In this book, Dr. Dario Polisano will give you the answers that no one has ever given you regarding food and nutrition. He will explain how to achieve psycho-physical well-being, resetting and detoxifying your body, followed by a gradual reintroduction of the allowed foods. You can finally lose all excess weight in a quick and healthy fashion. Most people know the relationship between diet and health, and many among them already understand that gluten, dairy products, and sugars (among other things) are harmful to one's well-being. And yet, all too often, when we go into specifics trying to reach an explanation about the real reasons and the real harmful effects of these foods, we find ourselves without answers. In this book you will find the answers you have been looking for for some timeclear answers, expressed with simple but thorough explanations, and all based on scientific evidence. The answers that nobody has ever given you. You will also discover what the true Mediterranean diet entails, and learn how to follow it to improve your health. You will understand the reasons why certain illnesses arise, but above all, how to intervene in order to reset your body will be explained to you, through a targeted food program which will allow you to come into your best physical shape. For those who want to lose weight quickly, healthily and permanently, this is the book for you! Those who do not need to lose weight, but who live with more or less serious health problems will also find this book very useful. Dr. Dario Polisano is a biologist-nutritionist with degrees in ”Pharmaceutical Science Applied to Health Products” and ”Food Science and Human Nutrition.” He is an expert in clinical nutrition, and he is registered in the Honor Roll of Nutritionists. Today he continuously updates his course of study; in fact, he is now completing a master's degree in naturopathy and has achieved countless advanced courses on nutrition and on food integrators for cancer patients. After radically changing how he eats, and solving the countless health problems that had plagued him for years, he decided to help others by spreading his diet method, which he developed after long years of study. Dr. Dario Polisano affirms that we must not suppress the symptoms of our body, but rather interpret them and take action on the biological mechanisms that caused them.
Por fin ha llegado la hora de acabar una intensa jornada de trabajo, llena de sinsabores. Una auténtica maratón para completar mi parte del gran engranaje que es la empresa donde laboro, en el cual no se puede malograr sin perjudicar al resto. Por fin ha llegado la hora de acabar una intensa jornada de trabajo, llena de sinsabores. Una auténtica maratón para completar mi parte del gran engranaje que es la empresa donde laboro, en el cual no se puede malograr sin perjudicar al resto. Estaba recogiendo algunos papeles de mi despacho cuando escuché ese singular sonido que hace el ordenador cuando recibo un nuevo e-mail. A estas horas no suelo revisarlos, ya que prefiero estar fresco para verlos, y hoy ha sido un agotador día, ya lo veré mañana cuando regrese. Normalmente no los leía hasta la mañana siguiente, ni siquiera lo hacía en mi casa intentaba separar mi vida profesional de la personal.
Dos eventos trágicos, la masacre de Los Angeles de 1871 y el abonimable tráfico de las pequeñas esclavas, que resumen la relación difícil entre América y China en los años 1820 y 1945. Un libro de ingeniosa e inteligente crítica que deja al descubierto verdades ocultas con un estilo simple y eficaz.
Un libro per capire la storia cinese. Scopo di questo libro è fornire al lettore una breve e comprensibile storia della Cina. L’interesse dell’autore, che si percepisce scorrendo queste pagine, si rivolge soprattutto alle culture di frontiera e alle minoranze. La costruzione della Cina va dai piccoli regni sulle sponde del Fiume Giallo, che crearono i semi della civiltà cinese in un Paese di nove milioni di kmq, fino ai processi di conquista e sottomissione dei popoli che daranno vita alla Cina di oggi; questa storia può seguirsi scorrendo le pagine di questo libro.
Um livro para entender a história da China. Embora o objetivo deste livro seja fornecer ao leitor uma história curta e compreensível da China, o interesse do autor pelas culturas dos povos da fronteira e das minorias é percebido ao longo de suas páginas. A construção da China, desde os pequenos reinos nas margens do Rio Amarelo, que criaram as primeiras sementes da civilização chinesa, até um país que cobre agora mais de 9 milhões de quilômetros quadrados, pode ser seguida nas páginas deste livro, bem como o processo de conquista e absorção de povos que hoje dão origem à China.
