John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Verfahrensentwicklung. Von der ersten Idee zur chemischen Prodiktionsanlage

    G. Vogel Herbert

    Von der Ideenfindung zur chemischen Produktionsanlage ist es ein weiter Weg. Kaum etwas ist so komplex wie die Herstellung chemischer Produkte. Die verschiedensten Aspekte – auch solche, die in der Ausbildung von Naturwissenschaftlern vielleicht nur am Rande oder gar nicht berücksichtigt werden wie etwa Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtungen, die Patent- und Lizenzsituation, Anforderungen an den Standort, Entsorgungsprobleme – werden dargestellt. Das Buch eignet sich für den Berufsanfänger ebenso wie für den Praktiker im Betrieb. Es ist eine gemeinsame Grundlage für Ingenieure und Chemiker und sollte als Nachschlagewerk auf keinem Schreibtisch fehlen. Der Autor beschränkt sich nicht auf Verweise auf weiterführende Literatur: viele Fakten werden wiederholt und in Zusammenhang zum Thema gebracht, Formeln kurz abgeleitet, so dass sich der Gang in die Bibliothek und der Griff zu weiteren Büchern häufig erübrigt. Es hilft Mitarbeitern in Forschung und Entwicklung ebenso wie Betriebsleitern, Fehler zu vermeiden und vermittelt die nötige Sicherheit.

    Carbon Nanotubes and Nanosensors. Vibration, Buckling and Balistic Impact

    Isaac Elishakoff

    The main properties that make carbon nanotubes (CNTs) a promising technology for many future applications are: extremely high strength, low mass density, linear elastic behavior, almost perfect geometrical structure, and nanometer scale structure. Also, CNTs can conduct electricity better than copper and transmit heat better than diamonds. Therefore, they are bound to find a wide, and possibly revolutionary use in all fields of engineering. The interest in CNTs and their potential use in a wide range of commercial applications; such as nanoelectronics, quantum wire interconnects, field emission devices, composites, chemical sensors, biosensors, detectors, etc.; have rapidly increased in the last two decades. However, the performance of any CNT-based nanostructure is dependent on the mechanical properties of constituent CNTs. Therefore, it is crucial to know the mechanical behavior of individual CNTs such as their vibration frequencies, buckling loads, and deformations under different loadings. This title is dedicated to the vibration, buckling and impact behavior of CNTs, along with theory for carbon nanosensors, like the Bubnov-Galerkin and the Petrov-Galerkin methods, the Bresse-Timoshenko and the Donnell shell theory.

    Die Gehälterlüge. Verdienen die Anderen Wirklich Mehr Als Ich?

    Dirk Börnecke

    Kaum eine Frage spaltet die Gesellschaft so stark wie die nach Löhnen und Gehältern: Ist es gerecht, dass die Einen viel verdienen und die Anderen wenig? Lassen sich Leistung und Verantwortung wirklich in Geld umrechnen? Lohnt sich eine qualifizierte Ausbildung? Dirk Börnecke wirft einen kritischen Blick auf das Prinzip der leistungsorientierten Entlohnung. Er vergleicht beispielhaft Gehälter in unterschiedlichen Berufsgruppen, nach Branchen und Regionen, im öffentlichen Dienst und in der Wirtschaft und weist auf Unterschiede nach Alter, Geschlecht oder anderen Kriterien hin. Auch die Themen Selbständigkeit, Image und Managergehälter werden dabei nicht außer Acht gelassen. Hierbei geht er auch der Frage nach, ob sich Verantwortung und Qualifikationen tatsächlich vergleichen lassen, und bringt noch weitere Aspekte ins Spiel – etwa die Qualität und Sicherheit des Arbeitsplatzes, die Möglichkeit zur Selbstentfaltung oder die private Situation. Dabei wird deutlich, dass der Inhalt der monatlichen Lohntüte nur eine Komponente zur Bewertung der eigenen Situation ist: Wichtig ist, was am Ende übrig bleibt. Mit diesem Buch wird das Tabuthema Gehalt transparent, die persönliche Bewertung von Löhnen und Einkommen wird drastisch relativiert. Wer an der Wirklichkeit interessiert ist, kommt an diesem Buch nicht vorbei!

