John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Impact!. What Every Woman Needs to Know to Go From Invisible to Invincible

    Nancy Solomon D.

    Not your average business self-help book, Impact! is a 'total person' development guide that says 'who you are impacts everything you do’. It doesn't focus on what's wrong with you but rather what's right with you so that you can turn your potential into performance. The secret to success and fulfillment-both professionally and personally-is that you should stop trying to 'fit in' and become what others want you to be; that you can become more productive, powerful, and passionate by becoming more of who you were meant to be instead. Why? Because no longer is there any separation between who you are and what you do! With step-by-step strategies and smart insight, you will learn how to have significant positive impact in your life and in your career; you'll learn how to unlock your personal power; live your life with purpose; appreciate your family; identify your greatest gifts and talents; value your failures and learn from them; stand up for yourself; give yourself permission to stand out; and start to ask for what you want. Best of all, you will learn how to be seen, heard and celebrated for being authentic – for being exactly who you are. Serious advice for women who want to live passionate, successful, and happier lives at home and professionally Shows you how to re-engage with yourself, figure out what you want and why you want it, and take charge of your career and life Author Nancy Solomon is an expert in the field of personal development and human potential The key to Impact! lies in knowing yourself intimately, leading your life from the inside out, and using your strengths to become happier and more fulfilled. Impact! shows you who you are, where you're going and how to get there. It also helps you to get out of your own way!

    Living for the Weekday. What Every Employee and Boss Needs to Know about Enjoying Work and Life

    Clint Swindall

    Praise for Living for the Weekday «If you want to have a team where leaders and employees are working hand-in-hand to build a culture of employee engagement, then you need to read this book. I'm confident it will help you become a weekday warrior.» —Jon Gordon bestselling author of The Energy Bus and Soup «In Living for the Weekday, Clint Swindall has rounded out a powerful message. Each individual has a personal responsibility, a singular opportunity to be highly engaged as an employee and, more importantly, highly productive and happy in all aspects of life.»—Barry Malcolm, Managing Director, Scotiabank Bahamas Ltd. «If you want to unlock your potential and the potential of those around you, Living for the Weekday is a must read.» —Mike Crownover, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Valero Energy Corporation «Employee engagement is a two-way street with both employers and employees responsible for creating a positive and productive work environment… Living for the Weekday presents employees with a practical and powerful approach to taking control of their own happiness.»—Roger C. Ahlfeld Senior Vice President, Human Resources and Training, Uno Chicago Grill «Clint Swindall lays out a clear plan that anyone can apply to become more engaged in their work and in their lives.» —Dennis Snow, author of Unleashing Excellence

    The Guide to Getting Paid. Weed Out Bad Paying Customers, Collect on Past Due Balances, and Avoid Bad Debt

    Michelle Dunn

    Give your business a successful credit and collections plan with this easy and clear guide Over 100,000 businesses have slow or non-paying customers. Yet very few actually have a workable plan for claiming the missing revenue that results. This book gives you a complete solution and tool set to ensure your business maximizes its collections while maintaining an effective, profitable credit plan. You'll discover how to set up an efficient in-house credit policy that not only lets you collect more debts, but also boost sales, increase cash flow, and grow profits. Step-by-step credit management instructions show you how to weed out bad-paying customers, add more good-paying customers, collect on past-due balances, avoid bad debt, and limit credit risk. Contains all needed forms to set up and implement an effective credit policy Author is a popular columnist for several newspapers and national magazines, and appears regularly in the media as a go-to authority on debt Get Paid enables you to decide what matters most to your business when it comes to billing, payment terms, pricing, cash flow, and more, then set up the systems to meet these goals and increase profitability.

