Uma viagem a Cingapura para dar início a uma nova vida. Lá, o protagonista conhecerá a esperança, a traição, a dor e viverá uma tórrida história de amor com uma mulher avassaladora. Como ele foi parar no inferno de Bang Kwang, uma prisão tailandesa de segurança máxima? O que fez com que ele se transformasse em um homem totalmente diferente, capaz das mais obscuras atrocidades? Uma história apaixonante de máfia, mistério e violência que levará o leitor por uma torrente de sentimentos e aventuras que o prenderá desde a primeira página. Novela carregada de emoções que, junto a um surpreendente final, não deixará ninguém indiferente. Às vezes a vida não dá muitas opções e as que ela oferece não tem porque serem as que mais te agradam. Você nem sequer tem que gostar delas.
L'incontro di Cian e Saxon nel cuore dell'Amazzonia è più di un incontro di due persone; è l'unione di due mondi diversi. Le loro esplorazioni e avventure li portano nelle profondità della foresta pluviale, quindi a metà del globo alla ricerca di un luogo tranquillo dove stabilirsi. Ma invece di trovare la pace, il loro comune senso di giustizia li porta in viaggio dall'Europa a New York, quindi di nuovo in Brasile, dove devono affrontare l'organizzazione criminale dell'ambiziosa e spietata Oxana, che non si fermerà davanti a nulla per continuare il suo commercio di animali in pericolo di estinzione, donne e bambine.
A trip to Singapore to start a new life. Here, the protagonist will find hope, betrayal, pain, will live a torrid love story with a disconcerting woman. How does he end up in the hell of Bang Kwang, a Thai maximum security prison? What makes him become a completely different man, capable of the darkest atrocities? A captivating mafia, mystery and violence story that will carry you through waves of feelings and adventures that will grip you from the first page. A novel filled with emotions and a surprising ending that will leave no one indifferent. Sometimes life doesn't offer many options and those offered don't have to be the ones you are keen on. You don't even have to like them. Readers say… ”Let yourself be captivated by Sumalee and Trakaul” ”A surprising plot” ”Addictive” ”A pleasant surprise” ”Intrigue, strength, romance and much more” ”You won't want to stop reading” ”I've been hooked from start to finish”
Le livre de piratage est destiné à servir de guide de niveau intermédiaire à certains outils et compétences de test de pénétration courants, en particulier ceux du piratage sans fil et du maintien de l'anonymat. Le livre se concentre davantage sur l'exécution pratique et fournit des procédures étape par étape pour l'installation des plates-formes et des outils essentiels, ainsi que la théorie derrière certaines attaques de base. Acquérez la possibilité de faire du piratage éthique et des tests de pénétration en prenant ce livre sur le piratage! Le livre de piratage est destiné à servir de guide de niveau intermédiaire à certains outils et compétences de test de pénétration courants, en particulier ceux du piratage sans fil et du maintien de l'anonymat. Le livre se concentre davantage sur l'exécution pratique et fournit des procédures étape par étape pour l'installation des plates-formes et des outils essentiels, ainsi que la théorie derrière certaines attaques de base. Acquérez la possibilité de faire du piratage éthique et des tests de pénétration en prenant ce livre sur le piratage! Obtenez des réponses d'un expert informatique expérimenté à chaque question que vous avez liée à l'apprentissage que vous faites dans ce livre, y compris: – l'installation de Kali Linux en utilisant les bases de VirtualBox de Linux Rester anonyme avec Tor Proxychains, – Virtual Private Networks (VPN) Macchanger, – Nmap cracking wifi aircrack craquer les mots de passe Linux Quelles sont les exigences? Connexion Internet fiable et rapide. Carte réseau sans fil. Kali Linux Distribution Compétences informatiques de base Que retirerez-vous du livre sur le piratage? Réponses à chaque question que vous vous posez sur le piratage éthique et les tests d'intrusion par un professionnel de l'informatique expérimenté! Vous apprendrez les bases du réseau Traitez avec de nombreux outils Kali Linux Apprenez quelques commandes Linux Conseils pour rester anonyme dans les activités de piratage et de test de pénétration. Protégez votre réseau WiFi contre toutes les attaques Accédez à n'importe quel compte client du réseau WiFi Un tutoriel complet expliquant comment créer un environnement de piratage virtuel, attaquer les réseaux et casser les mots de passe. Instructions étape par étape pour l'isolation de VirtualBox et la création de votre environnement virtuel sur Windows, Mac et Linux.
Lek begins to wonder whether everything that she had hoped for for fifteen years was all worth it now that she had achieved her goals. Lek was born the eldest child of four in a typical rice farming family. She did not expect to do anything any different from the other girls in her class in the northern rice belt of Thailand. Typically that would be: work in the fields for a few years; have a few babies; give them to mum to take care of and get back to work until her kids had their own children and it would be her turn to stop working to take care of them. One day a catastrophe occurred out of the blue – her father died young and with huge debts that the family knew nothing about. Lek was twenty and she was the only one who could prevent foreclosure. However, the only way she knew was to go to work in her cousin's bar in Pattaya. She drifted into the tourist sex industry. The second book, ‘An Exciting Future’, tells of Lek’s attempts to settle down and this, the third book, picks up the story of Lek's life six or seven years after that. At forty-ish, it is time to take stock of her life. She looks back on her past and wonders whether it was all worth it. Should she feel bitter about what has happened to her or should she move on and try to forget her past? Should she just try to erase it, whitewash it out, like so many women did or should she feel proud of what she has accomplished? Lek is plagued by mixed emotions and tries to seek an explanation that she can live with for the rest of her life.