    Buddhists. Understanding Buddhism Through the Lives of Practitioners

    Todd Lewis

    Buddhists: Understanding Buddhism through the Lives of Practitioners provides a series of case studies of Asian and modern Western Buddhists, spanning history, gender, and class, whose lives are representative of the ways in which Buddhists throughout time have embodied the tradition. Portrays the foundational principles of Buddhist belief through the lives of believers, illustrating how the religion is put into practice in everyday life Takes as its foundation the inherent diversity within Buddhist society, rather than focusing on the spiritual and philosophical elite within Buddhism Reveals how individuals have negotiated the choices, tensions, and rewards of living in a Buddhist society Features carefully chosen case studies which cover a range of Asian and modern Western Buddhists Explores a broad range of possible Buddhist orientations in contemporary and historical contexts

    Biotechnology and Biopharmaceuticals. Transforming Proteins and Genes into Drugs

    Rodney J. Y. Ho

    Biotechnology and Biopharmaceuticals: Transforming Proteins and Genes into Drugs, Second Edition addresses the pivotal issues relating to translational science, including preclinical and clinical drug development, regulatory science, pharmaco-economics and cost-effectiveness considerations. The new edition also provides an update on new proteins and genetic medicines, the translational and integrated sciences that continue to fuel the innovations in medicine, as well as the new areas of therapeutic development including cancer vaccines, stem cell therapeutics, and cell-based therapies.

    Dynamics of Large Herbivore Populations in Changing Environments. Towards Appropriate Models

    Norman Owen-Smith

    This book aims to reconcile theoretical models of population dynamics with what is currently known about the population dynamics of large mammalian herbivores. It arose from a working group established at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at the University of California, Santa Barbara, to address the need for models that better accommodate environmental variability, especially for herbivores dependent on changing vegetation resources. The initial chapter reviews findings from definitive long-term studies of certain other ungulate populations, many based on individually identifiable animals. Other chapters cover climatic influences, emphasising temperate versus tropical contrasts, and demographic processes underlying population dynamics, more generally. There are new assessments of irruptive population dynamics, and of the consequences of landscape heterogeneity for herbivore populations. An initial review of candidate population models is followed up by a final chapter outlining how these models might be modified to better accommodate environmental variability. The contents provide a foundation for resolving problems of diminishing large mammal populations in Africa, over-abundant ungulate populations elsewhere, and general consequences of global change for biodiversity conservation. This book will serve as a definitive outline of what is currently known about the population dynamics of large herbivores.

    Bonfire of Illusions. The Twin Crises of the Liberal World

    Alex Callinicos

    Something dramatic happened in the late summer and autumn of 2008. The post-Cold War world came to an abrupt end. This was the result of two conjoined crises. First, in its brief war with Georgia in August 2008, Russia asserted its military power to halt the expansion of NATO to its very borders. Secondly, on 15 September 2008 the Wall Street investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed. This precipitated a severe financial crash and helped to push the world economy into the worst slump since the 1930s. Both crises marked a severe setback for the global power of the United States, which had driven NATO expansion and forced through the liberalization of financial markets. More broadly they challenged the consensus that had reigned since the collapse of the Soviet bloc in 1989 that a US-orchestrated liberal capitalist order could offer the world peace and prosperity. Already badly damaged by the Iraq debacle, this consensus has now suffered potentially fatal blows. In Bonfire of Illusions Alex Callinicos explores these twin crises. He traces the credit crunch that developed in 2007-8 to a much more protracted crisis of overaccumulation and profitability that has gripped global capitalism since the late 1960s. He also confronts the interaction between economic and geopolitical events, highlighting the new assertiveness of nation-states and analysing the tense, complex relationship of interdependence and conflict that binds together the US and China. Finally, in response to the revelation that the market is not the solution to the world's problems, Callinicos reviews the prospects for alternatives to capitalism.

