
Различные книги в жанре Физика

Seeking Peace

Tiera Harding

World War III rages on Earth, so bloody and violent humanity is at risk of wiping itself out. A desperate plan is formed. 412 pilgrims from around the world are gathered and trained. After months of preparation the S. S. Amity is launched. It's mission: To seek out a new home, far from the war-torn Earth.

Начало бесконечности. Объяснения, которые меняют мир

Дэвид Дойч

Британский физик Дэвид Дойч – не только один из основоположников теории квантовых вычислений, но и философ, стремящийся осмыслить «вечные вопросы» человечества в контексте, заданном развитием науки. Стержневой вопрос данной книги: есть ли предел для человеческого прогресса? Ответ выражен в заглавии: мы стоим у начала бесконечного пути, по которому поведет нас, выдвигая догадки и подвергая их критике, наш универсальный разум. Мы встали на этот путь в эпоху Просвещения, но с него легко сбиться под влиянием ошибочных философских идей, к которым автор причисляет многие течения мысли – от позитивизма до постмодернизма, не говоря уже о религии. Примером отступления от пути разума в науке предстает у него копенгагенская интерпретация квантовой механики. Разумную альтернативу ей Дойч видит в интерпретации Эверетта, из которой вытекает картина мира как мультивселенной. Но сфера интересов автора не ограничивается наукой. Опираясь на идеи Карла Поппера и понятие разумного объяснения, Дойч формулирует теорию познания, из которой выводит существование объективной истины в этике и эстетике, а также политические принципы, способствующие неограниченному прогрессу. © Storysidе

Почему мы существуем? Величайшая из когда-либо рассказанных историй

Лоуренс Краусс

Лоуренса Краусса иногда называют Ричардом Докинзом от точных наук. Он серьезный физик-исследователь и один из самых известных в мире популяризаторов науки, с работами которого российский читатель только начинает знакомиться. Уже подзаголовок его книги подчеркивает, что нарисованная наукой картина мира превзошла по величественности все религиозные эпосы. Это грандиозное повествование разворачивается у Краусса в двух планах: как эволюция Вселенной, которая в итоге привела к нашему существованию, и как эволюция нашего понимания устройства этой Вселенной. Через всю книгу проходит метафора Платоновой пещеры: шаг за шагом наука вскрывает иллюзии и движется к подлинной реальности, лежащей в основе нашего мира. Путеводной нитью у Краусса служит свет – не только свет разума, но и само излучение, свойства которого удивительным образом переосмысляются на всех этапах развития науки – от механики через теорию электромагнитных волн к теории относительности, квантовой электродинамике, физике элементарных частиц и современной космологии.

Celestial Harvest

James Mullaney

This book describes over 300 celestial wonders that can be viewed with common binoculars and low-power «backyard» telescopes incorporating refractors and reflectors.In addition to such showpieces as the Andromeda Galaxy, the largest and brightest of all galaxies after the Milky Way, and the Blue Snowball, one of the autumn sky's outstanding planetary nebulas, over 20 other special objects are listed and characterized, many of which are visible to the unaided eye on a dark, clear night.The sun, moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and other members of the earth’s solar system are also described, as are such bright asteroids as Ceres, Juno, and Vesta; open star clusters, diffuse nebulas, supernova remnants, spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and a host of other astronomical phenomena. An abbreviated descriptive format is used to accommodate as much information on observation as possible for both field and armchair use.

The End of Days – Planet X and Beyond

David Meade

Is there a conspiracy of secret societies that intend to control the destiny of the world? Are we in a short pause between the end of the Church Age and the beginning of the Day of the Lord? How does Planet X fit into this? <br> <br>Does North Korea have hidden plans which have been uncovered? What are they and what are they targeting? In this startling book, David Meade explains what their ultimate intent is and what their plans for the United States involve. The truth is finally out on the Trump Dossier and I cover it all in this new book.<br> <br>Divided into Four Sections, this book first covers the Deep Secrets of the Universe, including the New World Order and the deep mysteries of space. In the next section EMP survival is covered &ndash; this is the most important type of event that people need to currently prepared for, since an EMP event can occur by an act of war by a hostile nation, or by means of massive solar flares sending a Coronal Mass Ejection to our planet.<br> <br>Section three is a discussion of the importance of preparation and survival. Prepping for survival doesn&#39;t cost &ndash; it pays. I cover volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and earthquakes, as well as emergency food and water survival scenarios. What will it take to escape from or survive a volcanic explosion, a tsunami or a major earthquake? <br> <br>Section four is a review of the literature on Planet X for those who are not familiar with it &ndash; it is in an Appendix and is optional reading for those who know about it.<br> <br>If you&#39;re ready for a breathtaking glimpse into the other side, this book reads like a page-turner. It can guide, protect and educate you like no other current book on the market.<br> <br>If you are seeking knowledge, this book is for you. If you have an open mind and an open heart, it&#39;s for you. It reads like a thriller. People love a mystery, and that is the reason why people love my books. This book in particular tells you everything &ndash; everything in one volume.

