“Forgiveness is elusive, mysterious, primal…an idea and an ache, which is rooted in existential concerns. But too often forgiveness is presented as a simplistic valentine celebrating New Age pieties: exhorting us to forgive and criticizing those who cannot as spiritual underachievers,†notes Helen Whitney. “My intention is to complicate this vitally important subject and to explore not only the power of forgiveness, but its limitations and dangers.†This book addresses the act of forgiveness, which is a theological principle central to all major religions, but is more and more frequently leaving the church, synagogue and mosque and hitting the fractious streets. Inevitably its new role in the world raises serious and complex questions: why is forgiveness in the air today; what does that say about us and the times we live in; what are its power, its limitations and in some instances its dangers; has it been cheapened or deepened … or both? Forgiveness: A Time to Love and a Time to Hate seeks to shed insight into the light and darkness – the presence and absence – of forgiveness. Forgiveness: A Time to Love and a Time to Hate illuminates the spontaneous demonstration of forgiveness following the 2006 shooting of Amish children in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania; the struggle of ’60s radicals to cope with the consequences of violent acts of protest; the shattering of a family after the mother abandons her husband and children and then returns, seeking forgiveness; the legacy of post-apartheid Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings in South Africa; the penitential journey of modern Germany, coming to terms with its history; and stories of survivors of the Rwandan genocide.
Penelope «Jaxx» Faure is part computer scientist specializing in large databases, data distribution algorithms and programming. Another part is psychologist with clinical training as well as specialized psychological test theory and testing. Using her long experience as businesswoman, teacher, trainer, as well as utilizing years of meditation, and garnering related teachings and experiences, she puts a new edge on the meaning of wealth visualization and how to do it. Melding the latest mind/body theories with meditation she moves past the usual practices to offer new ways and insights into wealth visualizing and materialization for the newcomer. Programming the subconscious to actualize wealth though not trivial, is doable. She offers unique insight into the problems and points the way to solutions in this book.
In this powerful new self-help guide, Sharon Buckingham, professional psychotherapist, has compiled a comprehensive and yet easy to read manual for defeating depression once and for all. The strategies are built on years of practical experience and in-depth research. While other self-help books champion a singularly focused approach, Sharon describes how various therapeutic techniques can work together to augment one another and build a formidable action plan. The book integrates the effective methods of drug treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy, narrative therapy, solution-focused therapy, exercise and spiritual approaches into a powerful array of strategies that will work with individuals of every personality and type.
Memories of Hell: Visions of Heaven tells the story of a young girl who, despite a violent childhood, allows her resilient spirit to envision a world without suffering. On the beautiful island of Saint Lucia, Esther grows up with the ugly side of human nature. Wounded, and with the odds stacked against her, Esther is “sleepwalking†through life. Recognizing that her fragmented soul seeks healing, Esther begins a journey around the world, where she learns to love herself again. Esther is now determined to help others find their way, from a world of continued violence, to a place of healing. This powerful testimony offers encouragement and alternatives to those trapped in the crushing grip of violence. Through the voice of a survivor, Esther teaches us how to break the cycle, and move to the incredible power of forgiveness.
Milline on surm? Kas surmajärgses maailmas on paik, kus oma elu üle järele mõtelda? Kas seal antakse elatud elule hinnanguid? Kas seal süüakse, juuakse ja magatakse? Kas seal on poed ja raha? Kas karma on olemas? Kuidas on võimalik uuesti sündides vältida oma eelmise elu unustamist? Ken Morita on vestelnud Hiinas ja Jaapanis inimestega, kes enda väitel mäletavad oma eelmist elu ning surmale järgnenud sündmusi hauataguses maailmas … ning oskavad neile küsimustele vastata. Ken Morita on sündinud 1951. aastal Jaapanis, õppinud Sophia ülikoolis elektrotehnikat ja elektroonikat, töötanud mõnda aega Fujitsu korporatsioonis ning seejärel rajanud 26-aastaselt oma IT-firma. Talle on omistatud Jaapani välis- ja kommunikatsiooniministri autasu tema loodud kommunikatsioonitarkvara eest. 43-aastaselt asutas Morita üleloomulike nähtuste uurimise labori ja on sestsaadik reisinud mööda maailma, et uurida lähemalt nähtusi, mida teadus seni seletada ei suuda. Samuti on Morita kätt proovinud filmirežissööri ja laulukirjutajana. Käesolev teos “Eludevaheline maailm” on Ken Morita neljas raamat elust pärast surma ja taassünnist.
This is a book based upon the author's own experiences of synchronistic events and dreams over seventy years, from which he carved out his own path, philosophy, self-reliance and responsibility. This led him to understand life's infinite possibilities and abundance – should we take the time to contemplate one's inner journey with gratitude and compassion for all sentient beings, with redemption even for what appears to be the most vile one can imagine… By taking stock of daily events, one realises he or she is in the right lane travelling in the right direction on life's highway. The transit stops being just inner peace and happiness, the destination beyond our wildest imagination.
Love is to the spiritual Universe as gravity is to the physical world. An understanding of love as the only true power, the fundamental and basic structure of all life and being, leads to a new view of life and truth that leads to wholeness, happiness and healing.<br /> <br /><b><i>Love Equals Power</i></b> provides an entertaining and compelling discussion of the big questions of life, offering answers that are both radical and inspiring. Drawing on her own lifelong experience with spiritual healing as well as her wide-ranging research of different spiritual practices and theories, Eileen McBride argues that all true knowledge lies within us and is accessed through love. <b><i>Love Equals Power</i></b> provides not only the ideas but also the practical strategies to harness all the power needed to find spiritual solutions to human problems, to heal our bodies and lives, and to create the life we truly desire.
Три истории, три жанра. Гримуары – ключики для овладения сверхъестественной силой. Герой случайно находит книгу, раскрывающую все тайны божественного преображения. Вместе с друзьями он побеждает вселенское зло. Целеустремленность, юмор и магия. Подземка – индивидуальный взгляд автора на известную тему пост-апокалипсиса. Хаска – Сумасшедшая любовь московского мажора и шаманки- тунгуски.
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