Written by an expert in the field, this book covers the principles, architectures, applications, specifications and characterizations of radio receivers In this book, the author introduces the reader to the basic principles and theories of present-day communications receiver technology. The first section of the book presents realization concepts at the system level, taking into consideration the various types of users. Details of the circuitry are described providing the reader with an understanding of fully digitized radio receivers, offering an insight into the state-of-the-art. The remaining sections address radio receivers, particularly as two-port devices. Furthermore, the author outlines the fields of applications (with sample calculations and with reference to practical work) and their features and considers also the specialty of high-quality radio receivers. As can be seen from the multitude of terrestrial applications described in Part II, they are typically used for radio surveillance, signal intelligence, modern radio bearing and at the classical radio services. Parts III and IV describe the entire range of parameters that are useful for the characterization of these receivers. The description starts from the physical effect, or the explanation of the individual parameter, and then proceeds to the measuring technique for determining the parameters, highlighting problems, followed by explanatory notes with applicatory relevance. The measuring procedures described are the result of experiences gained in extended laboratory work and practical testing. With the model shown in Part IV, used for the operational evaluation detailing the intrinsic small range of interpretation, the book covers untreated research in the field. The Appendix provides among others valuable information about the dimensioning of receiving systems and the mathematical derivation of non-linear effects and as well as a useful method for converting different level specifications. Key Features: Introduces the basic principles and theories of present-day technology Discusses concepts at system level (aligned to the various types of users) Addresses (fully) digitized radio receivers focusing on the state-of-the-art Close contacts to the industry were utilized to show background information Enables the reader to comprehend and evaluate the characteristic features and the performance of such systems Examines the entire range of parameters that are characteristic of the technology including the physical effect and measuring techniques Includes results of experiences gained in extended laboratory work and practical testing with examples Provides a uniform and systematic approach for ease of understanding e.g. many didactic figures for the visual illustration have been newly created as well as complete real-world examples This book will be an excellent resource to understand the principles of work, for professionals developing and testing radio receivers, for receiver users (e.g. at regulatory agencies, surveillance centers, secret services, classical radio communications services), technicians, engineers and technicians who work with RF-measurement instruments, postgraduate students studying in the field and university lecturers. Chartered radio amateurs and handlers/operators will also find this book insightful. Due to high level of detail, it also serves as a reference. By using the carefully edited alphabetical index with over 1,200 entries, the appropriate explanations can be found quickly in the text.
A readily comprehensible guide for biologists, field taxonomists and interested laymen to one of the oldest problems in biology: the species problem. Written by a geneticist with extensive experience in field taxonomy, this practical book provides the sound scientific background to the problems arising with classifying organisms according to species. It covers the main current theories of specification and gives a number of examples that cannot be explained by any single theory alone.
This volume covers the most cutting-edge pretreatment processes being used and studied today for the production of biogas during anaerobic digestion processes using different feedstocks, in the most efficient and economical methods possible. As an increasingly important piece of the «energy pie,» biogas and other biofuels are being used more and more around the world in every conceivable area of industry and could be a partial answer to the energy problem and the elimination of global warming.
Mit der 7. Novelle der HOAI sind erneut umfangreiche Änderungen in der Honorarermittlung der Ingenieure und Architekten umgesetzt worden. Die Leistungsbilder wurden überarbeitet, den aktuellen Anforderungen angepasst und neue Grundleistungen aufgenommen. In diesem Zuge wurde auch die Bewertung der einzelnen Leistungsphasen angepasst. Darüber hinaus ist die Berücksichtigung der vorhandenen Bausubstanz wieder eingeführt und die Regelungen zum Umbauzuschlag erneut umgestellt worden. Das vorliegende Werk hilft bei der schnellstmöglichen Einarbeitung in die HOAI 2013. Neben einer praxisorientierten Einführung bietet es bewährte Arbeitshilfen sowie den kompletten aktuellen Verordnungstext.
