Something has gone seriously wrong with the American economy.The American economy has experienced considerable growth in the last 30 years. But virtually none of this growth has trickled down to the average American. Incomes have been flat since 1985. Inequality has grown, and social mobility has dropped dramatically. Equally troubling, these policies have been devastating to both American productivity and our long-term competitiveness.Many reasons for these failures have been proposed. Globalization. Union greed. Outsourcing.But none of these explanations can address the harsh truth that many countries around the world are dramatically outperforming the U.S. in delivering broad middle-class prosperity. And this is despite the fact that these countries are more exposed than America to outsourcing and globalization and have much higher levels of union membership.In What Went Wrong, George R. Tyler, a veteran of the World Bank and the Treasury Department, takes the reader through an objective and data-rich examination of the American experience over the last 30 years. He provides a fascinating comparison between the America and the experience of the “family capitalism” countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden.Over the last 30 years, they have outperformed the U.S. economy by the only metric that really matters—delivering better lives for their citizens. The policies adopted by the family capitalist countries aren’t socialist or foreign. They are the same policies that made the U.S. economy of the 1950s and 1960s the strongest in the world.What Went Wrong describes exactly what went wrong with the American economy, how countries around the world have avoided these problems, and what we need to do to get back on the right track.
Would you like your burst into public awareness like Lady Gaga?…to have the long-lived success of Mick Jagger?…to demonstrate the creativity of The Beatles?We don’t normally think of the music business as a source of entrepreneurial insight, but we should. The best bands have longevity, a depth of customer loyalty, and a level of profitability that puts most businesses to shame. And what they know—about marketing, partnerships, the power of bartering, and overcoming obstacles—isn’t taught in any business school.David Fishof has lived at the center of the music business for more than 25 years. From his early successes in reuniting The Monkees and convincing Ringo Starr to launch his All Starr tour, to his current megasuccess as founder and CEO of Rock ‘n’ Roll Fantasy Camp™, Fishof has learned from the leading minds in the music business—and has applied this learning in one entrepreneurial venture after another. Filled with insights from Fishof’s amazing exploits in the music industry and seasoned with business tips from music legends, Rock Your Business provides important and original business insights from an unlikely source—the world of rock and roll.
Our nation has become one full of apologies and Politically Correct (PC) statements. It’s time for the true right to make a political comeback. Former Governor Robert Ehrlich has written the roadmap – Turn This Car Around. He urges the American public to make a real change and address (with him) the issues of union strangleholds, Obamacare, a failed stimulus package, soaring energy costs and high unemployment, the race-card, the Living Wage war, bipartisanship and other heated topics. Ehrlich notes thatour education system is not meeting the needs of our children, race relations have been derailed and the family structure is crumbling. This needs to change. There is too much at stake for the country and our culture.Turn This Car Around is a call to action, and a blunt collection of dispatches from America’s culture wars, retold by a former state legislator, congressman, and governor who fought on the front lines. Bob Ehrlich recounts the contentious battles he waged in the widely recognized liberal state of Maryland, and provides insightful suggestions to help resolve many of the issues in America.
It's every businessperson's nightmare: his or her company is failing, dysfunctional, stuck in neutral, and/or is disappointing overall, from the finances to the customer feedback.Put bluntly—but candidly—the company sucks.That's the bad news. The good news is that it doesn't have to be that way.Every business can rebound from its lows, regain its momentum, thrill its customers, and be the source of pride and profits its owners and shareholders seek.This U-turn must begin with you, the owner or senior manager, declaring war on yourself. You must face the fact that the malaise the business suffers from is ultimately your responsibility and your doing, and even more important,that it will not be rectified unless you take the lead. Face the hard truth. Take the difficult actions. Demonstrate determination, creativity and resolve.This insightful book makes three points clear:1. The key to long term business success is for the leader to declare war on him/herself so that the company never rests on its laurels.2. Only four factors lead to business failure/decline/lack of growth/dysfunctionality. Identifying and addressing these plagues is the focus of the war.3. Customer satisfaction is a curse in disguise. The overwhelming need is to thrill your customers/clients. Your Company Sucks pulls back the curtain on business performance to reveal the four reasons businesses decline. It identifies your company's red flags, and provides a powerful and innovative methodology to transition from failure to flourish. It's not too late to turn your company around—go from sucking to soaring!
