John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Lessons from Fort Apache. Beyond Language Endangerment and Maintenance

    M. Nevins Eleanor

    This incisive ethnographic analysis of indigenous language documentation, maintenance, and revitalization focuses on linguistic heritage issues on the Native American reservation at Fort Apache and explores the broader social, political and religious influences on changing language practices in indigenous communities. Offers a focused ethnographic analysis of an indigenous community that also explores global issues of language endangerment and maintenance and their socio-historical contexts Addresses the complexities and conflicts in language documentation and revitalization programs, and how they articulate with localized discourse genres, education practices, religious beliefs, and politics Examines differing evaluations of language loss, and maintenance, among members of affected communities, and their creative responses to challenges posed by encompassing socio-cultural regimes, including university accredited language experts Provides an ethnographic analysis of speech in indigenous communities that moves beyond narrowly conceived language documentation to consider changing linguistic and social identities

    Play Therapy. Basics and Beyond

    Terry Kottman

    Written for use in play therapy and child counseling courses, this extraordinarily practical text provides a detailed examination of basic and advanced play therapy concepts and skills and guidance on when and how to use them. Kottman’s multitheoretical approach and wealth of explicit techniques are also helpful for clinicians who want to gain greater insight into children’s minds and enhance therapeutic communication through the power of play. After a discussion of the basic concepts and logistical aspects of play therapy, Kottman illustrates commonly used play therapy skills and more advanced skills. Introduced in this edition is a new chapter on working with parents and teachers to increase the effectiveness of play therapy. Practice exercises and “Questions to Ponder” throughout the text facilitate the skill-building and self-examination process. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.

    Toxikologie. Band 2 - Toxikologie der Stoffe

    Hans-Werner Vohr

    Im zweiten Band dieses modular aufgebauten Lehrbuchs wird die Exposition und toxische Wirkung der wichtigsten toxischen Chemikalien abgehandelt. (Nano-)Partikulare Stoffe, Metalle, anorganische und organische Verbindungen werden systematisch betrachtet und in ihren chemischen Eigenschaften, Expositionen, Wirkmechanismen und Toxikodynamik beschrieben, erganzt durch experimentelle Daten von Mensch und Tier. Ein besonderes Highlight ist das Kapitel uber chemische Kampfstoffe, das in Zusammenarbeit mit Fachleuten der Bundeswehr entstanden ist. Leseempfehlungen und Fragen zur Selbstkontrolle runden dieses Buch ab. Zusammen mit dem ersten Band («Grundlagen der Toxikologie») enthalt dieses Buch das gesamte Grundlagenwissen fur die Ausbildung zum Fachtoxikologen und fur den Masterstudiengang Toxikologie. Begleitmaterial fur Dozenten verfugbar unter

    Toxikologie. Band 1 Grundlagen der Toxikologie

    Hans-Werner Vohr

    Perfekt abgestimmt auf die moderne Ausbildung zum Toxikologen, werden in diesem Lehr- und Prüfungsbuch alle wichtigen Konzepte und wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Toxikologie erklärt: von der molekularen Toxikologie bis hin zu Risk Assessment und Epidemiologie. Besonderes Highlight sind mehrere Kapitel zu den aktuellen Hauptarbeitsfeldern der Toxikologie, u.a. die Kontrolle und Bewertung von Belastungen am Arbeitsplatz und in Gebäuden sowie des Gefahrenpotentials von Nahrungs- und Arzneimitteln. Leseempfehlungen und Fragen zur Selbstkontrolle runden dieses Buch ab. Zusammen mit dem zweiten Band («Toxikologie der Stoffe») ist das gesamt Grundlagenwissen für die Ausbildung zum Fachtoxikologen und für den Masterstudiengang Toxikologie enthalten. Begleitmaterial für Dozenten verfügbar unter

    Discover the World of Microbes. Bacteria, Archaea, Viruses

    Gerhard Gottschalk

    This title is an essential primer for all students who need some background in microbiology and want to become familiar with the universal importance of bacteria for all forms of life. Written by Gerhard Gottschalk, Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology and one of the most prominent microbiologists in our time, this text covers the topic in its whole breadth and does not only focus on bacteria as pathogens. The book is written in an easy-to-read, entertaining style but each chapter also contains a `facts' section with compact text and diagrams for easy learning. In addition, more than 40 famous scientists, including several Nobel Prize winners, contributed sections, written specifically for this title. The book comes with color figures and a companion website with questions and answers. Key features: Unique, introductory text offering a comprehensive overview of the astonishing variety and abilities of Bacteria Easy-to-read, fascinating and educational Written by one of the best known microbiologists of our time Color images throughout Each chapter has a compact tutorial part with schemes on the biochemistry and metabolic pathways of Bacteria Comes with a companion website with questions and answers

    Chemische Experimente in Schlössern, Klöstern und Museen. Aus Hexenküche und Zauberlabor

    Prof. Schwedt Georg

    Ob es um Tinte, Farben, Genussmittel, Zundholzer, Pharmazeutika oder gar den Stein der Weisen geht: Chemie und Kulturgeschichte sind nicht voneinander zu trennen. Besonders anschaulich wird das, wenn chemische Experimente in historischem Ambiente vorgefuhrt werden. Zwischen Rheinsberg in Brandenburg und Tettnang am Bodensee finden in Schlossern, Museen und Klostern die Experimentalvortrage statt, auf denen aufbauend dieses Buch entstand. Nun in der zweiten Auflage, sind weitere Experimente dazugekommen, die sich zum Beispiel mit Silber und Gold, Tod und Teufel beschaftigen. Die Dichte der historischen Standorte auf der Deutschlandkarte nimmt zu: vom Bergbau im Harz bis «Doktor Faustus» im Kloster Maulbronn.

