Little Black Books offer a feet-on-the-ground, pared down, common sense, no holds barred and hopefully constructive take on the things that can make your business soar or sour! You will find them full of: – Practical steps and suggestions – Ideas and initiatives – Inspiration and incentives – Suggestions to help you prioritise and get you thinking – Reasons for trusting your own common sense and business instincts. They'll also show that whilst there's no short-cut to success, sometimes you find it in the most unexpected places by just looking at things from unusual angles.
Little Black Books offer a feet-on-the-ground, pared down, common sense, no holds barred and hopefully constructive take on the things that can make your business soar or sour! You will find them full of: – Practical steps and suggestions – Ideas and initiatives – Inspiration and incentives – Suggestions to help you prioritise and get you thinking – Reasons for trusting your own common sense and business instincts. They'll also show that whilst there's no short-cut to success, sometimes you find it in the most unexpected places by just looking at things from unusual angles.
**Updated for 2013** "I'd never manage the business side of it. The income tax and the bills and the VAT… I can't even add two and two." Is fear of the money side of running a business holding you back? Would you love to turn your passion into a small business, but are frightened of getting on the wrong side of the taxman? Do you run a small business and find it's a desperate struggle to keep all your paperwork in the right place, never mind work out how much tax you should pay each year? In this friendly, informative ebook, bilingual qualified accountant Emily Coltman guides you through what you need to know on the finance and accounting side when you're setting up and running a small business. Bi-lingual? Emily speaks plain English as well as accountants jargon! She has many years experience of helping small business owners with their finance and accounting, and this ebook is written for anyone running a small business for whom double entry might as well be double Dutch! This ebook explains the different ways a business can be set up and structured legally and what the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of structure are, including the different taxes that each has to pay, and when those taxes have to be paid. It looks at where you might find the money to start or grow your business, and why you might choose the different sources. There are suggestions for how to organise your paperwork and advice on what records you need to keep and for how long. You'll hear how to keep on the right side of the taxman, what expenses you can and can't claim tax relief on, and how to claim tax relief when you buy equipment for your business – and what 'tax relief'' actually is! How do you work out whether your business has made a profit, and why do you need to know that? Do you have enough cash coming in to pay your bills? Where will that cash come from? Do you need to be registered for VAT? Will that help your business or just cause more administrative hassles? Could you even save money by being registered for VAT? When, if ever, should you hire an accountant or bookkeeper? What can a good accountant do for you? What should you look for and what should you avoid when you're choosing your accountant? And where would you like to take your business for the future? Where will the cash come from to help you meet your dreams for your business, whether that's moving into new offices, employing your first team member, start selling your product overseas, or keep going as you are? All those questions and more are answered in this easy-to-read bitesize guide to finance and accounting for small businesses.
Forbes – самый влиятельный независимый деловой журнал в мире. Forbes имеет доступ к первым лицам компаний, их владельцам, политикам и получает информацию от самых осведомленных источников.Forbes пишет об историях успеха и поражений предпринимателей, новых идеях для бизнеса и инвестиций, публикует авторитетные рейтинги.
Changemaking takes a fresh look at managing change. Focusing on tactics rather than strategy, the book is for those who carry out the practical day-to-day work of supporting and sustaining change. It focuses on the details, and provides the needed toolkit: materials that readers can refer to, draw on, and adapt. These include checklists, templates, questionnaires, tactics, FAQs, talking points, e-mails, and other resources. Short case histories illustrate what can go wrong and how it can be made to go right.<br><br>The book provides a framework of seven factors that summarize the conditions, resources, and processes that support successful change. It also offers specific guidance on processes that are often employed to move a change initiative forward, including making the case for change, managing employee focus groups, and developing FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) guides. The 50 resources are designed to provide a starting-point for readers to adapt and use in their own organizations. Develop the materials to reflect your own goals and needs, and deploy them as you support your own change initiative
The New York Times bestseller
What is impeachment? How does it work? And why is it so urgent to impeach Donald Trump?
No one is above the law. This belief is fundamental to how the American system of government is meant to function – as fundamental as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – held sacred by Democrats and Republicans alike. But as celebrated Supreme Court lawyer and former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal argues in Impeach, if President Trump is not held accountable for repeatedly asking foreign powers to interfere in the 2020 presidential election, this could very well mark the end of US democracy. Impeachment should always be a last resort, explains Katyal, but the founders, core principles, and the Constitution leave no choice but to impeach President Trump – before it’s too late.
This clear and direct book explains what impeachment is, why it’s in the U.S. constitution and why Donald Trump has left Congress and the American people with no choice but to remove him from office.
The Little Black Beauty Book is for any independent beauty professional who needs a simple roadmap and action steps to become a successful beauty-preneur. You can read and study about branding and opening a business all day long, but if your basic business infrastructure isn't put in place, your beauty business will suffer. In this book, I have put together a step-by-step action guide to understanding and implementing the ten essential pillars your business needs for a solid foundation. I have included everything from scheduling software and email marketing to understanding your tax write-offs. I have done all the dirty work for you saving you much needed time and money. This book was made specifically for independent hairstylists, nail artists, microblading artists, makeup artists, lash artists, estheticians, barbers, spray tan artists, wax specialists, threading artists, and the like.
Starting your own business is hard. But the biggest obstacles often have less to do with time and money, and more to do with fear and doubt.In What If? and Why Not? serial entrepreneur and small business advocate Jen Groover—creator of the Butler Bag and creator and host of Launcher’s Café, an online community for entrepreneurs—shows you how to transform your fears into action by rethinking the negative questions that can lead to failure before you even get started.Being an entrepreneur, Groover says, isn’t just about selling a product. It’s about personal growth—about taking your vision and bringing it to fruition, and about always pushing yourself to take that vision further. What gets in your way isn’t the money you don’t have, or what you don’t know about the industry you want to get into—it’s believing you can’t do it, that you don’t have the power or the resources you need to make your dream into a reality.Groover walks you step by step through ten negative “What If?” questions—What if I don’t know what I’m doing? What if I don’t have the money? What if I fail?—and how to turn them around by asking yourself: What if I can learn? What if I don’t need much money? What if I succeed? She also asks “What Not?”: Why not find a mentor or take a class? Why not ask for investors? Why not try?With dozens of personal stories from successful entrepreneurs in areas as diverse as dog walking and handbag-invention, plus practical advice for every step of your journey, What If? and Why Not? is the most complete guide available to help you you start the business of your dreams.
If anyone knows what it takes to be an elite entrepreneur, it’s Ephren Taylor.Author of a 2009 Wall Street Journal bestseller Creating Success from the Inside Out, Taylor started his first business venture at age 12, when he began making video games. By age 17, he built a multimillion-dollar technology company and took a company public at age 23.Now 27, Taylor appears weekly on FOX News and has been featured on 20/20, PBS, Black Enterprise and CNN Money, and even his own infomercial as the youngest ever African-American CEO of a publicly traded company.In The Elite Entrepreneur: How to Master the 7 Phases of Growth & Take Your Business from Pennies to Billions , Taylor, with Rusty Fischer, relays his years of successful business experience to take the guesswork out of entrepreneurialism. Full of anecdotes, tips, strategies and resources, The Elite Entrepreneur and Taylor identify and gives readers advice on the essential seven phases of business:•Startup•Branding•Sales•Hiring•Innovation, joint ventures and partnerships•Stock offerings•Charity and social entrepreneurship The Elite Entrepreneur contains a checklist to help readers determine what their next steps should be.This book will provide the reader — young or old, doctorate or GED-holder — the motivation and tools to break the mold and become an Elite Entrepreneur.