“Une adoration métaphorique de mots gravée dans des images cohérentes : le tot accrochant. Votre diction, comme une capsule de vie, qui contraint l'imaginaire humain à conceptualiser et à nourrir. Un enrobage de la joie et de la tristesse. Le cordage de cette capsule au son, au ton, à l'humeur et à d'autres caractéristiques paralinguistiques pour mettre en amont le sens et être esthétiquement agréable à l'esprit”. -Udensi Udensi Literary Reviewe “Ce poème est sensuel, solennel, saisissant et sacré. Je ressens les pressions d'une tranquillité positive”. -Professeur d'Onomastique Littéraire, Center for Graduate Studies (Centre d'Études Supérieures), Nodia International University (Université internationale de Nodia), Uttar Pradesh, Inde “Notre monde n'est rien d'autre qu'un lieu de passage joyeux et troublé et les poèmes de Gift Foraine Amukoyo relèvent brillamment ce thème”-Ogunbowale Olusegun'tayo “De l'intérieur…Quelque part derrière le cœur…Où les humains sentent… Et se font sentir… C'est tout le sens de ce vers… ” -Chiyasa Ezeezeh Ikwuemesibe, Poète et critique littéraire. Photo de couverture CHRIS ARTY Ginny Gin
This book is the first handbook about being contemporary and personal diary written by me. The calm of well-being, of inventions. The three-dimensional aspects of concrete and human objects, for a research in individual thought. A work that frees from stylistic commitments, mistakes are everyone's, the present must be represented but, without the fear of having made a bigger mistake than the previously accepted silence. By choosing a speech, it promises a definitive daily solution to rhetorical-historical art. It describes my experiences, imaginatively the memories of a good in the land of evil. This book is the first handbook about being contemporary and personal diary written by me. The calm of well-being, of inventions. The three-dimensional aspects of concrete and human objects, for a research in individual thought. A work that frees from stylistic commitments, mistakes are everyone's, the present must be represented but, without the fear of having made a bigger mistake than the previously accepted silence. By choosing a speech, it promises a definitive daily solution to rhetorical-historical art. It describes my experiences, imaginatively the memories of a good in the land of evil. Diary written in a simple way, a textual form to fill even an absence of complete information about the right to good, which characterizes an insensitivity in public and journalistic publications. A phenotype inclusive of modern material, Christian and Arabic objectivity. It wants to represent a door to the future, a new party. The period of the eighteen letters contained reaches from August 2005 to March 2007.
Este libro es el primer manual del ser contemporáneo y diario personal escrito por mí. La calma del bienestar, de las invenciones. Los aspectos tridimensionales de los objetos humanos concretos, a forma de investigación del pensamiento individual. Una obra que libera de compromisos estilísticos, los errores son de todos, el presente debe ser representado sin embargo, sin temor a haber cometido un error mayor que el silencio previamente aceptado. Escogiendo un discurso, promete una solución diaria definitiva al arte retorico-histórico. Describe mis experiencias, fantasiosamente las memorias del bien en la tierra de los malos. Este libro es el primer manual del ser contemporáneo y diario personal escrito por mí. La calma del bienestar, de las invenciones. Los aspectos tridimensionales de los objetos humanos concretos, a forma de investigación del pensamiento individual. Una obra que libera de compromisos estilísticos, los errores son de todos, el presente debe ser representado sin embargo, sin temor a haber cometido un error mayor que el silencio previamente aceptado. Escogiendo un discurso, promete una solución diaria definitiva al arte retorico-histórico. Describe mis experiencias, fantasiosamente las memorias del bien en la tierra de los malos. Diario escrito de modo simple, una forma textual de colmar la ausencia de información sobre el derecho al bien, que caracteriza una insensibilidad en las publicaciones públicas y periodísticas. Un fenotipo que incluye material moderno, cristiano y árabe. Quiere representar una puerta al futuro, un partido nuevo. El periodo de las dieciocho cartas incluidas va desde agosto del 2005 a marzo del 2007. Buena lectura
Contos interativos sobre as aventuras de dois ratinhos que descobrem o mundo e deixam voar a imaginação. As crianças vão adorar as histórias divertidas e repletas de atividades que lhes permitirão ajudar os protagonistas e aprender ao mesmo tempo: colorindo, contando objetos, ligando os pontos ou decifrando charadas… Pedagogicamente recomendado para crianças de 5 a 8 anos. Uma grande aventura para toda a família!