    Understanding Medical Research. The Studies That Shaped Medicine

    John Goodfellow A.

    Medical students and junior and senior doctors are frequently called upon to give research presentations, write reports, and answer exam questions on specific areas of medical research. Understanding Medical Research: The Studies That Shaped Medicine is an exciting new title that offers a unique and valuable approach to understanding historically influential studies in important areas of medicine. Featuring chapters from Sir Liam Donaldson and Sir David Weatherall, amongst others, world leading researchers identify ten primary research papers that have shaped the direction of research in their given topic, examining why they were carried out, key findings, and how they changed the field. Each chapter also contains short sections on ‘Key Questions Remaining’ which outline outstanding areas where further research is needed, and a link to ‘Key Laboratories/Clinics’ which point the reader to major research groups of international standing. Covering the seminal research in core areas of medicine, Understanding Medical Research provides an authoritative framework on each topic for medical students and healthcare professionals.

    Such Stuff as Dreams. The Psychology of Fiction

    Keith Oatley

    Such Stuff as Dreams: The Psychology of Fiction explores how fiction works in the brains and imagination of both readers and writers. Demonstrates how reading fiction can contribute to a greater understanding of, and the ability to change, ourselves Informed by the latest psychological research which focuses on, for example, how identification with fictional characters occurs, and how literature can improve social abilities Explores traditional aspects of fiction, including character, plot, setting, and theme, as well as a number of classic techniques, such as metaphor, metonymy, defamiliarization, and cues Includes extensive end-notes, which ground the work in psychological studies Features excerpts from fiction which are discussed throughout the text, including works by William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Kate Chopin, Anton Chekhov, James Baldwin, and others

    Microcalorimetry of Macromolecules. The Physical Basis of Biological Structures

    Peter Privalov L.

    Examining the physical basis of the structure of macromolecules—proteins, nucleic acids, and their complexes—using calorimetric techniques Many scientists working in biology are unfamiliar with the basics of thermodynamics and its role in determining molecular structures. Yet measuring the heat of structural change a molecule undergoes under various conditions yields information on the energies involved and, thus, on the physical bases of the considered structures. Microcalorimetry of Macromolecules offers protein scientists unique access to this important information. Divided into thirteen chapters, the book introduces readers to the basics of thermodynamics as it applies to calorimetry, the evolution of the calorimetric technique, as well as how calorimetric techniques are used in the thermodynamic studies of macromolecules, detailing instruments for measuring the heat effects of various processes. Also provided is general information on the structure of biological macromolecules, proteins, and nucleic acids, focusing on the key thermodynamic problems relating to their structure. The book covers: The use of supersensitive calorimetric instruments, including micro and nano-calorimeters for measuring the heat of isothermal reactions (Isothermal Titration Nano-Calorimeter), the heat capacities over a broad temperature range (Scanning Nano-Calorimeter), and pressure effects (Pressure Perturbation Nano-Calorimeter) Two of the simplest but key structural elements: the α and polyproline helices and their complexes, the α-helical coiled-coil, and the pyroline coiled-coils Complicated macromolecular formations, including small globular proteins, multidomain proteins and their complexes, and nucleic acids Numerous examples of measuring the ground state of protein energetics, as well as changes seen when proteins interact The book also reveals how intertwined structure and thermodynamics are in terms of a macromolecule's organization, mechanism of formation, the stabilization of its three-dimensional structure, and ultimately, its function. The first book to describe microcalorimetric technique in detail, enough for graduate students and research scientists to successfully plumb the structural mysteries of proteins and the double helix, Microcalorimetry of Macromolecules is an essential introduction to using a microcalorimeter in biological studies.