Updated to reflect the latest research evidence, the third edition of Effective Teamwork provides business managers with the necessary guidance and tools to build and maintain effective teamwork strategies. A new edition of a bestselling book on teamwork from an acknowledged leader in the field Offers a unique integration of rigorous research with practical guidance to develop effective leadership teams Features new chapters on virtual teams and top management teams, plus contemporary themes of ethics and values Utilizes research based on positive psychology techniques
This book is the definitive guide to Victorian poetry, which its author approaches in the light of modern critical concerns and contemporary contexts. Valentine Cunningham exhibits encyclopedic knowledge of the poetry produced in this period and offers dazzling close readings of a number of well-known poems Draws on the work of major Victorian poets and their works as well as many of the less well-known poets and poems Reads poems and poets in the light of both Victorian and modern critical concerns Places poetry in its personal, aesthetic, historical, and ideological context Organized in terms of the Victorian anxieties of self, body, and melancholy Argues that rhyming/repetition is the major formal feature of Victorian poetry Highlights the Victorian obsession with small subjects in small poems Shows how Victorian poetry attempts to engage with the modern subject and how its modernity segues into modernism and postmodernism
Nahezu unser gesamtes Bildungsbudget wird in die ersten Lebensphasen investiert, obwohl die hier vermittelten Fähigkeiten und das fachliche Wissen nach zehn oder 20 Jahren überholt sind. Die deutsche Wirtschaft braucht Menschen über 40, die ausschließliche Konzentration auf die Aus- und Weiterbildung junger Menschen ist ein Indiz gesellschaftspolitischen Versagens. Wir benötigen ein bedarfsorientiertes Bildungssystem mit einem neuen, quartären Sektor, der sich an ältere Teilnehmer richtet, die bereits 15 bis 20 Jahre Berufstätigkeit hinter sich und mindestens noch eine solche Spanne vor sich haben. Der neue Sektor erfüllt aber noch weitere Zwecke. Die längeren Lebensarbeitszeiten mit vielfältigen Neuorientierungen und die geringere Anzahl klassischer Karrieren werden dazu führen, dass viele Menschen ihr Leben anders als bisher gestalten wollen. Ausstieg, Umstieg und Neueinstieg werden künftig weniger als Krise denn als Perspektive verstanden, mit den bisher gewonnenen Erfahrungen nochmals neu anzufangen. Zum Beispiel mit einem Bachelor 40plus. Es ist höchste Zeit, alters-, qualifikations- und motivationsentsprechende Bildungsformen und -inhalte zu entwickeln. Dieses Buch stellt Wege für Unternehmen, Hochschulen, private Business Schools, Staat und Gesellschaft vor, auf denen ältere und berufserfahrene Beschäftigte ihre Employability sichern und erweitern können.
This compelling contribution to contemporary debates about the banking industry offers a unique perspective on its geographical and conceptual ‘placement’. It traces the evolving links between the two, revealing how our notions of banking ‘productiveness’ have evolved alongside the shifting loci of banking activity. An original contribution to the urgent debates taking place on banking sparked by the current economic crisis Offers a unique perspective on the geographical and social concept of ‘placement’ of the banking industry Combines theoretical approaches from political economy with contemporary literature on the performativity of economics Details the globalization of Western banking, and analyzes how representations of the banking sector’s productiveness have shifted throughout the evolution of Western economic theory Analyzes the social conceptualization of the nature – and value – of the banking industry Illuminates not only how economic ideas ‘perform’ and shape the economic world, but how those ideas are themselves always products of particular economic realities
Drug abuse has been, and continues to be, a global societal issue with diverse sets of impacts. Drugs of Abuse: Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms introduces the basic principles of pharmacology and neuroscience of drug abuse. Understanding the chemistry of commonly abused drugs and their impact on brain function will provide students and researchers with a more profound understanding of the molecular basis of drug abuse and addiction. Drugs of Abuse: Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms opens with a brief history of drug use and abuse. Subsequent sections look at specific families of drugs, including stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens among others, and explore how their chemical make-up interacts with brain function. The final chapter provides a brief overview of clinical substance abuse treatment. Providing a concise, accessible introductory overview of the topic, Drugs of Abuse: Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms will be a valuable resource for students, researchers, and others interested in how drugs interact with the brain. Introduces readers to the basic principles of neuroscience and pharmacology as related to drug use and abuse. Explores how the chemical make-up of drugs interact with the brain and can lead to addiction Includes coverage of a wide array of commonly abused families of drugs, including stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and others. Provides an essential introduction to the chemical and molecular underpinnings of drug use and abuse
Developing Deontology consists of six new essays in ethical theory by leading contemporary moral philosophers. Each essay considers concepts prominent in the development of deontological approaches to ethics, and these essays offer an invaluable contribution to that development. Essays are contributed by Michael Smith, Philip Stratton-Lake, Ralph Wedgewood, David Owens, Peter Vallentyne, and Elizabeth Harman – all leading contemporary moral philosophers Each essay offers an original and previously unpublished contribution to the subject A significant addition to the field for anyone with an interest in the development of deontology The collection is edited by a leading philosophical scholar