    Through the Eyes of Tiger Cubs. Views of Asia's Next Generation

    Janet Pau

    What will Asia look like ten years from now? Find out by taking a look through the eyes of the Asia's next generation of leaders Following economic booms in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan—the four Asian Tigers—attention has shifted to success stories in other Asian economies. However, a number of challenges have also emerged that could threaten the region's development over the next decade. Through the Eyes of Tiger Cubs offers a unique glimpse into the younger generation's view of Asia's future. It draws on the perspective of more than 80 visionary young Asians, who have identified the key issues and who see innovative solutions for areas as diverse as education and labor markets, demographics and healthcare, energy and the environment, and governance and geopolitics. The book's insights are based on a collection of think-pieces from a broad range of young Asians—the result of a competition organized by the Asia Business Council, Time magazine, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, as well as additional research by the Council. The book is unique in that it: Provides a viewpoint in contrast to the usual perspective of businesses, governments, economists, and journalists Brings together the responses of almost a hundred young Asian thinkers to the questions «What is the biggest challenge facing Asia over the next ten years?» «Why?» and «What should be done about it?» Offers policy makers, business leaders, and others who are concerned about the future of Asia a unique glimpse into the younger generation's vision The next generation has a high stake in ensuring Asia's long-term growth. Gain a unique perspective on how the leaders of tomorrow see the future.

    The Man in the Arena. Vanguard Founder John C. Bogle and His Lifelong Battle to Serve Investors First

    Knut Rostad A.

    The importance of the life's work of mutual fund pioneer and investing legend John C. Bogle The Man in the Arena offers the essence of John C. Bogle's thinking and the meaning of his life's work, which transformed individual investing to benefit tens of millions of investors. Through Bogle's own words—as well as the voices of others whose hearts and minds he touched—the book touches on topics he cares about most deeply: Vanguard, indexing, corporate governance, and a fiduciary society. From Vanguard shareholders to true giants in finance, one cannot read their words without being struck by their sheer intensity. Bogle's parade of admirers is passionate. It is led by, arguably, the two most acclaimed leaders of our day—in the world of investing and the public life of the world—Warren Buffett and President Bill Clinton. The book is a first take at putting Bogle's life work into a broader context. It includes some of Bogle's classic essays and leads to an agenda of reform Bogle feels is essential to preserve our democratic republic. It features insight on the man from such commentators as Arthur Levitt, Burton Malkiel, Paul Volcker, and many more. Features wisdom and commentary on the career and life of legendary investor John C. Bogle Presents a summary of Bogle's prominent and successful career, as well as his investing strategies Includes commentary from a Who's Who of top investors

    Risk Finance and Asset Pricing. Value, Measurements, and Markets

    Charles Tapiero S.

    A comprehensive guide to financial engineering that stresses real-world applications Financial engineering expert Charles S. Tapiero has his finger on the pulse of shifts coming to financial engineering and its applications. With an eye toward the future, he has crafted a comprehensive and accessible book for practitioners and students of Financial Engineering that emphasizes an intuitive approach to financial and quantitative foundations in financial and risk engineering. The book covers the theory from a practitioner perspective and applies it to a variety of real-world problems. Examines the cornerstone of the explosive growth in markets worldwide Presents important financial engineering techniques to price, hedge, and manage risks in general Author heads the largest financial engineering program in the world Author Charles Tapiero wrote the seminal work Risk and Financial Management.

    Make Your People Before You Make Your Products. Using Talent Management to Achieve Competitive Advantage in Global Organizations

