Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score, and interpret a variety of storytelling techniques Storytelling techniques are a popular projective approach for assessing many aspects of a person's personality, such as cognitive processes, emotional functioning, and self-regulation. The broad spectrum of techniques includes the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT—the most widely embraced), Roberts-2, and TEMAS (Tell-Me-A-Story). To use these tests properly, professionals need an authoritative source of advice and guidance on how to administer, score, and interpret them. Written by Hedwig Teglasi, a leading researcher of the TAT and other storytelling techniques, Essentials of TAT and Other Storytelling Assessments, Second Edition is that source. Like all the volumes in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, this book is designed to help busy mental health professionals, and those in training, quickly acquire the knowledge and skills they need to make optimal use of major psychological assessment instruments. Each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as test questions that help you gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered. Fully revised and updated to reflect the current research supporting storytelling techniques, Essentials of TAT and Other Storytelling Assessments, Second Edition reflects the latest data and theory on scoring stories and includes new material on interpreting stories in reference to a person's abilities in cognition, emotion, relationships, motivation, and self-regulation. As well, the author provides expert assessment of the methods' relative strengths and weaknesses, valuable advice on their clinical applications, and several case studies to illustrate best practices for implementing the storytelling approach to personality assessment. Other titles in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series: Essentials of Assessment Report Writing Essentials of PAI Assessment Essentials of 16PF Assessment Essentials of Neuropsychological Assessment, Second Edition Essentials of MillonTM Inventories Assessment, Third Edition Essentials of Rorschach Assessment Essentials of MMPI-2 Assessment Essentials of MMPI-A Assessment
Describes twenty-one of the most important and commonly used additives A Concise Introduction to Additives for Thermoplastic Polymers focuses on additives for thermoplastic polymers and describes 21 of the most important and commonly used additives from Plasticizers and Fillers to Optical Brighteners and Anti-Microbial additives. It also includes chapters on safety and hazards, and prediction of service time models. While there are many exhaustive and complex books dealing with additives for polymers, the size of them deter students and many industry engineers from using them. The purpose of this book, therefore, is to fill this void and present a concise introduction to this important subject. Written in an accessible and practical style, the author introduces the reader to the complex subject of plastics additives in an engaging manner. His ability to be concise is the result of his teaching courses on the subject and using his own lecture notes for material. This book comprises the author's course notes so that a larger public can benefit from his knowledge. A Concise Introduction to Additives for Thermoplastic Polymers is the ideal primer for students who will later work in polymer science or the development of plastics formulation, as well as industry engineers and specialists who want to have a deeper knowledge of the plastics industry.
Systems' Verification Validation and Testing (VVT) are carried out throughout systems' lifetimes. Notably, quality-cost expended on performing VVT activities and correcting system defects consumes about half of the overall engineering cost. Verification, Validation and Testing of Engineered Systems provides a comprehensive compendium of VVT activities and corresponding VVT methods for implementation throughout the entire lifecycle of an engineered system. In addition, the book strives to alleviate the fundamental testing conundrum, namely: What should be tested? How should one test? When should one test? And, when should one stop testing? In other words, how should one select a VVT strategy and how it be optimized? The book is organized in three parts: The first part provides introductory material about systems and VVT concepts. This part presents a comprehensive explanation of the role of VVT in the process of engineered systems (Chapter-1). The second part describes 40 systems' development VVT activities (Chapter-2) and 27 systems' post-development activities (Chapter-3). Corresponding to these activities, this part also describes 17 non-testing systems' VVT methods (Chapter-4) and 33 testing systems' methods (Chapter-5). The third part of the book describes ways to model systems’ quality cost, time and risk (Chapter-6), as well as ways to acquire quality data and optimize the VVT strategy in the face of funding, time and other resource limitations as well as different business objectives (Chapter-7). Finally, this part describes the methodology used to validate the quality model along with a case study describing a system’s quality improvements (Chapter-8). Fundamentally, this book is written with two categories of audience in mind. The first category is composed of VVT practitioners, including Systems, Test, Production and Maintenance engineers as well as first and second line managers. The second category is composed of students and faculties of Systems, Electrical, Aerospace, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering schools. This book may be fully covered in two to three graduate level semesters; although parts of the book may be covered in one semester. University instructors will most likely use the book to provide engineering students with knowledge about VVT, as well as to give students an introduction to formal modeling and optimization of VVT strategy.
Designing and Conducting Your First Interview Project Using a clear, easily followed approach, Designing and Conducting Your First Interview Project helps anyone new to the process develop the skills to conduct the most essential part of social research data collection: the interview. The book also shows how to organize, analyze, and interpret the data. This workbook provides a step-by-step template for a collaborative class experience in social science. Organized according to the steps of the deductive scientific method, it includes essential activities to take place during class after the appropriate chapter has been read. The book begins with the process of choosing a topic and proceeds through hypothesis development, interview data collection, data entry using SPSS, and elementary data analysis. The final chapter includes the formal assignment and instructions to students on how to write about their experiences in a way that will produce an excellent final paper. By selecting the hypothesis, gathering the data, and analyzing the results, students will gain an appreciation for the strengths and potential weaknesses of «knowing» things through doing quantitative social science.