One of the biggest challenges for new managers is how to get the best out of each of their team members so they achieve superior results—and make you, the new manager, look good! In Bare Knuckle People Management authors Sean O’Neil and John Kulisek cut through the crap to show managers how to push their teams to success, not by following fluffy leadership training but by using the skills that got them promoted in the first place.Forget kumbayas or one-minute managing. The best people managers know that approaches that work great with one employee will be lost on the next. With the same irreverent and straightforward style they use in their management training workshops, O'Neil and Kulisek describe the 16 basic worker types you must learn to recognize, from The Badass to The Burnout, and how to customize your leadership style for each type.The authors encourage the readers to take pieces of what works from each of the sections and they also remind them to follow the gut instinct that got them to their new management position in the first place. Written in short, easily digestible sections, and both entertaining and insightful throughout, Bare Knuckle People Management is perfect for any manager pressed for time and in need of some straightforward advice.
It’s time to drop the rose-colored glasses and face the facts: most new businesses fail, with often devastating consequences for the would-be entrepreneur.The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA TODAY bestseller The Entrepreneur Equation helps you do the math before you set down the entrepreneurial path so that you can answer more than just «Could I be an entrepreneur?» but rather «Should I be an entrepreneur?». By understanding what it takes to build a valuable business as well as how to assess the risks and rewards of business ownership based on your personal circumstances, you can learn how to stack the odds of success in your favor and ultimately decide if business ownership is the best possible path for you, now or ever.Through illustrative examples and personalized exercises, tell-it-like-it-is Carol Roth helps you create and evaluate your own personal Entrepreneur Equation as you:• Learn what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur in today's competitive environment.• Save money, time and effort by avoiding business ownership when the time isn't right for you.• Identify and evaluate the risks and rewards of a new business based on your goals and circumstances.• Evaluate whether your dreams are best served by a hobby, job or business.• Gain the tools that you need to maximize your business success. The Entrepreneur Equation is essential reading for the aspiring entrepreneur. Before you invest your life savings, invest in this book!
This book is important to help an international audience understand the cultural peculiarities behind the Scandinavian “success story”. It is also vital that Scandinavians themselves read this book to help them understand the market reforms that are essential for a successful future.
Price controls across many sectors are currently being hotly debated. New controls in the housing market, more onerous minimum wages, minimum prices for alcohol, and freezes on energy prices are very high up the agenda of most politicians at the moment. Even without any further controls, wages, university fees, railway fares and many financial products already have their prices at least partly determined by politicians rather than by supply and demand in the market. Indeed, barely a sector of the UK economy is unaffected in one way or another by government controls on prices. This book demonstrates why economists do not like price controls and shows why they are widely regarded as being amongst the most damaging political interventions in markets. The authors analyse, in a very readable fashion, the damage they cause. Crucially, the authors also explain why, despite universal criticism from economists, price controls are so popular amongst politicians.
This paper discusses how wars of ideas can be waged, using the author's extensive experience, both as director general of the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) and at other classical liberal think tanks. John Blundell begins his stimulating collection of published essays, reviews and introductions by showing how the founders of the IEA successfully fought the conventional planning wisdom of the 1960s and 1970s, providing the ideas which, by the 1980s and 1990s, had brought about increased freedom and a revival in the use of markets. He draws lessons from those days and then surveys the contemporary scene, showing how the anti-liberal ideas emerging now are different from those which prevailed in the early years of the IEA. As well as giving a valuable view of the IEAs development in the past, these essays also offer advice on how to continue winning in the new circumstances of the present. Waging the War of Ideas has been constantly in demand since it was first published in 2001. This new and expanded edition contains three new chapters and is introduced by Professor Walter Williams.
Nobody who has even a passing acquaintance with economics could fail to realise that Western governments are highly indebted. Current generations have been consuming at the expense of future generations. However, just how indebted are we? The government measures how much it has borrowed to meet past spending commitments, but it does not measure how much money it needs to meet all the future pensions and healthcare promises it has made to tomorrow’s older generations. Furthermore, no funds have been set aside to provide for these costs. Governments are allowed to produce accounting information in such a cavalier fashion, using methods that would be illegal for private sector companies. Fortunately, though, scholars have been able to examine the detail of government policy and the financial commitments of future governments in order to determine just how indebted we are. This IEA publication brings such calculations to life by showing by how much spending will need to be cut and taxes raised in order to make the government’s fiscal position sustainable. This work should be of interest to politicians, to students and teachers of economics and, indeed, all who are interested in public policy and the sustainability of Western economies.