For over twenty years, Michael Doiley has been empowering others to live the life of their dreams. His website and this book, guide the reader in becoming the joyous 'author' of his/her own life. London based Michael, is a proud father and proud husband; a terrorist siege survivor and life-saver. His extensive travels and detailed study of some of the planet's most diverse individuals has culminated in the creation of the 10 Principles of The Best Possible You. These principles form the concise route to enduring genuine success in the outside world, whilst simultaneously delivering sincere inner peace and contentment for the world within. Back from the brink of bailiffs, bancruptcy and bereavement, Michael Doiley's message is loud and clear…"You are more than just a body!" His story as well as the many historical and modern day accounts within the book will leave you in no doubt that there is a grand life to be had by those willing to open up to The Best Possible You.
Being a mother who was responsible for raising two children, balancing a career and struggling with abuse, financial burdens and numerous obstacles, Peggy discovered a ‘key’ to happiness and success. Struggling for so many years before becoming an entrepreneur, Peggy developed a strategy to eliminate fears and overcome obstacles. She demonstrates how the principles of the law of attraction correlate with the tools and techniques of hypnosis, NLP, and life coaching. Follow along with her on an aviation journey where she applied those techniques to also eliminate her fear of heights and flying. She incorporates personal stories with educational material and historical events that support how she arrived at her destination. Peggy’s lessons in life depict how you can conquer your own adversities and create a positive outcome from a negative situation. Her life signifies that we all have a hidden saboteur that causes desolation and we all have an inner strength to withstand that opposition. Peggy’s own driving force was being the sole benefactor of her two children. You only have one life…one opportunity…for happiness and success. Everyone should radiate with enthusiasm for life…I do and so should you!!Peggy Caruso is passionate about helping people overcome obstacles and eliminate fears. Her expertise in personal and business development originated from multiple career experiences and entrepreneurship. Personally enduring adversities, at every level, she provides knowledge and compassion to adequately assist any individual in achieving happiness and success. Please contact her via email @ [email protected] to sign up for a free newsletter.Peggy is certified as a Master Life Coach, an Advanced Hypnotherapist, and NLP (Neuro-Linguistics Programming) Master Practitioner. She and her husband, Denny, own and operate a vintage aircraft restoration business and a real estate company. She was previously the successful owner of two restaurants and an additional real estate business. It was her life changing experiences as a proud mother/grandmother that provided the encouragement to write this book.
LAUNCH SALE – 60% OFF! This book is to help serious teens make real money in business. Have you ever been confused about starting a business?Have no idea where to start?I did too! At the start of my journey in business, I was lost and frustrated. One day I decided to step up, read books non-stop and interview every expert I knew.After that period of research I launched Local Advancers, a clothing company that is now sold in several stores and shipped worldwide everyday. Today, I'm 16 years old and running 3 thriving companies. I'm also extremely excited to share with you, my 4 keys to doing big things at a young age. This book has already received positive reviews and praise from other successful entrepreneurs. REG: $4.99TODAY ONLY: $1.99
I have been involved in meditation from an early age when I started to learn martial arts in the 1980’s. I needed to participate in many tasks and I needed strength and wisdom – meditation was the perfect mysterious world for me. It would appear to me that for some people meditation is the belief that one must sit in a lotus position with their eyes closed. Others may believe it is connected to the holiness or the spirituality world. Individuals seeking spirituality might look into various disciplines of meditation without having any idea of what they are looking for. One must realize that meditation is to think in a controlled manner, it is to decide exactly how one wishes to direct their mind for that period of time.
The consciousness raising result of shared experiences and excursions toward Enlightenment. A journey of the mind through a ten year experience of studies in practical philosophy, meditation and sailing with friends, family and alone aboard a small sailboat on Long Island Sound.
Sri Aurobindo was very emphatic in stating that only he could write truly about himself; but he never wrote any comprehensive or systematic account of his life. Only in his correspondence with his disciples and others he sometimes explained points by incidentally referring to some event in his own life or some experience in his own Yogic development. Also on a few occasions he corrected misleading statements concerning him published in some journals and books and gave notes about some points in his life to three of his biographers who had submitted their manuscripts to him for verification. Some of this material has been compiled and presented in a systematic arrangement. In addition, statements by the Mother about Sri Aurobindo and his life and work were added.
What precisely happens at the time of death is a question that theologians have struggled over for centuries but have never answered satisfactorily. The response to this question that Ladislaus Boros gives in his monumental synthesis, The Mystery of Death , is that in death we meet Christ fully for the first time and in doing so attain to full consciousness and freedom. It is therefore only in the moment of death than humans are able to elect for or against their eternal salvation. In other words, death is a kind of judgment day, but it is we ourselves who pass judgment on ourselves. In her introduction and commentary, Cynthia Bourgeault argues passionately that Ladislaus Boros represents a necessary link to understanding the radical theology of Teilhard de Chardin. She presents Boros as a “powerful potential bridgebuilder. Standing firmly on the shoulders of his celebrated Jesuit mentor Karl Rahner, and highly skilled in the scholastic discourse that Teilhard himself eschewed, he is able to mediate an illuminating dialogue between Teilhard and the greater Christian theological tradition—not, as is so often the case in so much of contemporary Teilhardian scholarship, by secularizing Teilhard’s thought or draping it in current evolutionary jargon, but by piercing to the very marrow of Teilhard’s Christic mysticism and carrying it to an even more brilliant degree of spiritual luminosity.”
Many people believe in angels, but few can define these enigmatic spirits. Now visionary theologian Matthew Fox and acclaimed biologist Rupert Sheldrake – pioneers in modern religious thinking and scientific theory – launch a groundbreaking exploration into the ancient concept of the angel and restore dignity, meaning, and joy to our time-honored belief in these heavenly beings. The guides on the journey: voices of classical religious thought and the startling revelations of modern physics and cosmology The authors have collectively published over 50 books, translated into many languages and selling more than 250000 books. Both authors have devoted readerships to whom the authors will promote the book Creating a profound, intelligent vision of angels for the next millennium, Fox and Sheldrake chart new territory in the relationship between religion and science
This little book of information guarntees to deliver the most vital answer ever for correcting the many,many problems of family heartbreak around the world. The real answer most never find because it is too simple. Become a voice of experience by proveing it to yourself.