Hydrogeology. Kevin M. Hiscock

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Название Hydrogeology
Автор произведения Kevin M. Hiscock
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119569510

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(Ambroggi 1977) to 320 × 106 km3 (Garrels et al. 1975).

Schematic illustration of the hydrological cycle. The global water cycle has three major pathways: precipitation, evaporation and water vapour transport.

      (Source: Berner, E.K. and Berner, R.A. (1987) The Global Water Cycle: Geochemistry and Environment. Prentice‐Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. © 1987, Pearson Education.)

      (Source: Berner, E.K. and Berner, R.A. (1987) The Global Water Cycle: Geochemistry and Environment. Prentice‐Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. © 1987, Pearson Education.)

Reservoir Volume (×106 km3) Percentage of total
Oceans 1370 97.25
Ice caps and glaciers 29 2.05
Deep groundwater (750–4000 m) 5.3 0.38
Shallow groundwater (<750 m) 4.2 0.30
Lakes 0.125 0.01
Soil moisture 0.065 0.005
Atmospherea 0.013 0.001
Rivers 0.0017 0.0001
Biosphere 0.0006 0.00004
Total 1408.7 100


      a As liquid equivalent of water vapour.

Schematic illustration of the distribution of water at or near the Earth's surface.

      (Source: Maurits la Rivière, J.W. (1989) Threats to the world’s water. Scientific American 261, 48–55.)

      By taking the constant volume of water in a given reservoir and dividing by the rate of addition (or loss) of water to (from) it enables the calculation of a residence time for that reservoir. For the oceans, the volume of water present (1370 × 106 km3; see Fig. 1.8) divided by the rate of river runoff to the oceans (0.037 × 106 km3 a−1) gives an average time that a water molecule spends in the ocean of about 37 000 years. Lakes, rivers, glaciers and shallow groundwater have residence times ranging between days and thousands of years. Because of extreme variability in volumes and precipitation and evaporation rates, no simple average residence time can be given for each of these reservoirs. As a rough calculation, and with reference to Fig. 1.8 and Table 1.1, if about 6% (2220 km3 a−1) of runoff from land is taken as active groundwater circulation, then the time taken to replenish the volume (4.2 × 106 km3) of shallow groundwater stored below the Earth's surface is of the order of 2000 years. In reality, groundwater residence times vary from about 2 weeks to 10 000 years (Nace 1971), and longer (Edmunds 2001). A similar estimation for rivers provides a value of about 20 days. These estimates, although a gross simplification of the natural variability, do serve to emphasize the potential longevity of groundwater pollution compared to more rapid flushing of contaminants from river systems.

      1.5.1 Groundwater occurrence in the upper continental crust

      Focusing on the upper 2 km of the continental crust in which most hydrogeological observations are made, Gleeson et al. (2015) combined multiple approaches using geospatial datasets, tritium age dating of groundwater and numerical modelling to show that less than 6% of the groundwater in the uppermost portion of the Earth's land mass is less than 50 years old, representing modern groundwater that is the most recently recharged. Gleeson et al. (2015) found that the total groundwater volume in the upper 2 km of continental crust is approximately 22.6 × 106 km3, of which 0.1–5.0 × 106 km3 is less than 50 years old. The distribution of this modern groundwater is spatially heterogeneous, with very little in arid regions. Although modern groundwater represents a small percentage of the total groundwater storage on Earth, the volume of this component is still very significant, equivalent to a water depth of about 3 m spread over the world's continents.

      1.5.2 Groundwater‐related tipping points