Cette quête exaltante, imprévisible et pourtant parfois hilarante, vous emmène depuis le confort d’un restaurant londonien branché jusqu’aux jungles sauvages des Montagnes Cardamomes, où un boulanger anglais et un réfugié cambodgien sont à la recherche d’une famille disparue et essaient de trouver une plante mythique, source d’une épice incroyable et unique. Ben Bakewell est maître-pâtissier dans l’un des restaurants les plus prestigieux de Londres. Plus connu sous le sobriquet de « Cake », il se prend d’amitié pour Ravuth, un réfugié des champs funestes du Cambodge qui a fui vers l’Angleterre dans les années 1970 lorsque les Khmers Rouges ont profané son pays. Tout jeune, Ravuth a trébuché sur une plante inconnue, source d’une épice incroyable et unique. Séparé de sa famille par les Khmers Rouges, et ayant passé la majorité de sa vie à les rechercher, Ravuth retourne au Cambodge avec Cake à la poursuite de cette plante rare et pour retrouver ses proches séparés. En arrivant au Cambodge, ils font équipe avec un ex-agent de la DEA (organisme américain de lutte contre la drogue) en disgrâce, avide de revanche, qui s’intéresse à la plante dans un but bien plus sinistre. Ils s’enfoncent dans les profondeurs de la jungle Cardamome, sauvage et impitoyable, d’où ils ressortiront tout juste vivants. Trouveront-ils la famille Ravuth et l’étonnante épice ?
This fast-pace Supernatural Thriller takes you from battles raging beneath turbulent seas to the dark stillness of space, where mortals, angels, and demons, battle to mold the populus of planet earth. Death comes to us all; whatever creed, colour, religion, or gender we are, it is an inescapable fact. For most of us, our work on this mortal plane is over, but for thefew, their job has just begun. Introducing, P.A.T.H., Paranormal Assisted Treasure Hunters; three psychically gifted individuals brought together to form a powerful mediatory force between the Mortal World and the Spiritual Plane. Assisted by their spirit protectors and commissioned by lost souls, they find treasures hidden by the souls during their lifetime which they give to their mortal beneficiaries. This fast-paced supernatural thriller follows a sinister plot planned during World War 2 and instigated in the present day, as the team need to discover the connection between the demon spirit of the twentieth century’s greatest despot and his son, the current US President, in Book 1 Return of The Reich. In its race to discover another planet to colonise for its overstretched population, humanity overlooked one thing. When a planetary event occurs around planet earth, the Afterlife Guardians send the PATH team on three quests, the outcome of which will determine the fate of humankind. Should they succeed, people will continue with their safe but chaotic existence However, failure could be a terrifying, yet necessary option, in this gripping climax – book 2, Covenant of the Gods
Megan is a psychic teen, who cannot find anyone to help her understand her powers… no-one living that is. 'The Misconception' is a short story about a young girl's growing realisation that she is able to do things that none of her family can, although some of her school friends say they have similar unusual psychic abilities. The girl's name is Megan and she is twelve years old in this, the first book. Megan has two seemingly insurmountable problems. The first is that her mother is frightened of her daughter's latent abilities and not only will not help her but actively discourages her and the second is that she cannot find a teacher to help her develop her supernatural, psychic powers. She tries to discuss them with her mother, but gets very short shrift and she does not even bother telling her father, because she knows that her mother would not approve and ultimately, Megan wants to stay on the right side of her mother. Megan feels that there is an unspoken bond between them both. Perhaps it is the bond that exists between all mothers and their daughters, but maybe it goes much deeper too. Who can tell, since Megan doesn't even know herself? All she knows is that her mother does not seem to be playing the part expected of her as the loving mother of a soon-to-be teenage daughter, who has anxieties that she wants, no, needs to discuss with someone she trusts. Megan is willing to give her mother time to get over her fear of the paranormal. She can wait and she can even put up with the horrible abuse that is metered out to her secretly without her father's knowledge. At least, she can for now. 'The Misconception' is the first of, so far, twenty-three short stories in this series about the continual enlightenment of Megan as she finds people to help her understand how best to proceed with her supernatural, spiritual and psychic development. For she has to be taught not only what it is possible to do and how to do it, but to what end she should put her special abilities. Megan is a good girl, so it would seem obvious that she would tend towards using her powers for good, but it is not always easy to do the right thing even if you know what that is. These stories about Megan will appeal to anyone who has an interest in psychic powers, the supernatural and the paranormal and is between the ages of ten and a hundred years old.
Heng Lee starts to feel very strange all of a sudden, so he calls in to see the local shaman, who happens to be his aunt. She carries out a few tests and decides that Heng has no blood, but how is he going to tell his family, and what will they do about it? Heng Lee is a goatherd in the remote mountains north-east of Chiang Rai in northern Thailand, very close to the border with Laos. It is a tight-knit community where everyone knows one another. Heng gets sick all of a sudden, but not too sick to take the goats out, until one day he has to go to see the local shaman, because he has started fainting. There are no medical doctors in the vicinity and the Shaman has been good enough for most people for centuries. The Shaman takes some specimens and comes to the conclusion that Heng’s kidneys have stopped functioning and so has little time left to live. The battle is on to save Heng’s life, but there are other forces at work too. What will become of Heng, his family and the rest of the community, if he takes the Shaman’s advice?
Ariion Sanders, une adolescente handicapée, est encouragée par un sans-abri qu'elle rencontre dans une prison de New York. L'homme, Cameron Petit-coeur St. Laurent, s'était fait arrêté pour un braquage de banque sans preuves convaincantes. Le juge fut alors contraint de le libérer. Les cambrioleurs de banque maladroits se font voler leur butin et ils pensent que c'est Cameron qui l'a pris. Ils décidèrent donc de kidnapper Cameron. Ariion planifie un stratagème pour le sauver. Mais son plan tourne mal et elle se retrouve dans de graves problèmes.