"The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist" is the first comprehensive and scholarly biography of the Ukrainian far-right leader Stepan Bandera and the first in-depth study of his political cult. In this fascinating book, Grzegorz Rossolinski-Liebe illuminates the life of a mythologized personality and scrutinizes the history of the most violent twentieth-century Ukrainian nationalist movement: the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and its Ukrainian Insurgent Army.
Elucidating the circumstances in which Bandera and his movement emerged and functioned, Rossolinski-Liebe explains how fascism and racism impacted on Ukrainian revolutionary and genocidal nationalism. The book shows why Bandera and his followers failed—despite their ideological similarity to the Croatian Ustaša and the Slovak Hlinka Party—to establish a collaborationist state under the auspices of Nazi Germany and examines the involvement of the Ukrainian nationalists in the Holocaust and other atrocities during and after the Second World War. The author brings to light some of the darkest elements of modern Ukrainian history and demonstrates its complexity, paying special attention to the Soviet terror in Ukraine and the entanglement between Ukrainian, Jewish, Polish, Russian, German, and Soviet history. The monograph also charts the creation and growth of the Bandera cult before the Second World War, its vivid revivals during the Cold War among the Ukrainian diaspora, and in Bandera's native eastern Galicia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
"Critical Reflections on Audience and Narrativity—New connections, New perspectives" offers an interdisciplinary and multicultural approach to fiction, reality, and narrativity applied to television series from all over the world. Dissecting the almost invisible barrier between fiction and reality in TV series from various perspectives, the chapters cover a wide range of contemporary classics from the post-network age. From «The X-Files» and «Desperate Housewives» to «The Wire» and «Breaking Bad», the chapters sketch TV series' development from the lowest form of mass entertainment to the sophisticated vehicle of highbrow intertextuality on a global scale.
Also covering many international cases from Brazil, Serbia, Romania, and Turkey and locating them in the global web of puzzle narratives, the unique contributions draw connections between the most diverse audiences and the way they receive modern storytelling in a culturally globalized world. This timely volume is a great resource for anyone interested in contemporary mass culture.
"While the book's description of the U.S.' and the EU's registration systems is both extensive and in-depth, it covers all the essential literature, even the most recent ones."-Rinus van Schendelen, Erasmus University Rotterdam
In times of situational therapeutic impasse, health care professionals (HCPs) are under pressure to conduct off-label, unlicensed and compassionate drug use—generally summarized under the term non-licensed drug use (NDU). Liability, contractual and penal risks pose a problem when treating a patient in a non-licensed way. There is a knowledge gap about institutional and governmental methods to resolve these problems. Different countries have developed strategies to manage NDU. Vanessa Platé gives a comprehensive overview of practices Canada, the U.S., the U.K., Japan, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and the transnational E.U.
A must-read for everyone interested in the discussion on how to administer the best treatment, especially regarding early access to yet unapproved treatments.
Hier erhältlich ist die Notenausgabe des Titels für Gitarrenquartett.
Here available is the sheet music of the title for Bands with all Intruments and Voices. (Bass, Piano, Vocal, Drums, Violin, Accordion, 1 & 2 Trumpet in Bb, Guitar, Alt-Sax. in Eb, Tenor-Sax. in Bb, Alt-Sax. in Eb and Trombone.
This music book contains the original sheet music of the Children's Song «Baby's Boat The Silver Moon Sailing In The Sky» for Piano. Easy arranged in C major. // Dieses Notenheft enthält die Originalnoten zum Kinderlied «Baby's Boat The Silver Moon Sailing In The Sky» für Klavier. Leichter Schwierigkeitsgrad in C-Dur.
This music book contains the original sheet music of the Children's Song «Baby's Boat The Silver Moon Sailing In The Sky» for Piano, Vocals and Guitar. Easy arranged in C major with lyrics. // Dieses Notenheft enthält die Originalnoten zum Kinderlied «Baby's Boat The Silver Moon Sailing In The Sky» für Klavier, Gesang und Gitarre. Leichter Schwierigkeitsgrad in C-Dur mit Liedtext.
Das Hauptwerk Maria Trebens, die „Gesundheit aus der Apotheke Gottes“, ist 1980 im Ennsthaler Verlag erschienen und wurde bisher in 27 Sprachen übersetzt. Es werden 31 Heilkräuter, deren Heilkraft und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten als Tee, aufzulegender Brei, Bad oder Frischsaft ausführlich beschrieben. Maria Treben hat sich als eine der wichtigsten Pioniere der Kräuterheilkunde ihren Platz in der Geschichte erobert. Viele verehrten sie wie eine Heilige, tatsächlich war sie ein Frau, die sich ein Leben lang mit Heilkräutern beschäftigte und ihre Erfahrungen möglichst vielen Menschen nahe bringen wollte.In all den Jahren hat ihre Popularität und die ihrer Werke nie nachgelassen. Ihre Bücher erleben heute durch die fortschreitende Anwendung der Alternativmedizin eine neue und ungebrochene Aktualität.
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