This book serves as a comprehensive source of asymptotic results for econometric models with deterministic exogenous regressors. Such regressors include linear (more generally, piece-wise polynomial) trends, seasonally oscillating functions, and slowly varying functions including logarithmic trends, as well as some specifications of spatial matrices in the theory of spatial models. The book begins with central limit theorems (CLTs) for weighted sums of short memory linear processes. This part contains the analysis of certain operators in Lp spaces and their employment in the derivation of CLTs. The applications of CLTs are to the asymptotic distribution of various estimators for several econometric models. Among the models discussed are static linear models with slowly varying regressors, spatial models, time series autoregressions, and two nonlinear models (binary logit model and nonlinear model whose linearization contains slowly varying regressors). The estimation procedures include ordinary and nonlinear least squares, maximum likelihood, and method of moments. Additional topical coverage includes an introduction to operators, probabilities, and linear models; Lp-approximable sequences of vectors; convergence of linear and quadratic forms; regressions with slowly varying regressors; spatial models; convergence; nonlinear models; and tools for vector autoregressions.
Adieu to God examines atheism from a psychological perspective and reveals how religious phenomena and beliefs are psychological rather than supernatural in origin. Answers the psychological question of why, in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, do religions continue to prosper? Looks at atheism and religion using a fair and balanced approach based on the latest work in psychology, sociology, anthropology, psychiatry and medicine Acknowledges the many psychological benefits of religion while still questioning the validity of its supernatural belief systems and providing atheist alternatives to a fulfilling life
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der faszinierenden Vielfalt an Aktivitaten, chronologisch beschrieben, die bei der Planung, Errichtung und Inbetriebsetzung verfahrenstechnischer Anlagen anfallen und verdeutlicht die prinzipiellen Vorgehensweisen und Zusammenhange. Verfahrensingenieuren wird heute neben fachlicher Kompetenz ein immer hoheres Ma? an 'Soft Skills' (Teamfahigkeit, Kommunikationsfahigkeit und Sprachkenntnisse) abverlangt. Vor dem Hintergrund des stark interdisziplinaren Charakters verfahrenstechnischer Projekte kommt der Kommunikationsfahigkeit zwischen den am Projekt beteiligten Disziplinen (Verfahrenstechnikern, Chemikern, Physikern, Bauingenieuren, Architekten, Elektrotechnikern, Leittechnikern, Kaufleuten und Juristen) eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Zur Vermittlung des spezifischen Fachvokabulars sind hierin viele wichtige Begriffe auch in englischer Sprache angegeben. Um dem durch den internationalen Wettbewerb im Anlagenbau hervorgerufenen enormen Preisdruck Rechnung zu tragen, wurden neben den technischen Aspekten auch die kaufmannischen Belange aus Sicht des Projektingenieurs ('Claims Management' und Vertragsgestaltung) behandelt. Aufgrund der ungeheuren Komplexitat der Aktivitaten lassen sich Fehler trotz sorgfaltigster Planung und unter Zuhilfenahme modernster rechnergestutzter Planungsinstrumente, wie CAD-Systeme etc., nie ganz vermeiden. Viele mogliche Fehler sind anhand von Beispielen aus der Praxis beschrieben. – eine nutzliche Hilfe fur ALLE in der Anlagenplanung beschaftigten Fachdisziplinen –
Praise for The Learning Self «In this age of self-help, the 'self' is a term thrown around with abandon. For educators, the notion of self-directed learning is a key concept. Yet the notion of self is deeply problematic, even contentious. The world has needed a book that deftly and accessibly takes the idea of the self and looks at it in a sympathetic but critical way. Mark Tennant has written that book. It is a highly readable and fascinating deconstruction of this key idea that will be appreciated by all helping professionals.»—Stephen Brookfield, Distinguished University Professor, University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis-St. Paul «An excellent contribution to the field! This is a clearly written text that takes the reader far beyond much contemporary work in psychology and learning. It opens up new ways of thinking about the learning self and provides a significant contribution to transformative learning theory. This is a book that should be read by every student of psychology, learning, and the self.»—Peter Jarvis, professor emeritus of continuing education, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the development of metabolic syndrome, the underlying mechanisms and therapeutic strategies for drug development. The authors examine the context of underlying molecular pathways and integrated physiology, then expanding the discussion to diseases associated with metabolic syndrome. The development of drug therapies for these diseases and complications is extensively covered. The book offers a comprehensive and in-depth view of energy metabolism, metabolic tissues and pathways, molecular mechanism-based drug discovery and clinical implications.
An up-to-date and thorough treatment of the technologies, practical applications, and future of wind power, with the pros and cons and technical intricacies of various types of wind turbines and wind power prediction With the demand for energy outstripping availability from conventional sources such as fossil fuels, new sources of energy must be found. Wind power is the most mature of all of the renewable or alternative sources of energy being widely used today. With many old wind turbines becoming obsolete or in need of replacement, new methods and materials for building turbines are constantly being sought after, and troubleshooting, from an engineering perspective, is paramount to the operational efficiency of turbines currently in use. Wind Power: Turbine Design, Selection, and Optimization: Details the technical attributes of various types of wind turbines, including new collinear windmills, orthogonal windmills, non-vibration VAWT wind turbines, and others Covers all the updated protocols for wind power and its applications Offers a thorough explanation of the current and future state of wind power Is suitable not only as a reference for the engineer working with wind power but as a textbook for graduate students, postdoctoral students, and researchers Wind power is one of the fastest-growing, oldest, and «greenest» of the major sources of renewable energy that has been developed, with more efficient and cost-effective technologies and materials now constantly being sought for turbines and the equipment used with them. Here is a comprehensive and thorough review of the engineering pros and cons of using different kinds of wind turbines in different environments, including offshore. With full technical knowledge, engineers, managers, and other decision-makers in the wind energy industry can make more informed decisions about increasing capacity, cost-efficiency, and equipment longevity. Covering the various types of wind turbines available, such as new collinear windmills, orthogonal turbines, and others, this highly technical treatment of wind turbines offers engineers, students, and researchers insight into the practical applications of these turbines and their potential for maximum efficiency.