing long‐term changes in the quality of polluted mine w...Fig. 8.29 Map showing the location of major uncontrolled discharges from aba...Fig. 8.30 Limestone filter installation sited upstream of Cwm Rheidol, west ...Fig. 8.31 Organic solvent contamination of the urban Birmingham Triassic san...Fig. 8.32 Temporal variation of concentration profiles of (a) chloride, (b) ...Fig. 8.33 Temporal variation in TOC : Cl ratios in the unsaturated zone of t...Fig. 8.34 Landfill leachate contamination of groundwater in a lacustrine san...Fig. 8.35 Diagram showing (a) a schematic cross‐section of a conventional se...Fig. 8.36 Distribution of nitrate concentration in an unconfined medium sand...Fig. 8.37 Microplastic particles identified in (1) raw groundwater at the dr...Fig. 8.38 The nitrogen cycle showing sources of nitrogen incorporated in the...Fig. 8.39 Regional distribution of groundwater nitrate concentrations in the...Fig. 8.40 Histogram of groundwater nitrate concentrations in the Jersey bedr...Fig. 8.41 Development of a saline interface in an unconfined coastal aquifer...Fig. 8.42 Vertical cross‐section showing flow patterns of freshwater and sal...Fig. 8.43 Location map of the lower valley and delta of the River Llobregat,...Fig. 8.44 Schematic hydrogeological cross‐section of the Lower Llobregat aqu...Fig. 8.45 Temporal variation in piezometric level and chloride content at th...Fig. 8.46 Evolution of saline intrusion in the Lower Llobregat deep delta aq...Fig. 8.47 Fluid electrical conductivity logs recorded by downhole geophysica...Fig. 8.48 Freshwater lens developed in a small oceanic island under natural ...Fig. 8.49 Schematic hydrogeological cross‐section of the perched and Mean Se...

      9 Chapter 9Fig. 9.1 Single‐well capture zone curves overlain on a site map of a sand qu...Fig. 9.2 Site of a jet fuel leak adjacent to Technical Block L at Heathrow A...Fig. 9.3 Construction details of recovery Well 2. The well was installed by ...Fig. 9.4 Cumulative recovery of hydrocarbon from Wells 1, 2 and 3 at Heathro...Fig. 9.5 Three options for remediation of contaminated groundwater. (a) Unre...Fig. 9.6 In (a) a cross‐section of the emplaced source of chlorinated solven...Fig. 9.7 Longitudinal section through the Borden aquifer test site showing t...Fig. 9.8 Conceptual diagram illustrating the important natural attenuation p...Fig. 9.10 Illustration of two situations of contrasting groundwater vulnerab...Fig. 9.11 Groundwater vulnerability classification scheme used by the Enviro...Fig. 9.12 Specific groundwater nitrate vulnerability map for England and Wal...Fig. 9.9 Illustration of natural attenuation of crude oil contamination by a...Fig. 9.13 Examples of protection zones for groundwater sources in (a) a poro...Fig. 9.14 Conceptual model of a wellhead protection area and associated term...Fig. 9.15 Wellhead protection area (WHPA) defined using a fully three‐dimens...Fig. 9.16 Schematic illustration of source protection zones showing the rela...Fig. 9.17 Framework for a tiered approach to hydrogeological risk assessment...Fig. 9.18 The European approach to groundwater vulnerability assessment in c...Fig. 9.19 The Drastrup Area, Denmark, showing the area of new forest planted...Fig. 9.20 Illustration of the reduced nitrate concentrations achieved in (a)...Fig. 9.21 Areas of NVZs in England. The following rules apply under this man...Fig. 9.22 Distribution of arsenic pollution in the main aquifer system in Ba...Fig. 9.23 Groundwater vulnerability map for the lower Walawe River Basin, Sr...

      10 Chapter 10Fig. 10.1 Major aquifer basins of Libya and location of wellfields and conve...Fig. 10.2 Map of the location of the original development area of the Great ...Fig. 10.3 Hydrograph records for 1970–1971 showing the net gain in flow of t...Fig. 10.4 Transfer of water from the Ely Ouse River to the Cut‐Off Channel a...Fig. 10.5 Schematic illustration of types of managed aquifer recharge. (a) A...Fig. 10.6 Schematic diagram showing the operation of an aquifer storage and ...Fig. 10.7 Map of the North London Artificial Recharge Scheme showing borehol...Fig. 10.8 Location map of the River Rhine at the Flehe waterworks, Düsseldor...Fig. 10.9 Vertical section through the Pleistocene sandy gravel aquifer belo...Fig. 10.10 Graph showing the fluctuation in chloride concentrations in the R...Fig. 10.11 Schematic representation of types of flow conditions at riverbank...Fig. 10.12 Schematic diagram depicting the evolution of dissolved oxygen, ni...Fig. 10.13 Simple hydrogeological classification of wetland types. In (a) su...Fig. 10.14 Location and site map of Redgrave and Lopham fen in East Anglia s...Fig. 10.15 General aspect of Redgrave and Lopham Fen looking north‐east acro...Fig. 10.16 Schematic cross‐section through Redgrave and Lopham Fen illustrat...Fig. 10.17 Generalized hydrogeological cross‐section of south Florida (the l...Fig. 10.18 Hydrological features and the direction of surface water and coas...Fig. 10.19 Generalized section of the Everglades wetlands in the Shark River...Fig. 10.20 Long‐term hydrograph showing water level fluctuations at a well i...Fig. 10.21 Conceptual model of hydrological and hydrogeological controls on ...Fig. 10.22 Examples of coastal dune slacks: (a) Type B dune slack and (b) Ty...Fig. 10.23 Hydrogeological cross‐section explaining the emergence of perenni...Fig. 10.24 Schematic representation of the global radiation budget. Averaged...Fig. 10.25 Impacts of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations on the natura...Fig. 10.26 Comparison of (a) the Central England annual precipitation record...Fig. 10.27 (a) Profile view of a permafrost landscape with shallow (supra‐pe...Fig. 10.28 (a) Conceptual river discharge hydrographs dominated by spring/su...Fig. 10.29 Schematic NE–SW profile illustrating geothermal resources in the ...Fig. 10.30 Schematic diagrams of (a) a closed‐loop borehole heat exchanger i...Fig. 10.31 Schematic illustration (not to scale) of possible modes of water ...Fig. 10.32 Integrated, adaptive management scheme for the protection of grou...

      11 Appendix 10Fig. A10.1 Cross‐section through a layered aquifer‐aquitard system comprisin...Fig. A10.2 Site investigation area of a sand aquifer.Fig. A10.3 Longitudinal and transverse sections of an alluvial valley. (a) L...Fig. A10.4 Section through a sandstone aquifer with shale confining beds.Fig. A10.5 Flow net of seepage under a dam.Fig. A10.6 Location and topographic map of Kuwait (Saleh et al. 1999).Fig. A10.7 Location map of the Fife and Kinross area of Scotland showing sam...Fig. A10.8 Tri‐linear (Piper) diagram.Fig. A10.9 Schematic cross‐section of the Builth Volcanics, Llandrindod Well...Fig. A10.10 Geological logs of two chalk boreholes at Hargham, Norfolk, Engl...Fig. A10.11