Racconti interattivi sulle avventure di due topolini che scoprono il mondo e volano sulle ali della fantasia. Piacevoli storie che incanteranno i vostri bambini, insieme a piccole attività che li avvicineranno ai protagonisti della favola e nello stesso tempo li aiuteranno ad imparare: colorando, contando degli oggetti, unendo dei puntini o con degli indovinelli. Pedagogicamente raccomandato per bambini dai 5 agli 8 anni. Una fantastica avventura per tutta la famiglia!
Interactive stories about the adventures of two mice that discover the world and let their imagination run. Delicious stories that children will love and that come full of activities in which they will be able to help the protagonists and learn at the same time: coloring, counting objects, following the dotted lines or guessing riddles… Pedagogically recommended for girls and boys from 5 to 8 years. A great adventure for the whole family!
Un vibrante thriller di avventura, suspense e mistero ambientato nell'ultimo quarto del XIX secolo e nella prima guerra mondiale. Un importante archeologo scompare in strane circostanze durante la prima guerra mondiale mentre gli eserciti combattono un fronte infinito impantanato in sanguinose battaglie e enormi difficoltà che provocano il caos su entrambi i lati. Alla fine della guerra, un giornalista accorto incuriosito dalla sorprendente scomparsa dell'archeologo subirà un'indagine complessa, che lo porterà a viaggiare per diversi continenti in una ricerca frenetica fino a quando non potrà svelare un episodio insolito nella storia dell'Impero britannico. Immergiti in un thriller frenetico dove puoi scoprire alcuni dei reperti più famosi dell'età d'oro dell'archeologia.
The judge fell asleep and, some three hours later, when he woke up rested and with his mind clear of the heaviness of the day, he established visual contact with a scene that he wasn’t familiar with. As if he was transferred to some other place, where he could see and hear everything that was happening. The kind of presence, where he could observe all the assistants in detail, whilst not physically there. The judge fell asleep and, some three hours later, when he woke up rested and with his mind clear of the heaviness of the day, he established visual contact with a scene that he wasn’t familiar with. As if he was transferred to some other place, where he could see and hear everything that was happening. The kind of presence, where he could observe all the assistants in detail, whilst not physically there. It was the first time something like that has happened, and so he found himself with fear. In the beginning, he kept a distance from people that he was watching and events that he was witnessing. But soon, he realized that this could only be a dream, and nothing could really happen, and so he got mixing with the assistants, observing everything from different positions. When they did not detect his presence, he finally decided that, effectively, this was a dream, and that he could learn something from things that he was seeing and hearing.
Подразделение Седьмой кавалерии находится на задании над Афганистаном, когда их самолет чем-то сбит. Солдаты выпрыгивают из искалеченного самолета, но когда тринадцать мужчин и женщин достигают Земли, они уже не в Афганистане. Они не только находятся в четырех тысячах миль от своего первоначального места назначения, но и, похоже, спустились на две тысячи лет в прошлое, где первобытные силы сражаются друг с другом мечами и стрелами. Взвод бросают в бой, где они должны быстро выбрать сторону или умереть. Их захлестывает такой мощный поток событий, что их мужество, изобретательность и оружие подвергаются испытаниям на прочность и прочность.
Une unité du Septième de Cavalerie est en mission au-dessus de l'Afghanistan lorsque leur appareil est touché par quelque chose. Les soldats parviennent à s'échapper de l'avion mutilé, mais lorsque les treize hommes et femmes touchent le sol, ils ne sont pas en Afghanistan. Non seulement ils sont à six mille cinq cents kilomètres de leur objectif initial mais il se trouve qu'ils ont remonté le temps de deux mille ans dans le passé où des forces primitives s'affrontent avec des glaives et des arcs. La section est jetée dans une bataille dans laquelle il leur faut vite choisir un camp ou mourir. Ils sont précipités dans un tumulte d'événements si puissants que leur courage, leur ingéniosité et leurs armes sont soumis à l'extrême limite de leur résistance et de leur force.