Una storia d'amore paranormale tra un angelo caduto ed un'umana Azel è il primo degli angeli caduti, quello al quale si rivolgono tutti quando hanno un problema. Per questo, quando il suo vecchio vicino di casa gli chiede aiuto per ospitare una donna in fuga, accetta senza esitare. Questa donna lo toccherà fin nel profondo e Azalel inizierà a sperare di poter trovare la stessa felicità che suo fratello Baraqiel ha trovato con Caytlin. Tuttavia, per riuscire a farlo, ciascuna di queste due anime tormentate dovrà fare la pace con il proprio passato
L’essence du sang est un mystère qui a de nombreuses significations. Le sang porte la vie… mais se répand, il peut détruire une vie en un clin d’œil. Certaines légendes disent que le sang est aussi le lien qui unit les âmes… même si l’une de ces âmes est dévastée. Les humeurs et les principes du paranormal de Los Angeles sont mis à l’épreuve quand l’innocence est menacée. On leur rappelle que les démons ne sont pas tous mauvais… et même parfois, les démons ont besoin d’être sauvés des choses qui se passent la nuit. Au cours de révélations mortelles, de résurrection et de l’acceptation de l’inévitable, une nouvelle arme est forgée par la pluie de sang.
Мне надоело ждать, пока я закончу Академию, чтобы претендовать на свой титул. Время вышло. Мой народ страдает и погибает. Я король Фейри, и я занимаю свой трон. Я многому научился за время учебы в Академии Брэмбл-Эдж, но мне кажется, что этого будет недостаточно. Самый большой вопрос заключается в том, достаточно ли я силен, чтобы позаботиться о темных фейри, которые терроризируют наше королевство и пытаются забрать то, что принадлежит мне. Темные Фейри-не единственная моя проблема. Люди живут в замке моей семьи и захватили большую часть наших земель. Мне предстоит битва всей моей жизни с моей парой и личной охраной. Я обрел союзника, которого никогда не видел, и теперь мы должны спасти Королевство Фейри, пока не стало слишком поздно.
Une nuit de passion dévaste la vie et la carrière de la belle Loreley, jeune avocate à New York, aux prises avec un procès délicat à l’issue en apparence prévisible. Pour découvrir la vérité, la femme décide de s’immiscer dans un milieu douteux, où elle découvrira la face cachée d’elle-même. Divers personnages évoluent autour de l’héroïne : un ancien amour, la famille, les amis, les collègues, mais surtout Sonny, un pianiste et compositeur encore lié à son propre passé. Certains d’entre eux restent fidèles à eux-mêmes, d’autres se cachent derrière des masques de cristal que la succession rapide et impitoyable d’évènements finira par briser.
A comedy about a thirty year-old New Yorker who is in the dark about his family's mafiosa activities and finds himself involved in a vendetta between families and on the hunt for an elusive treasure. “Brilliant and dynamic, you will be thrown into an exhilarating adventure for the hunt of a hidden treasure in a captivating New York; in a world where the word 'Mafia' will make you smile. Riddles, pursuits and a comedy of errors surround the characters in a vortex of gags, unaware that they are the center of attention of the 'Family' that wants to protect them; of the ruthless rival mob that threatens them for the loot; and the interest of two confused cops who stalk them in an attempt to figure out what's going on.” “Take a slice of 'The Big Apple' and add two good kids: Ben and Susan. Now blend that with a strong and determined mafia 'Family' that blackmails them, and mix in the frenetic pursuit of a hidden treasure. Spice it up with fervent cops hot on their heels and above all, don't forget to garnish everything with yet another New York rival 'Family', whose Boss is the uncle of the young Ben, that has always protected him. The secret ingredient: Ben must never know about his uncles' true 'business' and must continue to believe that they are honest workers, due to a promise made at the time of his father's death. Serve this in a brilliant and dynamic setting, accompanied with a fresh liveliness…of puzzling riddles, misunderstandings and never-ending pursuits.”