Hell's Roundabout

Benjamin Vance

Science Fiction novel purporting the Earth&#39;s magnetosphere is capable of transporting people and objects incompletely through mineral deposits in the Earth&#39;s mantle. <br><br>Complete carnage at several automobile wreckage sites in the same general area prompts an astute law enforcement officer to investigate improbable outcome of the tragedies. Geologists and other scientists are brought in to render an opinion on how sun flares, coronal mass ejections and lightning can hamper, interfere with and even exacerbate electromagnetic spectra on earth, and by utilizing earth&#39;s magnetite deposits initiate molecular breakdown and transfer of materiel through and within the earth.<br><br>Finally in the absence of a proper natural explanation, the investigators turn to the possibility of alien intervention and construction of transporting and DNA modifying technology that is responsible for the continuing tragedies.


Benjamin Vance

Adamonde is an ADULT Science Fiction novel about a female alien who is transported to Earth from one of only three inhabited planets in the universe. She has been given unlimited knowledge to assist in saving Earth from a slide into oblivion. She is rescued upon her arrival by a young man who is attempting suicide at the time and together they find healing and eventually deep love. <br><br>This is a story about unselfish sentiments, enduring love, murder and treachery. A large Swiss pharmaceutical company hires assassins and attempts to capture or kill Adamonde to attain her unique biological properties for monetary gain. Adamonde and her eventual husband find help in the Mormon Church, with the government of a small Caribbean island, with the World Health Organization and with many others in their quest to simply be left alone to enjoy each other, raise their children and teach earth scientists how to extend life and reduce suffering among the population of Earth.<br><br>In their frantic search for peace they stumble across a developing race of alien hybrids on earth who have been propagating and living a secret and comfortable life, thanks to another of Adamonde&#39;s kind who came to earth over a hundred years earlier. The two aliens quickly become friends and their families combine to combat a group of killers hired by the pharmaceutical company.

Healing Your Mind and Soul: Therapeutic Interventions in Quantum Reality

Garry Flint

In his groundbreaking book, Healing Your Mind and Soul, Flint approaches healing from the point of view of quantum reality. He creates a model of quantum reality, which explains ancestral influences, distant treatment, and the cause of our experience of reality. The model shows that we are all connected and created in a logical and orderly relationship with one another to give us more happiness and less pain, which suggests a loving creation process. At the spiritual level, Flint uses the model to define the soul and to discuss prayer and afterlife.<br><br>He defines Wisdom as a rich resource in the hidden reality. It can be used to cause deep healing of many issues. Examples of the communication between the therapist and patient teaches the reader a way to treat intruding souls, ancestral fields, and to use. Wisdom to treat common issues. Other experimental interventions are given. <br><br>Healing Your Mind and Soul is an invaluable self-help guide that breaks important new therapeutic ground for both the health professional and the layperson.<br><br>Dr. Garry A. Flint is a psychologist with over 40 years of clinical experience. He has treated issues in the quantum fields for the last 15 years.<br><br>He is the author of three previous books, Emotional Freedom, A Theory and Treatment of Your Personality, and A Healing Legend, co-authored with Jo C. Willems.<br><br>&#39;a brave and provocative book&#39;<br>Lee Pulos, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.

Завтрак с Эйнштейном. Экзотическая физика повседневных предметов

Чад Орцель

Великолепная книга, погружающая нас в невероятный мир квантовой физики. Автор показывает, что «физика – везде, в каждой вещи, и никто не может объяснить физику лучше, чем Чад Орцель». Обыкновенный мир вокруг нас полон странных и загадочных явлений, и это объясняет физика. Орцель искусно выявляет и делает понятным самые сложные ее законы. Эта книга обязательна для чтения каждому, кто хочет объяснить себе принципы работы окружающего нас мира.

The History of Physics from 2000BCE to 1945

Sheldon J.D. Cohen

Physics is the science that deals with the properties and interrelationship of matter and energy. It studies mechanics, heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, radiation, and atomic structure. This tale stretches from 2000 BCE to 1945 and introduces the reader to the brilliant men and women from Thales of Miletos to Albert Einstein who working alone or collaboratively made it all possible.