Sri Aurobindo writes, that the ego‘s factories and marts surround the beautiful temple of the soul. The soul is a spark, a portion of the Divine and the centre of light in our being. Being divine in its nature, its qualities and powers are also divine. Beauty, harmony, love, joy and other verities of the Divine Truth are present wherever the soul is awake making the chamber of the soul a veritable temple. But we do not normally have access to this temple for around the soul there are formations of the ego, of the desire-self which errects its clumsy edifice of cravings, claims, deceits and falsehood shutting out the soul from sight. And these constructions are prolific, they go on plying their trade and convert our being into a smoky thoroughfare where every passing desire, passion, ambition is welcomed, battened and multiplied. An entire removal of this separative ego-sense is an essential aim of our Yoga. If any ego is to remain in us for a while, it is only a form of it which knows itself to be a form and is ready to disappear as soon as a true centre of consciousness is manifested or built in us. That true centre is a luminous formulation of the one Consciousness and a pure channel and instrument of the one Existence. A support for the individual manifestation and action of the universal Force, it gradually reveals behind it the true Person in us, the central eternal being, an everlasting being of the Supreme, a power and portion of the transcendent Shakti.
I feel fortunate that I have received a great deal of love in my family and my goal is to return that love. I acknowledge all of you who have taken time to read this book, LIVING IN THE LIGHT I've shared my personal stories and I personally feel there is something greater than myself… there is a spiritual power that if we call upon it,  it will help us and I know many of you that may read this story have had unfortunate experiences… well, forgive… forget…let go and move on and dare to be a person of love.  So,  I acknowledge you the reader…I pray  you share this story with others…my goal and dream for  the book, LIVING IN THE LIGHT to  go out around the world and change lives.
To state the obvious the Universe is infinite and is made up of everything that we can know, it is made up of everything that we do not yet know and it is also made up of everything that we possibly can not know. But the beauty is that although nobody knows what we do not yet know, and any body might stumble upon knowing that which we thought we can not know. That any body is also a some body and that some body might be me or you. We all as fellow human beings, upon our delicious erotic exotic mother earth, are equipped to enjoy her cosmic beauty, are available to be nurtured by her abundance and to be healed by her infinite unconditional love. But we are not just enjoying a life adventure upon our planet we are also in a world. The world that we are in is created by every being who is alive and is also flavored by everyone who was alive. We all as a species have created our world that we live in, upon our planet, and have created a collective adventure that does not always seem to make sense. As a matter of fact it could be seen that the whole world of our making is quite mad and presents for we all, all sorts of possible harsh challenges, all sorts of potential delights, all sorts of non sense and lots of things that make you go «mmmmmmm».
Surrender to a New Sound is a collection of poems that came through me between 2016 – 2019. There are 20+ small to medium poems that enter into spaces about consciousness, rebirthing, manifestation and relationships. These pieces weave together to create a story. A story of a mind growing, shedding and integrating. This is the first book of poems I am releasing into the world. I am so thankful for these words and how they allowed me to communicate my needs and fears, through creation. Much Love, Mariah
The author felt compelled to write this book after his experiences with a secret group of psychic people called Image Carries This fresh and long overdue revised version of Image Carriers will hold you spellbound to the very end. And by popular demand, the author goes into more detail about one’s elusive Other Self, a cosmic copy of who you truly are. Find out more about this vital component of your existence! Read along and try to decipher hidden clues about what is really going on behind the scenes, as you join a secret group of people trying to unlock the pieces of an international puzzle that will leave you at the edge of your seat. This book will take you on an adventure through secret meetings, paranormal experiences and mystical phenomena. This clandestine group led the unsuspecting author into a hidden world rich in mysticism, psychological enlightenment and elite deception. This book will test your beliefs about life and death and offer possibilities you may not have thought possible. Learn the shocking SECRET behind the LIFE-AFTER-DEATH discovery.
Don Talbott was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at the age of 41. He and his wife, Christy, spent the next decade advocating for Alzheimer's research and support for families touched by this horrible disease. Don and Christy have been involved in several studies at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. In 2017, their story was included in a nationwide PBS documentary, «Alzheimer's: The Caregiver's Perspective.» They have received numerous awards for their dedicated advocacy and support of Alzheimer's research.<br /><br />Knowing his dad’s last item on his Bucket List was to write his story, Kyle sat down to record his dad’s words about life, experiences, and his true thoughts before and during his journey with Alzheimer’s disease. Kyle combined his dad’s stories, ideas, and experiences with his unedited poems to produce Don’s book. <br /><br />Divine intervention is the only explanation we have to describe Don’s poetry and his ability to share his journey with Kyle through this devastating disease. Looking past the Alzheimer’s stare, friends and family still see him present…the man one cannot help but love.
the light of lord, by parry. JOHN. D .Rocefeller. <br /><br />it is the holly book for my religion
This book contains parental advise which addresses the trust issues facing our teens and youth's decision to chose a true friend as they grow in the path of success.
When Life really gets hard, there is usually an urge to give up or stop believing. This happens to everyone both great and small, young and old, poor or rich. The Battle of Faith is fought every single day of our lives. There are days we easily believe and on other days we struggle to believe, most especially when deadlines draw closer or when it looks like a long time has elapsed yet there’s no improvement in our situations.<br /><br />In The Battle of Faith, Samuel shares some keys that can help you trust God even when everything around you looks negative. God wants you to trust him not just because of what he said, but rather because of who He is.
SANGUINE MOON, by Australian author, poet, philosopher, painter and singer songwriter, Keri McInerney is a book of original philosophy and wisdom. Keri shares her inner most thoughts, best advice and philosophy on life.<br /><br />Her words of wisdom, will touch your heart, heal you, and help you to understand why, experiences in this lifetime, can either weaken you, or make you stronger.<br /><br />Author, Keri McInerney, is a deep thinker and also a very spiritual person. She is an empath, who connects deeply to the world around her.<br /><br />“I feel other people’s emotions and for the most, have also experienced, much of my own pain and struggle. You learn so much from your own struggle’.<br /><br />‘’s a lesson. Learn your lesson and carry it well’.<br /><br />SANGUINE MOON, will bring you hope, comfort and clarity, to help you find your own soul pathway.<br /><br />“Enjoy this journey of the soul!”