    Paul Turner

    Your people hold the key to your business success Make Your People Before You Make Your Products is an authoritative guide to the evolution of talent management. Written specifically for HR professionals this book describes how organizations can gain a global competitive edge through better management of talent resources. With a practice-based philosophy, readers will learn more effective talent management strategies for a complex market in which people are often the only competitive advantage. Inclusivity is emphasized, and discussion centres on innovative, dynamic, fluid approaches to talent acquisition, development, and retention. In today's market environment, talent has moved from audience to community while leadership has shifted from control to empowerment. Traditional, linear approaches to talent management are falling short, and directing resources solely to senior management and HIPOs is no longer a valid strategy. This book provides practical guidance on more modern approaches, helping organizations to: Attract and retain the best talent by expanding talent resource management Augment traditional management methods with more dynamic techniques Develop a talent strategy that recognizes the new diversity of supply and demand Consider the evolving roles of talent and leadership in a global context Contextual changes in workplace dynamics necessitate an updated approach for keeping the best people on board and using them to their utmost potential. Talent management is a driving force behind an organization's success, affecting outcomes by every major metric – if the strategy becomes stale, success is no longer sustainable. Make Your People Before You Make Your Products is guide toward developing an organization's greatest asset.

    Beginning Python. Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1

    James Payne

    Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 introduces this open source, portable, interpreted, object-oriented programming language that combines remarkable power with clear syntax. This book enables you to quickly create robust, reliable, and reusable Python applications by teaching the basics so you can quickly develop Web and scientific applications, incorporate databases, and master systems tasks on various operating systems, including Linux, MAC OS, and Windows. You'll get a comprehensive tutorial that guides you from writing simple, basic Python scripts all the way through complex concepts, and also features a reference of the standard modules with examples illustrating how to implement features in the various modules. Plus, the book covers using Python in specific program development domains, such as XML, databases, scientific applications, network programming, and Web development. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

    Church 3.0. Upgrades for the Future of the Church

    Neil Cole

    An expert practitioner answers to questions about the burgeoning organic church movement Neil Cole's best-selling book Organic Church described the fastest growing segment of contemporary Christianity-the so-called organic church. Now in this next-step book, he answers questions about how to deal with theological and organizational issues that come up. He talks about issues such has what to do with finances, children, heresy, leader training, and rituals and ordinances. Without the top-down structure of a denomination, even people who are proponents of this small, house-church model worry that they are not doing it right. Offers an important resource for anyone involved with or thinking of starting an organic or house church Addresses practical issues of theology, rituals, doctrinal heresy, how to handle children, finances, and other important questions Written by an acknowledged expert who is now and has been for over twenty years an organic church planter and practitioner A new Leadership Network title and follow-up to Organic Church Church 3.0 offers solid information about organic churches based on Cole's extensive experience in starting, nurturing, and mentoring in the organic church movement.

    Win the Game of Googleopoly. Unlocking the Secret Strategy of Search Engines

    Sean Bradley V.

    Rank higher in search results with this guide to SEO and content building supremacy Google is not only the number one search engine in the world, it is also the number one website in the world. Only 5 percent of site visitors search past the first page of Google, so if you're not in those top ten results, you are essentially invisible. Winning the Game of Googleopoly is the ultimate roadmap to Page One Domination. The POD strategy is what gets you on that super-critical first page of Google results by increasing your page views. You'll learn how to shape your online presence for Search Engine Optimization, effectively speaking Google's language to become one of the top results returned for relevant queries. This invaluable resource provides a plan that is universal to any business in any industry, and provides expert guidance on tailoring the strategy to best suit your organization. Coverage includes an explanation of the mechanics of a search, and how to tie your website, paid ads, online reputation, social media, content, images, and video into a winning SEO strategy that pushes you to the front of the line. The Page One Domination strategy incorporates all the ways in which you can beef up your Internet presence and online reputation. This book is a clear, straightforward guide that will knock down the silos of the Internet and teach you exactly how to integrate all aspects of content creation into a synergistic, SEO strategy. Understand how search engines return results Design an effective, all-encompassing SEO strategy Create the content that gets page views and improves rank Optimize social media and video as part of an overall SEO plan The rules of SEO are always changing, and following outdated rules can actually work against you, burying you at the bottom of the pile. This book will spark a paradigm shift in how you think about SEO and gives you the tools you need to craft a strategy tailored to your specific market. To be successful, you need to be on page one of Google, and Winning the Game of Googleopoly can show you how to get there.