    Ultraschneller Tauchgang in die Atome. Attosekunden-Blitze erkunden den Quantenkosmos

    Thorsten Naeser

    Als es Wissenschaftlern an der Technischen Universität Wien im Jahr 2001 zum ersten Mal gelang, Lichtblitze zu produzieren, die nur noch Attosekunden dauern, bedeutete dies den Beginn einer neuen Disziplin in den Naturwissenschaften: Die Attosekundenphysik war geboren! Jetzt sollte es möglich sein, Elektronen zu fotografieren und damit dem Mikrokosmos einige seiner am strengsten gehüteten Geheimnisse zu entreißen. Denn was im Inneren der Elektronenhülle von Atomen vor sich geht, war bis dahin experimentell nicht zu beobachten. Mit ultrakurzen Lichtblitzen, die nur wenige Milliardstel einer milliardstel Sekunde dauern, begann man einzutauchen in eine fremdartige, von der Quantenmechanik bestimmte Welt. Spektakuläre Bilder aus dem Inneren von Atomen entstanden. Erstmals konnte man beobachten wie sich Elektronen – etwa nach einer Anregung durch Licht – bewegen. Die Attosekundenphysik ist eine junge Wissenschaft mit dem Potential, viele weiße Flecken auf der Landkarte des Mikrokosmos mit Farbe zu füllen. Ultraschneller Tauchgang in die Atome erzählt die Geschichte der Attosekundenphysik. Aufbauend auf den Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik und Laserphysik erklärt das Buch, wie Elektronen fotografiert werden, und schildert – anschaulich für an Naturwissenschaften Interessierte – zahlreiche Erkenntnisse, die uns die Attosekundenphysik bis heute eingebracht hat. Wohin wird der Weg der Erkundung dieser Quantenteilchen führen?

    Student Engagement Online: What Works and Why. ASHE Higher Education Report, Volume 40, Number 6

    Katrina Meyer A.

    What makes online learning engaging to students? Engagement depends upon designing learning that is active and collaborative, authentic and experiential, constructive and transformative. While students and instructors can inadvertently act in several ways to decrease student engagement in online coursework, research indicates a range of options that have been proven to engage students in their online courses. This report explores the learning theories, pedagogies, and active learning options that encourage student engagement, push them to think more deeply, and teach them how to learn. It guides instructors on how to evaluate the effectiveness of technological and software tools, and to evaluate and assess the activities, learning, and retention occurring in their online classes. Finally, it will help instructors find inspiration for engagement from the face-to-face settings that can be translated into the online environment. This is the 6th issue of the 40th volume of the Jossey-Bass series ASHE Higher Education Report. Each monograph is the definitive analysis of a tough higher education issue, based on thorough research of pertinent literature and institutional experiences. Topics are identified by a national survey. Noted practitioners and scholars are then commissioned to write the reports, with experts providing critical reviews of each manuscript before publication.

    Representing "U": Popular Culture, Media, and Higher Education. ASHE Higher Education Report, 40:4

    Pauline Reynolds J.

    From the magazines and newspapers of the mid-1800s to movies and apps of the twenty-first century, popular culture and media in the United States provide prolific representations of higher education. This report positions artifacts of popular culture as pedagogic texts able to (mis)educate viewers and consumers regarding the purpose, values, and people of higher education. It: Discusses scholarly literature across disciplines Examines a diverse array of cross-media artifacts Reveals pedagogical messages embedded in popular culture texts to prompt thinking about the multiple ways higher education isrepresented to society through the media. Informative and engaging, higher education professionals can use the findings to intentionally challenge the (mis)educating messages about higher education through programs, policies, and perspectives. This is the 4th issue of the 40th volume of the Jossey-Bass series ASHE Higher Education Report. Each monograph is the definitive analysis of a tough higher education issue, based on thorough research of pertinent literature and institutional experiences. Topics are identified by a national survey. Noted practitioners and scholars are then commissioned to write the reports, with experts providing critical reviews of each manuscript before publication.

    Understanding Institutional Diversity in American Higher Education. ASHE Higher Education Report, 39:3

    Michael Harris

    Institutional diversity serves as one of the fundamental hallmarks of American higher education. After a long history of support for many institutional types, the past 40 years have seen a decline in institutional variety. Through a discussion of history, theoretical contexts, and causes of homogenization, this monograph examines how higher education policymakers and leaders can strengthen institutional mission and preserve the benefits of institutional diversity. Higher education needs to serve a variety of functions for students, from liberal arts education to vocational training programs. No single institution or institutional type can adequately fulfill all of these roles, and this monograph considers the rewards and challenges of maintaining a healthy, beneficial diversity. It also covers the roles, purposes, trials, and benefits of institutional diversity. It provides practical examples and theoretical perspectives useful in understanding the complexities of higher education systems and the external pressures faced by colleges and universities that challenge institutional mission and threaten institutional diversity and its well-established benefits for students and society. This is the third issue of the 39th volume of the Jossey-Bass series ASHE Higher Education Report. Each monograph is the definitive analysis of a tough higher education issue, based on thorough research of pertinent literature and institutional experiences. Topics are identified by a national survey. Noted practitioners and scholars are then commissioned to write the reports, with experts providing critical reviews of each manuscript before publication.